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- Jun 10, 2011
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I have posted numerous times but this is a new one for me. I have Lupus and since July 2010 I have been on Cellcept which had stabilized my Lupus and was wonderful. However, in March 2011 I started with daily diarrhea that got worse over time. I was told it was IBS but after starting to get severe weight loss (55 pounds since last August), severe pain, nausea and bleeding with my period I switched doctors. She repeated my colonoscopy about a month ago and found multiple ulcers in my terminal ileum and inflammation throughout my colon. The diarhea was so very severe but the pain and loss of appetite was even worse. The biopsy suggested that the cause of it was due to the Cellcept so on Friday June 8th, they stopped my Cellcept completely. Within, 2-3 days of stopping it though, the diarrhea stopped completely and I was back to having normal bowel movements but the pain and nausea was still there and just as bad. Unfortunately, about 5 days ago, I noticed my lupus flaring causing severe joint pain and also pleurisy. I also noticed my bowel movements getting less and less too. Because of the pain, my lupus doctor, yesterday increased my prednisone to 40mg and also started me on a new Lupus medication, with the blessing of my GI doctor. She also had me tell my GI doctor that I was still having just as much pain and nausea. Based on this, I am scheduled for a pill camera on Monday to rule out other causes besides just the medication.. However, the pain and loss of appetite is getting worse and today I realized that I haven't had a bowel movement at all since Saturday or Sunday...I can't remember. Should I be worried? If I had started the increase in pred or the new med this past weekend then I would have assumed it was due to that but I didn't. Could it be my body reacclimating or do I need to be concerned?