
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 21, 2012
HI Everyone, My name is Fiona, this is my first time here and a bit nervous.
I went to my docs end of Jan with long existing runny tummy(3 years and yes he did tell me off for leaving it so long). I had a CT scan done which picked up a 16cm terminal ileum. I have never been a big eater and am now at the stage if i eat anything somewhat solid that im in sever pain within about 10 mins and sitting on the loo within about 30 mins with sever tummy pains and we all know what else. If i live on a liquid diet im usually fine but sometimes I feel like something a bit more solid than liquid, I have lost a considerable amount of weight also.
I go for my camera test on the 29th March & am very worried what my results are going to say.
I lost my job because of poor porfamance due to being in the bathroom so much throughout the working day.
I have a Very understanding Husband which is great and I know this is not easy on him.
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Hi Fiona welcome to the forum :bigwave: No worries about joining with us, we are a great bunch and will help those who want and need it. Yes, leaving it so long could of spread the disease worse but what is done is done. IBD needs more awareness because it is not curable nor is it common knowledge. Mine is in the terminal Ileum, it is the common area, but not limited too. No one wants a total liquid diet, I would starve. Try and eat mashaed potatoes or soup, and keep a diary to see what bother you, to slow down the Diahreah try unsweetened apple sauce. You could have strictures, try not to worry stress is a culprit. Keep us posted on how you are doing. Welcome aboard!
Reading what you have said it cant get much worse. Learning what you have is bad but will at least help. I was like you (put it off for 5 years) until it got worse.

It can get worse but just read what others have put on this forum (especially the foods you cannot eat) and you'll defo be better than being alone. Just ask ask any questions you want. Anything you want to get off your chest is also good and anyhting you find interesting or funny is also good.
Hello Kiwi Fiona,
Like some of the rest of us, you put off the inevitable and hope it will get better.
It is a good thing that you are now in process of being investigated and which will lead to a diagnosis and treatment plan.
It is natural to be apprehensive about future tests and results,but it will lead to you feeling better.
It is great that you have a supportive husband
Keep us posted as to how you get on.
You may find it helpful to go to the diet section of the forum.
Have you tried the banana and rice diet?
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Hi Fiona and welcome to the forum, really pleased that you have decided to join us :) I agree with Pen about trying soft foods so you can at least feel like you are eating something. I would say perhaps prepare for the pill cam to confirm that there is inflammation going on inside based on your syptoms, do not panic though as this is something that can be treated with medication and symptoms can be eased with a liquid/ashed food diet as you have already found. I know it is easier said that done but try not to stress too much as this will aggrivate your tummy. It's good to hear you have a supportive hubby and I hope you can start to feel better soon. Keep us updated on how you get on.
Hi Kiwi Fiona! :welcome:

Like you, I put off the inevitable for years. My Crohns was also in the terminal ileum. What been done is done.At this point all you can do its move forward, so don't beat yourself up for not getting treated earlier. You don't need the stress from that.

This really is a great group and there is a type of freedom in knowing you are not alone in your IBD journey.

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