Your thoughts, please. 10 yr old.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 28, 2022
10 year old on Remicade since 11/2021. Started at 10mg/kg every 8 weeks and it worked great. Reduced to 7.5mg and then to 5mg later on. After the change to 5mg we started seeing changes in his labs. ESR going up, iron going down, Calpro going up, etc. Asked about this over and over and finally did scopes which honestly, came back pretty normal. Things kept getting a little worse though. Changed dose back to 10mg at 8 weeks.

We got a referral for a 2nd opinion, his doctor changed before that, met with that doctor and put him on EEN and moved infusion to 6 weeks. Got a call a few days before his referral appt that we waited over two months this for that they scheduled him in the adult GI dept and no ped appts were available for that dates and it would be a couple more months so we cancelled 😡

Looked like 6 weeks and EEN were working. ESR dropped, Calpro improved, etc.

Got a cough with no other symptoms back around end of August

Got thrush after that (8weeks later or so) in Late Sept/early Oct.

Then, Calpro jumped back up to over 3000 but ESR dropped some. Got a CT to see if he could do pill cam and there was some concern that he couldn’t due to small bowel but the CT was inconclusive. Decided to wait 3 months and repeat CT etc.

Started running evening fevers again, night sweats, coughing with no other symptoms and ended up in the hospital again. Repeated CT which showed small bowel was ok but maybe some inflammation in colon now. Endoscopy was ok was biopsies showed mild inflammation, no colonoscopy.

No infections, viral test negative, etc.

Got Remicade infusion at hospital, fever and cough subsided immediately, came home next day (this past Sunday). ESR up, CRP up, Calpro still over 3000, blood counts good, platelets good. They think virus caused flare but he didn’t have any virus symptoms except cough which seems to have been caused by Crohn’s.

Monday night (this week) pooped blood for the 1st time, ever.

No fevers, feels better, hurts when he poops, no more blood, no diarrhea Tues, Wed, or Thurs. Diarrhea tonight, no blood, hurt to poop.

The options seem to be a short course of prednisone now, maybe add MTX soon or change medications but doctor is weary of that since they have seen kids get worse when new meds didn’t work.

I am at a total loss. Remicade levels are in the upper 20’s, antibody testing has never been done because levels have never been below 7 on any dosage.

I’m extremely afraid that Remicade is not working well enough and that he will be bad off again before next infusion. I have no idea what to do.

Also, he’s ASD with sever sensory issues. He was drinking 50% Pediasure and 50% Kate Farms but will only drink Pediasure now.
My non medical opinion
Find another pediatric university based Gi with experience in ibd .
Your child has been flaring along long time.
If the ct was inconclusive they could have done a “dummy “ pill cam
It melts if it can make its way through so no big deal doesn’t get stuck
Changing meds is scary
Staying on the same med that isn’t working is worse
Right now they are adding things to push up the remicade
Given your child is on een already
Remicade should be good but it isn’t
Given the cough and other weird things have you looked at chop .
They have a “dirt” team
Basically so much easier -they bring all the specialists to you in one room -one at a time and you don’t need to repeat yourself -they talk in between.
My kiddo when he was a lot younger saw -Gi /immunology /rheumatology /genetics /nutrition and I think one more all within 2 hours
He has multiple autoimmune disorders and one auto inflammatory disorder so everyone wanted to check as a team .
They then make recommendations back to your normal specialist group .

my kiddo was dx at 7
Remicade at 8
Humira at 8 3/4
Humira plus mtx at 10-14
Stelara plus mtx 14 to present -about 7 years
Plus changed biologics for the auto inflammatory disorder more than once

my point taking a med that isn’t effective is taking all the risks of the drug but none of the rewards or benefits

we drove over 6 hours for one of my adult child’s specialists for close to two years .
Keep in mind you only see the specialist every 4 to six months so not that bad .

I know other parents who traveled multiple states -again 2-3 times a year not too bad .

hugs 🤗
If we suspect you have strictures or obstructions that will limit capsule movement, we give you a dissolvable, dummy capsule first. If the dummy capsule gets stuck, we can locate it via X-ray and note the location of the stricture without any complications. It will dissolve and be absorbed by the body within a few days.
I regard this as somewhat similar to my son's situation, and I believe Remicade was at the root of the problems.
I am familiar with some diet approaches to include trying with autoimmune also redundant colon . I my family SCD type diet without dairy has help considerably. Seems each person is individual with this.
Did you get a chance to see Dr. McGreal? She recently left to start her own so all her kids are moved to a different doctor. Not sure if you got to see her but let me know if you want to see our new doctor.
No. We waited about 2 months for that appt and a day or two before it they called and told us they accidentally scheduled him with her adults and she couldn’t see him as an adult so it would be about two more months.

Our Dr at UNC changed during that first two month period though and he has been really great, honestly.

Are you still seeing a Dr at Duke?
No. We waited about 2 months for that appt and a day or two before it they called and told us they accidentally scheduled him with her adults and she couldn’t see him as an adult so it would be about two more months.

Our Dr at UNC changed during that first two month period though and he has been really great, honestly.

Are you still seeing a Dr at Duke?

Oh ok cool you have a great doctor now.

Yeah her kids are all transferring to another doctor also at Duke. She just left this week so we are waiting to get our appts set up. We just saw her last week to say goodbye so the next follow-up will be in March.
I absolutely agree - he should be seen at a different children's hospital by a pediatric GI! And I agree that hospitals affiliated with universities are more up on the research etc. My daughter was seen at a large IBD center (one of the best in the US) and her GI was not hesitant to change meds when Remicade stopped working. Typically if a medication stops working and there are not antibodies that you know of AND levels are high, then you do need a different medication. Most GIs will put kids either on EEN or steroids as a "bridge" to give the new med to kick in.

There are many new medications now - generally your GI will scope and do either an MRE or pillcam (they should absolutely do a dummy pill if they're concerned it might get stuck!!!) and decide what med would work best. Anti-TNFs like Humira and Remicade tend to work will for the whole gut, as do JAK inhibitors like Rinvoq; Entyvio works best for the colon, and IL-23 meds like Stelars and Skyrizi work best for the small bowel. So doing ALL the tests is important before choosing a med.
It breaks my heart to read your story.

Have you heard about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet? It's being used at Seattle Children's hospital to treat Crohn's in children.

I am NOT saying you should stop all of your son's meds. I'm just saying that this could be something to consider, especially if you continue to have trouble finding a drug that is alone able to manage this disease. He might need drugs with dietary support. I know how it feels to watch a child suffer, and Crohn's can be particularly frightening. I also have a son with a (different) GI disease.

When I had a flare up about 10 months ago, I felt like I had a flu as well, but no coughing. Can coughing be related to Crohn's? Or is the suspicion that your son had a virus that caused the cough, and then the virus put a strain on his body that led to the flare up?
10 year old on Remicade since 11/2021. Started at 10mg/kg every 8 weeks and it worked great. Reduced to 7.5mg and then to 5mg later on. After the change to 5mg we started seeing changes in his labs. ESR going up, iron going down, Calpro going up, etc. Asked about this over and over and finally did scopes which honestly, came back pretty normal. Things kept getting a little worse though. Changed dose back to 10mg at 8 weeks.

We got a referral for a 2nd opinion, his doctor changed before that, met with that doctor and put him on EEN and moved infusion to 6 weeks. Got a call a few days before his referral appt that we waited over two months this for that they scheduled him in the adult GI dept and no ped appts were available for that dates and it would be a couple more months so we cancelled 😡

Looked like 6 weeks and EEN were working. ESR dropped, Calpro improved, etc.

Got a cough with no other symptoms back around end of August

Got thrush after that (8weeks later or so) in Late Sept/early Oct.

Then, Calpro jumped back up to over 3000 but ESR dropped some. Got a CT to see if he could do pill cam and there was some concern that he couldn’t due to small bowel but the CT was inconclusive. Decided to wait 3 months and repeat CT etc.

Started running evening fevers again, night sweats, coughing with no other symptoms and ended up in the hospital again. Repeated CT which showed small bowel was ok but maybe some inflammation in colon now. Endoscopy was ok was biopsies showed mild inflammation, no colonoscopy.

No infections, viral test negative, etc.

Got Remicade infusion at hospital, fever and cough subsided immediately, came home next day (this past Sunday). ESR up, CRP up, Calpro still over 3000, blood counts good, platelets good. They think virus caused flare but he didn’t have any virus symptoms except cough which seems to have been caused by Crohn’s.

Monday night (this week) pooped blood for the 1st time, ever.

No fevers, feels better, hurts when he poops, no more blood, no diarrhea Tues, Wed, or Thurs. Diarrhea tonight, no blood, hurt to poop.

The options seem to be a short course of prednisone now, maybe add MTX soon or change medications but doctor is weary of that since they have seen kids get worse when new meds didn’t work.

I am at a total loss. Remicade levels are in the upper 20’s, antibody testing has never been done because levels have never been below 7 on any dosage.

I’m extremely afraid that Remicade is not working well enough and that he will be bad off again before next infusion. I have no idea what to do.

Also, he’s ASD with sever sensory issues. He was drinking 50% Pediasure and 50% Kate Farms but will only drink Pediasure now.
Have you tried dietary interventions?
No red meat, no dairy, though some allow plain yogurt. Add fermented foods like sauerkraut that you get in the produce section, or learn to make your own. (Do not consume any with benzoic acid in it as a preservative, all sauerkraut sold at room temp in USA have it and it is not good for anyone, banned in Europe for decades). Have him put sauerkraut on top of meat and eat as a garnish. Fermented carrots are great too and easier to make than sauerkraut. The bacteria in the gut are in a delicate balance, so limit sugars... ideally no added sugars but wean him off slow for better compliance. No pop, but LA Croix flavored carbonated water ok though could affect Calcium levels... only use if need to get him off sodas.

Some people see improvement with adding ground flax seed to their diet. Grind 2-4T. in a coffee grinder and add to cereal/oatmeal or hot beverage. Has good omega 3 fats and fiber that helps the gut. Humans cannot digest the whole seed so be sure to grind to get the omega 3 fats. Will go rancid, so refrigerate and don't grind up more than a week's worth at a time... you can experiment with that if you want... not sure how long it lasts in fridge.

Also, Crohn's is an auto-immune condition, so supplementing with Vitamin D up to 10,000 IUs per day may help. ( I know, 5,000IUs a day is suggested limit, but people with allergies and other auto-immune issues need more of it). Or if you prefer a 15min sunbathing stint every day around noon.

Stress is a factor with Chrohn's so be sure he gets time (10-15min) in a non stimulating environment every day, preferably in the middle of the over-stimulating hours. No screen time, let him read for entertainment. If his school uses computers for learning or assessment tools, ask or demand alternate modes for him.

You can find what will help him, but it may take time.

The medication route is a battle with side effects as he gets older and liver gets taxed. I highly recommend dietary and stress reduction as they only have side benefits!
10 year old on Remicade since 11/2021. Started at 10mg/kg every 8 weeks and it worked great. Reduced to 7.5mg and then to 5mg later on. After the change to 5mg we started seeing changes in his labs. ESR going up, iron going down, Calpro going up, etc. Asked about this over and over and finally did scopes which honestly, came back pretty normal. Things kept getting a little worse though. Changed dose back to 10mg at 8 weeks.

We got a referral for a 2nd opinion, his doctor changed before that, met with that doctor and put him on EEN and moved infusion to 6 weeks. Got a call a few days before his referral appt that we waited over two months this for that they scheduled him in the adult GI dept and no ped appts were available for that dates and it would be a couple more months so we cancelled 😡

Looked like 6 weeks and EEN were working. ESR dropped, Calpro improved, etc.

Got a cough with no other symptoms back around end of August

Got thrush after that (8weeks later or so) in Late Sept/early Oct.

Then, Calpro jumped back up to over 3000 but ESR dropped some. Got a CT to see if he could do pill cam and there was some concern that he couldn’t due to small bowel but the CT was inconclusive. Decided to wait 3 months and repeat CT etc.

Started running evening fevers again, night sweats, coughing with no other symptoms and ended up in the hospital again. Repeated CT which showed small bowel was ok but maybe some inflammation in colon now. Endoscopy was ok was biopsies showed mild inflammation, no colonoscopy.

No infections, viral test negative, etc.

Got Remicade infusion at hospital, fever and cough subsided immediately, came home next day (this past Sunday). ESR up, CRP up, Calpro still over 3000, blood counts good, platelets good. They think virus caused flare but he didn’t have any virus symptoms except cough which seems to have been caused by Crohn’s.

Monday night (this week) pooped blood for the 1st time, ever.

No fevers, feels better, hurts when he poops, no more blood, no diarrhea Tues, Wed, or Thurs. Diarrhea tonight, no blood, hurt to poop.

The options seem to be a short course of prednisone now, maybe add MTX soon or change medications but doctor is weary of that since they have seen kids get worse when new meds didn’t work.

I am at a total loss. Remicade levels are in the upper 20’s, antibody testing has never been done because levels have never been below 7 on any dosage.

I’m extremely afraid that Remicade is not working well enough and that he will be bad off again before next infusion. I have no idea what to do.

Also, he’s ASD with sever sensory issues. He was drinking 50% Pediasure and 50% Kate Farms but will only drink Pediasure now.
Hi is he going through any diet?
Update: started on prednisone a few weeks ago, had thrush again, but overall seems to be doing much better right now. The plan right now is to see what happens once the steroid course ends, get a Calpro right after stopping steroids to make sure it’s good now and to make a new baseline. If things start going backwards again we’ll need to make changes to biologic.

His sensory issues related to autism make his diet a struggle but he’s on EEN right now (pediasure) and has been for months. We have stopped the Kate Farms for now.

Initially, it seemed they thought this was a viral induced flare but the only viral symptom was the cough. It seems now that they don’t feel that way for sure.
Got new insurance at work this year. That’s been a pain. Postponed last infusion over a week. Labs showed ESR up higher than last time, Calpro down from last time but still over 2000. That’s after 6 weeks of prednisolone. He seems to feel fine, no symptoms. I’m very confused though. I thought surely both of those would be way down.

Right now, it looks like another scope and probably a new biologic.
I agree, it does sound like he needs a med change. His fecal calprotectin could be up because of the delayed infusion, but if Remicade was actually working, it wouldn't be in the 2000 zone.
Hope you get some answers soon!
10 year old on Remicade since 11/2021. Started at 10mg/kg every 8 weeks and it worked great. Reduced to 7.5mg and then to 5mg later on. After the change to 5mg we started seeing changes in his labs. ESR going up, iron going down, Calpro going up, etc. Asked about this over and over and finally did scopes which honestly, came back pretty normal. Things kept getting a little worse though. Changed dose back to 10mg at 8 weeks.

We got a referral for a 2nd opinion, his doctor changed before that, met with that doctor and put him on EEN and moved infusion to 6 weeks. Got a call a few days before his referral appt that we waited over two months this for that they scheduled him in the adult GI dept and no ped appts were available for that dates and it would be a couple more months so we cancelled 😡

Looked like 6 weeks and EEN were working. ESR dropped, Calpro improved, etc.

Got a cough with no other symptoms back around end of August

Got thrush after that (8weeks later or so) in Late Sept/early Oct.

Then, Calpro jumped back up to over 3000 but ESR dropped some. Got a CT to see if he could do pill cam and there was some concern that he couldn’t due to small bowel but the CT was inconclusive. Decided to wait 3 months and repeat CT etc.

Started running evening fevers again, night sweats, coughing with no other symptoms and ended up in the hospital again. Repeated CT which showed small bowel was ok but maybe some inflammation in colon now. Endoscopy was ok was biopsies showed mild inflammation, no colonoscopy.

No infections, viral test negative, etc.

Got Remicade infusion at hospital, fever and cough subsided immediately, came home next day (this past Sunday). ESR up, CRP up, Calpro still over 3000, blood counts good, platelets good. They think virus caused flare but he didn’t have any virus symptoms except cough which seems to have been caused by Crohn’s.

Monday night (this week) pooped blood for the 1st time, ever.

No fevers, feels better, hurts when he poops, no more blood, no diarrhea Tues, Wed, or Thurs. Diarrhea tonight, no blood, hurt to poop.

The options seem to be a short course of prednisone now, maybe add MTX soon or change medications but doctor is weary of that since they have seen kids get worse when new meds didn’t work.

I am at a total loss. Remicade levels are in the upper 20’s, antibody testing has never been done because levels have never been below 7 on any dosage.

I’m extremely afraid that Remicade is not working well enough and that he will be bad off again before next infusion. I have no idea what to do.

Also, he’s ASD with sever sensory issues. He was drinking 50% Pediasure and 50% Kate Farms but will only drink Pediasure now.
Try getting probiotics in him. Yogurt, produce section sauerkraut with beets... eat on top of meats. Homemade yogurt isn't too hard to make and cheaper than store-bought. Find a brand he likes and the bugs in it work for him. I like siggi's yogurt... thicker than most and has bifidobacterium that is good for me. I only have IBS though. Grind flax seed and add to yogurt, helps with inflammation cuz has omega 3 fatty acids.
Finally got a good clean out and proper scope and they found mild active inflammation with a lot of small ulcers in the colon.

Waiting on pathology but either adding methotrexate or changing biologics soon.

Scary to me that he finished 6 weeks of tapered prednisolone about two weeks ago and still has small ulcers. How bad were they 6 weeks ago? You know what I mean.

Crohn’s sucks
It breaks my heart to read your story.

Have you heard about the Specific Carbohydrate Diet? It's being used at Seattle Children's hospital to treat Crohn's in children.

I am NOT saying you should stop all of your son's meds. I'm just saying that this could be something to consider, especially if you continue to have trouble finding a drug that is alone able to manage this disease. He might need drugs with dietary support. I know how it feels to watch a child suffer, and Crohn's can be particularly frightening. I also have a son with a (different) GI disease.

When I had a flare up about 10 months ago, I felt like I had a flu as well, but no coughing. Can coughing be related to Crohn's? Or is the suspicion that your son had a virus that caused the cough, and then the virus put a strain on his body that led to the flare up?
I had a lot of viral type symptoms during a particularly acute flare when the first fistulas were developing. Crohn's can be a mess, especially in the first years. Trying to find the right specialists and medications can be quite a struggle and demoralizing.

Special diets might be a problem with ASD sensory issues. I never had much success with specific diets, but it might be worth looking into food sensitivities. Those can cause a lot of pain. I had trouble with dairy and garlic/onion. A dietician was able to identify I had trouble with 2 fodmap categories, but not the others. Gas can be very painful!

Antispasmodics or anticholinergics can be helpful with the gut pain (with pooping). I've been on dicyclomine for over a decade despite CD being well controlled on Humira.
Finally got a good clean out and proper scope and they found mild active inflammation with a lot of small ulcers in the colon.

Waiting on pathology but either adding methotrexate or changing biologics soon.

Scary to me that he finished 6 weeks of tapered prednisolone about two weeks ago and still has small ulcers. How bad were they 6 weeks ago? You know what I mean.

Crohn’s sucks
I know what you mean! My GI doctors now can tell how bad my disease originally was because my scopes show tons of scaring and psuedo-polops.

Just be aware that while Prednisone can be essential in the short term, you don't want him on it too much or for too long. The more it's used, the more risk of long term problems. I was on 40-60 mg for 9 months and one of my GI doctors ordered a bone density scan because of it. I was also told it can lower my body's ability to make it's own the more I'm on it. I know it sounds like a moot point now.

I'm also seriously considering getting tested/treated for MAP bacteria. It's the same bacteria that causes Johnes disease in cattle (wasting disease). It is frequently found in CD patients and has been proven to be zoonotic. They've infected animals from people with it. Doctors will look at you like you're crazy if you bring this up, but there are many published articles about it. The bacteria is also similar to TB... Most people infected will be carriers with no sign of disease, but some people will have severe disease.

I've been waiting 5 years for the MAP vaccine in the UK, and for Red Hill Biopharma's triple antibiotic with no end in sight. I think I might finally ask a researcher to put me in touch with a doctor willing to treat MAP. I can post specific articles if you're interested.
Update: we’re looking at changing medications now. The suggestions are Rinvoq or Skyrizi but they think his weight will be an issue with Skyrizi. They have seen good results and no bad side effects with Rinvoq to date.
Infections were a bigger issue for young folks on Rinvoq vs other biologics
Clotting is also a concern since clotting is more likely with jak inhibitors and crohns raises that risk all by itself .

How much does he weigh ??

Stelara maybe an option since it comes in small dosing 45 mg and 90 mg
90 mg every 8 weeks is standard for crohns
45 mg is for arthritis/psoarsis

“RINVOQ is safe and effective in children 12 years of age and older weighing at least 88 pounds (40 kg) with atopic dermatitis”
From and effective,40 kg) with atopic dermatitis.
Update: we’re looking at changing medications now. The suggestions are Rinvoq or Skyrizi but they think his weight will be an issue with Skyrizi. They have seen good results and no bad side effects with Rinvoq to date.

I believe that Rinvoq tends to have significantly more side effects than Skyrizi, so I would prefer trying Skyrizi before Rinvoq.
Infections were a bigger issue for young folks on Rinvoq vs other biologics
Clotting is also a concern since clotting is more likely with jak inhibitors and crohns raises that risk all by itself .
Where can I find info about this? I’ve been looking for studies but I’m not finding much. I have found a couple of drug interactions that give me pause.
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I believe that Rinvoq tends to have significantly more side effects than Skyrizi, so I would prefer trying Skyrizi before Rinvoq.
Is this just something you’ve heard or can you point me to any studies/resources? I’m trying to find stuff but not having much luck. All I know right now is the doctor said they haven’t seen any serious side effects so far. That doesn’t mean other medical centers haven’t.
The issue is not many folks use jak inhibitors on little kids so the numbers would be reduced and then the possible effects are less likely to be seen
Conclusion: Our meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials observed a potential increase in the risk of VTE in patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases treated with JAK inhibitors compared to placebo or tumor necrosis factor inhibitors, though statistical significance was not attained. Notably, a higher risk of pulmonary embolism was observed with high doses of tofacitinib. Our findings provide valuable insights for physicians when evaluating the use of JAK inhibitors for patients with immune-mediated inflammatory diseases.
Get a second opinion at chop they have a veo IBD department which is top notch.
They will do record reviews as well .
Pm if you have specific questions
Where can I find info about this? I’ve been looking for studies but I’m not finding much. I have found a couple of drug interactions that give me pause.

I recommend you look up some IBD doctors and researchers on Twitter and expand your reach from there. There is an enormous amount of information in the IBD Twitter space - info and the exchanges are much more dynamic and up to date. Cross reference all opinions and the published papers from the past to get a good handle on things. Search for kiny's comments on jaks too.

CD is complex and fluid. Your doctor reads the same thing as you and you can lead him (assuming you are still seeing the same guy that I saw) by providing data and you can guide him to prescribe what you believe is the best for you.

A doctor who says "They have seen good results and no bad side effects with Rinvoq to date."... :unsure: This is not our first time in the rodeo...

I hope your son feels better soon!
When treatments fail, it is more than frustrating. High inflammation in the presence of good Remicade levels suggests that the drug is not completely controlling the disease. Be your son's advocate and seek other opinions if necessary.