Would really welcome some advice pretty please xx

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Aug 13, 2011
Dublin ireland
Hey peeps,
this is only my second post to the forum and i'm so glad i found it :thumleft:
As i explained in my last post and i'll really try to keep it short !!! I'm currently in the middle of a mild flare up ater 10 years of remission:mad2:
Only when my lovely crohns returned it came back with the added pleasure of an annoying perianal fistula which i've had 3 ops on all including setons !! So i guess now i'm in the perianal crohns club:rosette1:
Anyway i hope you's could give me some advice as at my last appointment my doctor recommended i start either 6mp or humira in the hope that my condition settles down and maybe just maybe my fistula heals ....
somedays it really gets me down and i'm so blessed that i've 3 wonderful children and a hubby thats a true diamond and listens to my every worry xxx
To get to the point i came home and googled both options only to see the dreaded C word (cancer) pop up as a risk with both these meds ,
needless to say i was terrified and rang my nurse and asked for some advice,
she proceeded to tell me the risk with humira and lymphoma was 1/100 :shifty-t: which left me even worse
i really hope to hear some positive reassurance as i havent slept a wink and probably wont till i head back to clinic
sorry for the big long story and thanks so much if you've read it xx
loves and hugs from ireland
Hey Amy,

I know you saw the link I posted on Sabin's thread so you can see your nurse was way wrong!

I have 2 children with Crohns and they are both on Imuran. I hate the thought of them being on it with a passion and yes, it scares the bejesus out of me but I still see it as the lesser of two evils.
I guess I came into this from a different perspective than many do, that being seeing my daughter come within a whiskers breadth of losing her life to this disease. She was undiagnosed at he time and seeing what untreated Crohns is capable of really put the wind up me and I never want to visit those dark days again.

Also as someone else pointed out in the other thread, prolonged and uncontrolled inflammation comes with it's own risks of cancer as well. I know it's a bloody awful choice to make but from where I'm sitting, and with the type of crohns my kids have, I have to say that untreated crohns is far riskier than the drugs used to treat it.

Good luck hun and sending loads of hugs your way...:hug::hug::hug:

Dusty. :heart:
Im pretty sure everythign causes cancer nowadays. I do take a lot of the things they say with a pinch of salt as they have to note down any side effects that a person has during taking any medicine. It may be down to the drug or purely coincidence.

Personally I want a good life now and would take the risk of getting something later if I can live properly now.
Sarah and I have had good luck with Imuran, although we're having to make some adjustments recently and hopefully it will work out. It worked cleanly with no real issues for 7 years. I'm scared to death of Humira.
Hey thanks so much for your replys i probably have you's driven mad already and i'm only a newbie !!!! I did indeed see your link Dusty which prompted me to write this post ;-) I honestly think i cried hysterically when given the figure 1/100 them odds are just too high for me,your statistics in the report you posted i could live with xxx I understand that all meds carry risks i think i've spoke to my Gp a million times over it and he trys to reassure that everything has to be posted on the boxes nowadays ,
Never the less i honestly cant put up with these fistulas anymore there driving me nuts and i want rid now,sometimes you get so upset dealing with this but as they say chin up,life is a rollercoaster and i'm on for the ride hehe ,My daughter is my inspiration born 9 weeks early she herself has health problems and is on daily meds and honestly she's the strongest bravest person i know and never fails to make me smile xxx
Anyway back to the subject at hand i think i'll push for 6mp as they say it's best not too jump b4 u can swim ;-)
thanks again soooooooooooooooooooooo much
Hugs too u all
Amy xxxxxxxxx
Good luck hun and I so hope the meds give you the relief you need and deserve...:hug:

Awww, your daughter sounds amazing, it's no wonder you are so very proud of her!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx

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