Thanks all for your replies. The liquid pooled on top of the skin as I pressed the plunger down. It was like a little puddle on top. I took out the needle and reinserted and continued pressing the plunger down to release the remaining medication. I would say he only got about 1/2 to 3/4 of the...
I inserted the needle into my son’s leg and when I pushed the plunger down all this liquid came up and pooled on his leg. I removed the needed and reinserted to complete the injection. Quite a bit of liquid was pooled on top of his leg and I would say he only got about 1/2 of the dose. I’m upset...
I inserted the needle into my son’s leg and when I pushed the plunger down all this liquid came up and pooled on his leg. I removed the needed and reinserted to complete the injection. Quite a bit of liquid was pooled on top of his leg and I would say he only got about 1/2 of the dose. I’m upset...
He does exercise, but he didn’t right before his appointment.
Getting the hepatitis booster vaccine wouldn’t raise bilirubin would it? He was a hep non responder, so he’s repeating the 3 doses of his hep vaccine. He received 2 already within the last couple months, and the last one in about 5...
I don’t believe the PCP checked those other numbers, but maybe he did. I’ll have to get a copy. I’m going to let the GI know on Monday and the PCP is faxing her a copy of the lab results.
Yes, I will let his GI know and the PCP sent his lab results to his GI as well.
Bilirubin was 1.8 in April and I believe it was 3 this time.
I wonder what would cause his bilirubin to raise in a matter of 3 months. Wonder if it could be Stelara.
In your post, what does abx mean?
My 17 year old son started Stelara in February. His blood work with the GI showed normal bilirubin in April. He just had his physical with his PCP and his bilirubin came back higher than normal. Nothing crazy high, but higher than normal. Could the Stelara potentially cause your bilirubin to...
My son is 17 and has Crohn’s. He takes Stelara every 8 weeks.
When he was diagnosed last July, his bloodwork showed he did not have sufficient antibodies to Hepatitis B to be immune to this infection. The GI said he will need a repeat booster shot, but wanted to wait until he wasn’t is such an...
Quick question. My 17 year old son was diagnosed with Crohn’s about 8 months ago so we’re still figuring things out. He used to have blood just dripping into the toilet. That’s gotten much better. Now he said he really only notices the blood when he wipes (so it’s only on the toilet...
We’re waiting to get Stelara infusion set up. So in the meantime, she told us to finish the Humira.
The reason she wants to switch to Stelara is because even on Humira every 10 days, his fecal calpro is 1430, and she doesn’t think an adjustment of Humira again would provide an enough of an added...