Wow! Crohn's?? UGH!

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 24, 2010
Hello! I've recently been diagnosed after many years of thinking I just had IBS-D. Here's how it all went down.. lol

I went to the ER with upper stomach pain that went right thru to my back. I've never experienced this before. I'm glad my husband insisted I go because while in the ER, they did a CAT scan to check my gallbladder. During this test they found a portal vein thrombosis! Everyone was very shocked because I was 'healthy' in every way. Usually people who have liver disease, cirrhosis of the liver and are very sick get clots in this area.I was admitted immediately to the hospital to be put on heparin and coumadin for the blood clot. I was also put on Prilosec for my stomach pain.

After a few days in the hospital, I was released and a week later I went to a GI dr for the first time. After a brief talk with them, they decided to do an endoscopy and colonoscopy. I did end up having acid reflux and he said that when he did the colonoscopy, my large intestine looked very good but, my small intestine (ilium area) was full of inflamation and ulcers! He told me I had crohn's and did some biopsies to confirm it. Sure enough, it came back as 'severe'. I was very shocked and the dr just can NOT believe that I don't have more symptoms. He put me on Entocort EC right away and now wants me to go to 6MP which I am very nervous about. I just find it so hard to believe that I need such a strong med when I feel so good!? I do have a day once every 6 months or so with doubled-over pain. I always thought that was a 'stomach bug' or something. lol

Well, after meeting with the hematologist about my blood clot yesterday, he said he REALLY wants the GI dr to treat me aggressively because he believes the Crohn's caused the blood clot. He's all for the 6MP.

So.. here I am. I went from feeling pretty good (taking immodium on a fairly regular basis) to being diagnosed with a blood clot, acid reflux and now Crohn's all in 2 weeks! YIKES. Lots to get used to but, I feel VERY fortunate that they found the blood clot before any major problem. I've been told that they usually don't find a clot there until it's too late. I'll have an ultrasound in Dec to see what the clot is up to. Hopefully gone!!! I've been told that it can take months up to a year to dissolve. Scary!

Unfortunately, my sister's husband died of a bleed in his brain in January and left her and two little boys at home. He had terrible Crohn's for many years and was on coumadin because of a past blood clot. His coumadin level was WAY too high and there was nothing they could do to save him. Needless to say, I've learned how precious life is and how important it is to have a wonderful, supportive family!

I'm so happy to have all you here to talk with and learn from. It's hard for others to understand what we go thru sometimes! :)
Hi, and welcome to the forum. What a lot you've been through in only two weeks, but I am so glad to hear about what sounds like an excellent level of care as you've worked through so many issues seeming to arise all at once. Must have been scary hearing that you had a blood clot -- wonderful that it was found!!! Your statement about past symptoms caught my eye, because my mom gets the doubled-over pain once every 6 months or so; she has never pursued medical treatment for it, even after a colonoscopy suggested evidence of severe disease (in remission at time of investigation, however). I'm so glad that you are investigating your treatment options and looking at the reasons why it's been argued that it may be best to treat your Crohn's aggressively. You are the primary partner in your health care and doing your homework will be a huge help (as will that wonderful family!!!).

We're glad to have you here, even though maybe not the best circumstances have brought you to the forum. Take good care.
Hi...Pam?? Welcome!! My son has been on 6mp/50mg daily since early this year with no ill effects. That and/or the asacol have done a great job of keeping his crohns at bay thus far. Good luck to you!! Hope you stick around!!
Hi Pamy, :welcome:. WE know exactly how you feel about the disease being scary and all the drugs. I wished they had computers back when I was Dx, this place would of helped me so much in the beginning.

One thing I can tell you is, I have had a clot in my foot, and it went away. Many years ago, and having said this NO two people are the same.

Try not to take too much imodium, it can be harmful down the road. Questran helps, it controls the bile acids. Eat homemade apple sauce, bananas and rice. 6mp is something I have tried but it wasnt for me. Entocort is a very mild drug and it will help you and the reason the doctors are telling you to go on 6mp is to stop your body from attacking itself by lowering you immune system. It is a milder choice. Everyone here will experience those drugs one time in their life sooner or later. I hope you taking adequate Calcium and Vitamin d3.

Glad you found our community, great support and info here! Welcome aboard!:D
Good morning!! Thank you all very much for the warm welcome. I appreciate all the info everyone has to give. I'm feeling good (normal) as I felt before the diagnosis, although I'm not 'living on immodium' anymore. Maybe the Entocort is working? Yes, I do take Calcium w/ D. (my mom has a touch of osteo.)

I can't eat bananas. I had read an IBS forum several years ago and learned that they can 'go thru' some people and sure enough, when I cut them out of my daily diet, my tummy was better. I've also cut out Splenda recently. I would only have 3 packets a day but, felt so rumbly several hours later. ?? Always trying to figure out what helps!

I am sure the 6MP will be a good med to try next. To be honest, I'm worried about the hair loss some people have written about. I know that's vain of me but, it's just scary. (especially as a hairdresser) But, I'll deal with what comes. Healing the intestine and not getting another clot is the most important thing. Hair can be replaced!!! ;)

Have a good day. Hope to speak with some of you again! (I'll keep you posted on how the 6MP goes mid October. I have my appt on the 12th but, going to Aruba with the girls from the salon Oct.15th so, maybe I'll start as soon as I get home??

Hi Pam and :welcome:

I'm glad you found us. Whoa that's a lot to take in in 2 weeks! especially when you didn't really feel ill, I guess that's when it is most scary 'cause you're just not expecting it. I hope the 6MP works well for you. Stick around 'cause there's loads of info and support here for you. Good luck and welcome aboard!

All the best, :)
Oh wow, it sounds like you've had quite a BUSY few weeks! I don't know much about 6mp, but I was on encourt for a few days before they put me on prednisone. I hope in December they find out that it dissolved and all is good in that area of things. Also, I hope all other things work out for you! :) I know how rough it can be getting all that information within such a short time, then go from little to no medication to an compairable amount with your grandparents medications.
I know if I were in your situation, I would be scared as well. But standing on the outside looking in, I can see why the doctor would recommend this other med so intensly.
Welcome to the forums! (i'm kinda new here as well. and It's a great place! Lots of support, and lots of friendly people here! And theres no such thing as 'tmi' here. hehe. ^_^ )
Hi Pam
and welcome

Yes you've been thro a scary time alright, a blood clot? Wow that is scary!
Try not to fret about the 6MP, lots of people have had success with it, as long as the docs keep their eye on your liver, it'll be ok, having said that, I was allergic to it, that and azathioprine!
I have hair loss too, but it's a Crohnie thang! It comes and goes depending how knackered my immune system is at the time!
glad you found us, lots of friends here for you
lotsa luv
Joan xxx