I have crohns. My lil man who is 3 has not beem dx with anything ..but knowing my history i worry.
This mornig around 3 am he woke up saying he had to poop and couldnt. THEM 15 MIN. later he threw up. He jas been getting stomach pain on amd off and whem stomach hurting he throws up. HE has no fever, direhha the vomit is clear...and he has tried to poop again witj no sucess.
I worry about partial obstruction (i have had SEVERAL of these)
Mommas...what is ur thought?
O..he also complains of back pain?
This mornig around 3 am he woke up saying he had to poop and couldnt. THEM 15 MIN. later he threw up. He jas been getting stomach pain on amd off and whem stomach hurting he throws up. HE has no fever, direhha the vomit is clear...and he has tried to poop again witj no sucess.
I worry about partial obstruction (i have had SEVERAL of these)
Mommas...what is ur thought?
O..he also complains of back pain?