My 21-year old son was recently diagnosed with severe Crohn's disease in June 2012. He has responded well to taking Cimzia, but I worry about the side effects, lymphoma mostly. I've noticed significant hair loss; and, though, Cimzia looks like it's helping him because he feels really good, I am worried that the hair loss is a sign that the Cimzia is harming him. His doctor is advising him to also begin taking Methotrexate because the combination of the two medications will double how long the Cimzia works. Methotrexate, however, increases the chance of getting lymphoma because both Cimzia and Methotrexate lower a person's immune system. My son also had GI problems when he was 10 years old; and, at that time, a doctor thought he had Crohn's disease. When his father and I took him to get a second opinion because he wasn't getting better with the first doctor, the second doctor told us he definitely did not have Crohn's disease. He didn't take any medications when he was small and never had a problem until now (over 10 years). His current doctors think the second doctor when he was little was wrong, and he's had Crohn's disease since he was 10. His father and I wonder if he can combat his Crohn's disease through diet, since he wasn't on any medication for 10 years and was fine. His doctors, however, insist that he needs to take these medications. The hair loss and possible known side effects are scaring me, and we wonder if he needs to be on them. We worry, of course, that stopping the Cimzia will cause him to have GI problems again. We don't know what we should do! Our son also has had Type 1 diabetes since he was 8 and already has a lowered immune system.