hello and welcome....
As for the battle of find a medication plan that works for you, it can take some time. And as others have said, the Docs start out on lower dosages and work up to levels that you need. Voice your concerns and explain them to your medicine Team.
Hello all, it has been a few since the last time I posted here, been trying my best to heal!
I was wondering how many of you all that have been on chronic steroid or had high-dosage shorterm steroids have had, Steriod induced diabetes?
Since my nightmare last year I am trying to find those...
I have a very complex case too, I was on so much medication last year, lost so much weight, the chemo and the organ rejection meds, had me down to say the least.
One thing I have to offer you is follow you heart, and remember hope is a wonderful thing! Don't give in please...
I have been admitted to the hospital tens of times for pain control alone. If your balled up on the floor crying, its probley time to see the Doctor.
Increased pain and GI symptoms means a scary array of differential diagnosis, like perforation!
So decide is this pain, different or normal...
c-diff sucks I stay away from the clinidamyacin just because of having that once.
Hmmm I guess that last one would be the big C for TUMORS......
I juts neeed some sissors and cut that darn thing out!@!!!
Even though I have the disease, its come to face the fact that there is more going on in my terminal ileum than meets the eye.
I was wondering with my fellow crohnies knew of anything that can act like Crohn's that has been misdiagnoses as Crohn's or completely just missed period.
Can you...
I am on Imuran as we speak, yet I am changing to 6MP next week due to the fact I am flaring again despite, 40mg /day prednisone and the imuran......
Chemo here we come!!!!!
prednisone evil?????
ohh come on, I only have to take insulin because of the crap...... its not evil, its the freaking devil!
prednisone made me a diabetic.....!!!!
As I recently found out that yes, blodd clots are common with crohn's, I had a DVT in my right arm, still there.......like my :voodoo: terminal illeum,,,,,,,
I'lll knife you soon! :P I was talking to my intestines btw....:P
pain is a huge issue, if you all only knew how much of an issue this whole pain management thing has become, the insanity of how these people listen so little.
I think its time to request , humira, or take the F'er out, I am no fan of the side effects of remicade and I would rather not do the remicade since so little have long lasting effects.
I am beyond frustrated, I just moved into mu new place and here I sit in the hospital again!!!