Hello All,
I apologize for posting this in support as well as my story I just need all the help I can get
I'll start from the beginning.
Over one year ago I was diagnosed with salmonella poisoning, which was so bad it gave my ulcerative colitis, ever since then I have had all kinds of stomach issues mainly pain and severe diarrhea. My Dr. had me go through an MRI and the week of the 30th I received the horrible news that I had Crohns disease, I had a flare up that week as well and I was unable to go into work until that Friday, June 3rd, which I had a Dr.'s excuse for those days, and still was given a warning for my "absences" prior to this warning I told everyone at my workplace (supervisor, coworkers, and the owner of the company), all verbally,that I had Crohns disease, the owner actually sat down and reassured me that I would be OK and the medicines will help. That following Monday I had another flare up and I called into work saying, "I will be into work an hour or two late, but I'm not exactly sure", due to the fact that I do not know when the pain will subside or when I will stop going to the bathroom. I received a call at 11:30 (which I was asleep, because it is the only way I can deal with the pain) from my supervisor telling me to call in before I came into the office, so I did and she informed me that i was terminated and they were going to send me my paycheck and insurance info if I was going to keep the insurance. I immediately called unemployment and scheduled a hearing, the owner of the company contested the unemployment, saying that he never knew I had Crohns and this was the first time he heard of it. I ended up losing the case and I am in process of appealing. I also filed a complaint to the labor board of CT, which they said I probably will not need a lawyer. Basically I want to know if I'm heading in the right direction and if anyone new a good lawyer to speak to or if I should contact any other state officials or departments. Reason being I devoted all my time working way more then 40 hrs a week, and way under payed and I want him too pay for what he has done to me. Please any advice is greatly appreciated I am completely exhausted mentally and physically from this fiasco. Thank You.
I apologize for posting this in support as well as my story I just need all the help I can get
I'll start from the beginning.
Over one year ago I was diagnosed with salmonella poisoning, which was so bad it gave my ulcerative colitis, ever since then I have had all kinds of stomach issues mainly pain and severe diarrhea. My Dr. had me go through an MRI and the week of the 30th I received the horrible news that I had Crohns disease, I had a flare up that week as well and I was unable to go into work until that Friday, June 3rd, which I had a Dr.'s excuse for those days, and still was given a warning for my "absences" prior to this warning I told everyone at my workplace (supervisor, coworkers, and the owner of the company), all verbally,that I had Crohns disease, the owner actually sat down and reassured me that I would be OK and the medicines will help. That following Monday I had another flare up and I called into work saying, "I will be into work an hour or two late, but I'm not exactly sure", due to the fact that I do not know when the pain will subside or when I will stop going to the bathroom. I received a call at 11:30 (which I was asleep, because it is the only way I can deal with the pain) from my supervisor telling me to call in before I came into the office, so I did and she informed me that i was terminated and they were going to send me my paycheck and insurance info if I was going to keep the insurance. I immediately called unemployment and scheduled a hearing, the owner of the company contested the unemployment, saying that he never knew I had Crohns and this was the first time he heard of it. I ended up losing the case and I am in process of appealing. I also filed a complaint to the labor board of CT, which they said I probably will not need a lawyer. Basically I want to know if I'm heading in the right direction and if anyone new a good lawyer to speak to or if I should contact any other state officials or departments. Reason being I devoted all my time working way more then 40 hrs a week, and way under payed and I want him too pay for what he has done to me. Please any advice is greatly appreciated I am completely exhausted mentally and physically from this fiasco. Thank You.