Recent content by Kate123

Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. K

    My story, any advice welcome!

    Thank you so much for the information. Met with the specialist and GI said this most recent scope shows the injuries have significantly healed since the March scope. Plan is to stay on the medicine and follow closely with frequent tests. I really appreciate all of the information and advice...
  2. K

    Late Dx, GI keen on Biologics this week (skipping vax)

    I'm meeting with the specialist next week, and have been thinking about questions I have regarding various medicines. You may want to get a second opinion if your GI is not detailing pros and cons of different biologics. I'd want the GI to explain why the biosimilar was recommended vs. another...
  3. K

    Late Dx, GI keen on Biologics this week (skipping vax)

    I'm so sorry it took them so long to make a diagnosis, and it sounds like they're not given much information on the medicine. I can relate to being up in the middle of the night reading medical journals. I also relate to not know if one can travel, as I fly for work. For the measles shot, my...
  4. K

    My story, any advice welcome!

    Hello, I'm meeting with my GI next week, and would appreciate any advice. It looks like I'm in a early stage of Crohn's colitis. Any suggestions about possible medicines or things to ask the GI? I'm in the process of being diagnosed and treated for Crohn's disease in my sigmoid colon. So...
  5. K

    Anti-Depressants Wellbutrin/Bupropion?

    Wellbutrin is something I've taken in the past for mild depression. I'd be adding it in on top of anything my GI suggests. I have a meeting with the GI next week.
  6. K

    Anti-Depressants Wellbutrin/Bupropion?

    Has anyone tried anti-depressants to reduce inflammation in the gut? Some studies suggest Wellbutrin/ Bupropion might inhibit TNF-alpha production. Thinking about trying it. Wondering if it's helped anyone with gut inflammation.
  7. K

    Feels like labour pain.

    Thank you -- I really appreciate the suggestions. I've been trying to avoid processed sugar and inflammatory foods, but it's hard to be consistent. A nutritionist suggested to add ground flax seeds to my diet for fiber, so I've been putting that in the greek yogurt/ honey combo.
  8. K

    colonoscopy biopsy question

    Thank you -- I've got inflammatory pseudo-polyps in my sigmoid colon. I think that's what they took the biopsies of, but I'm unsure. They took 4 biopsies from the sigmoid region. The last colonoscopy just said "inflammatory polyp" in the biopsy report. Maybe this pathologist gives more...
  9. K

    Feels like labour pain.

    oh my goodness, I am so sorry for this. Prep is such a pain to do. I hope it all goes smoothly for the next appointment in August.
  10. K

    Feels like labour pain.

    Thank you for this message! I've also been using the greek yogurt and honey. Do you have any other diet suggestions for controlling Crohn's?
  11. K

    colonoscopy biopsy question

    I had a colonoscopy in march with unspecific inflammation in my sigmoid colon and inflammatory polyps. Just did a second upper and lower endoscopy. I'd really appreciate any thoughts or info on what my biopsy report means? From my sigmoid colon: "biopsy fragments show acute colitis with...
  12. K


    Thank you! It's good to know it's easy to control. I've never had a stye before and didn't know what was happening, especially when it started to bleed. It's hard to know what's related to the Crohn's and what is unrelated at this point. It's been very confusing the last couple of months.
  13. K


    Thank you -- I'll ask my GP for a referral to an ophthalmologist.
  14. K


    Does anyone know if blesphartis can be related to Crohn's? A few weeks ago I got a strange stye in my eye. I've never had one before. Painful, swelled large, bled a lot. I looked like I got into a bar fight. The GP and the optometrist had not seen a stye act like that. It's a couple of weeks...
  15. K

    Looking for insight....

    thank you! it will be interesting to find out if the wrist tendinitis and other stuff was connected or independent.