Working away, with Crohns.

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Sep 9, 2011
Hi guys, I hope I'm posting in the correct subforum, apologies if I'm not!

Currently I am on 6-weekly Infliximab/Remicade infusions, and whilst on a cruise ship, one of the staff asked me to apply for a job on board due to my work background.

Does anyone know if it's possible to receive infusions from the medical team onboard and if Infliximab can be stored for up to 6 months?

The longest I would be away from home would be 6 months, but obviously I would need my current infusion plan with me as I have active Crohns with no sign of remission.

If anyone knows anybody in the cruise industry with Crohns and serving on a ship could they please pm me and I will provide an email address to be contacted on.

Apologies for any typing errors, I'm using my phone.
Bump, this is VERY urgent as the job I'm trying to fill will be gone in a couple weeks and I'm nowhere near my doctor to ask them.

Apologies if bumping isn't allowed on this board.
it will be best asking your nurse/doctor. From what ive heard remicade needs training to administer due to possible side effects and the way it needs to be mixed. Also it has a very short shelf life.

If this is important to you then you may want to think about trying Humira. Why dont you apply for the job, get interviewed then decide whether it is worth going for (will give you time to find out more info on the drugs as well)

Also try not to bump as if you have less than 3 replies you can ask for additional help
Heard back from my friend. He asked me a little more info on Remicade and says that he's got an international crew onboard his cruise this time. But, he'll ask around for me.
Thank you to both of you, and please extend my thanks to your friend, Cross-stitch gal.

If possible could you PM me the line that your friend works for? I'm hopefully going to one of the major lines, and if it's the same one I'm going to, that would make the transition even easier if I knew specific company policy.

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