Woman denied freezing eggs due to crohns

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 23, 2009
"There are times when individual need comes up against the inflexible principles of the law and the outcome seems unjustifiably harsh. This is just such a case – where a relatively modest claim based on individual clinical need was refused with no breach of public law principles. As it happens, since the Court rejected her case, the the young woman concerned has been offered private support for the therapy she was seeking. The case is nevertheless an interesting illustration of the sometimes difficult “fit” between principles of public law and the policy decisions behind the allocation of NHS resources."
I live in the UK so I heard all about this, it really doesn't do much for the NHS reputation when this sort of thing happens. Her doctors thought it would be fine, and that she had a valid claim, but the big-wigs on the health board said no. Unfortunatly, that's what happens to often here, our doctors try their best for us, but cost is often a massive barrier to many treatment options.

I am pleased to say though, that a private company has come forward and offered the young woman private treatment free of charge.
It's outrageous but I'm glad it worked out for her in the end. We have enough to deal with and none of us needs unnecessary hardship especially from the medical world which should be understanding.
I agree, and sadly, it's often the hard working Doctors and nurses who are blamed rather than the pen pushers who are really responsible.

Hopefully if there is a next time, they will have learnt from their mistakes and this will not happen to another innocent patient.