Worried momma...obstruction or stomach bug??

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May 27, 2012
I have crohns. My lil man who is 3 has not beem dx with anything ..but knowing my history i worry.

This mornig around 3 am he woke up saying he had to poop and couldnt. THEM 15 MIN. later he threw up. He jas been getting stomach pain on amd off and whem stomach hurting he throws up. HE has no fever, direhha the vomit is clear...and he has tried to poop again witj no sucess.

I worry about partial obstruction (i have had SEVERAL of these)

Mommas...what is ur thought?

O..he also complains of back pain?
Could be a stomach bug, but if you are worried trust your momma instincts and go to the dr or hosp. Better to be safe than sorry IMO. Poor little guy, I hope its just a tummy bug and he's feeling better real soon. ((((hugs))))
This time of year I'd lean towards virus. But if you're worried call the Pedi and see if he can be fit in today. Hope he feels better soon!
Our GI was able to tell on exam that M was obstructed. I would go to a GI or ER if unable to be seen quickly to have peace of mind.

I hope it's a virus!!!
I say go to the ER. When these little ones repeatedly vomit they can become easily dehydrated. Dehydration is dangerous for small children. Once in the ER they can rehydrate him and figure out what is going on.
I took him to ped. Not classic sign of gi bug and concerned of obstruxtion, appendix and so.ething about instestine going inside one anoher?? Went for an xray...patiently waiting. Eh. So worried
Really weird thing...Hes fine?? Doc said if that whole eposide starts again take him right to er?? I have talked to plenty of people whos had the GI bug and it was not what he had His ped seems to agree with that..eh. THANKS EVERYONE
My daughter had that issue once. Her's was extreme constipation. They did an x-ray at the ER and she was really backed up with stool, that was causing the vomiting. She was prone to constipation, and I knew she hadn't gone in a while so it made sense. If you aren't seeing those same issues then a virus seems possible. She was 3 years old at the time too, so almost too little to get a good description of symptoms. Always better safe than sorry but once we knew her pattern, we were able to keep things from getting to that point.

Hope your little guy is feeling better!!
Poor little guy. My Grace suffers from constipation. Never easy.

I hope he gets back to normal soon.

Did they say he was constipated? Weird...but as you are quickly finding out kids can come up with the weirdest things. I hope this was a one off and he is feeling better soon.
Did they say he was constipated? Weird...but as you are quickly finding out kids can come up with the weirdest things. I hope this was a one off and he is feeling better soon.

No..his ped did a rectal exam to see if she felt hard stool or seen blood and that was negative. His xray didnt show no backing up either.

I myself found it very weird how it lefr as quickly as it came...and again...the ONLY symptoms he had was VERY bad Stomach pain , vomit clear fluids and was fine til next rpund of pain?? It personally reminded me of when i get partial obstructions. I DIS GET HIM to eat a pop cycle, a bite of meet amd a lick of ice cream. HE WANTES choc. Milk and was fine...but...still has not pooped?

I told ped i am still worried. When i was lil i had appendix issues and all test said it was fine...i was in pain for a year until a doc dexises to do exploetory and co.e to find out i have acute appendicitis and when he went in it was actually had exploded. I never got my crohns dx til last year ...so it took a very long time. (my gi npw belives i have had it somce he appendix issues).
Hi Fosterfamily, when my son first stuck I'll, they did an ultrasound to rule out appendix. Simple, and nonevasive. I hope it's just a tummy bug in your son's case. I'm sure you are on high alert, as you have Crohn's yourself. Take care!
With no clear signs of constipation I would start a symptom and food log with all the details....just in case it happens again. The more information and facts you have the easier it is to piece things together and get the docs listening.

I really hope it is just one of those weird kid things. My youngest has something similar but not as severe. She complains of stomach ache, general not feeling well, has to poo but can't and vomits. It happens every few months. No rhyme or reason. Her sister has Crohns so I am on high alert but GI isn't very much interested because as mysteriously as it comes it goes...and quickly. So I sit and wait and watch. If it picks up, I will ask her ped to run a fecal calprotectin test. Simple non invasive and really good at picking up intestinal inflammation. Maybe keep that one in your back pocket.
Really hope it's a one off thing. Maybe some weird virus. My first thoughts were constipation too, but glad everything has been ruled out xx