Hi FLMOM and :welcome:
So sorry to hear your daughter is having a hard time of it,
. I can't offer any first hand advice about non response to treatment but there are many here that would be able share their experiences but perhaps not so many with children. There are members here that have had or are embarking on stem cell transplants, I don't know if there have been trials on transplants in children though. You may get a better response to this question if you also post it in the treatment or general discussion forum.
My son (17) was diagnosed last December and the time taken to diagnose my son as compared to my daughter was poles apart! Sarah went undiagnosed for 18 months and ended up requiring emergency surgery (aged 14 at the time), she was essentially diagnosed on the operating table.
Matt on the other hand had a week of feeling off about mid way through last November, I'm talking really, really mild symptoms, but I asked the GP to do inflammatory markers (CRP & ESR) anyway never expecting anything would be wrong! They came back slightly elevated, they repeated them the next week and they were higher. He had 2 urgent ultrasounds then an urgent referral to my daughters GI. He did an endoscopy and colonscopy and whammo! within a couple of weeks of his first symptoms we had a diagnosis of CD on the 1st of December. My head is still spinning! :lol:
I feel your pain on the waiting game, it's the pits!
I hope your little guy gets some answers soon and they are all good, good luck and welcome aboard Mom!
Take care, :hug:
Dusty xxx