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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. willsmom

    Mouth sore

    Warm salt water definitely works, my son doesn't like the taste and the canker sore medicine can be painful when first applied. Our dentist recommended swishing with or dabbing them with Pepto Bismo or Kaopectate, this clears them up quickly for my son.
  2. willsmom

    Thought of the Day

    Ha Ha Ain't it the truth.
  3. willsmom

    Weird Crohn's Part 2 OR NOT?

    Glad to hear V is getting some relief.
  4. willsmom

    7 y/o daughter diagnosed with Crohn's

    Hi Crohnmum, Glad to hear the surgery went well.
  5. willsmom

    New to forum

    Oh my god does it ever!
  6. willsmom

    New to forum

    Hi Clash, My son was diagnosed in May 2011. He has just turned 13. We had a hell of a time trying to get him off prednisone. Three times I tried and everytime he got to 15 mg his symptoms would all reappear, starting with diarreah, abdominal pain and fevers. He was not on prednisone at...
  7. willsmom

    Doc appt - Remicade and Methotrexate

    Will just turned 13 yrs old, and was diagnosed 1 year ago. He has had no side effects from Remicade, just feels a bit tired after treatment (usually sleeps through most of the infusion as they put benedryl in the pre-meds). He did not start Methotrexate until he finished his loading doses of...
  8. willsmom

    Doc appt - Remicade and Methotrexate

    Mom2oneboy, My son's Crohn's is severe - no abcesses, and he did respond to prednisone but we had extreme difficulty tapering off. He started Methotrexate alongside Remicade about 4 weeks ago. The rationale from our GI as well is to prevent him from developing anti-bodies to Remicade so...
  9. willsmom

    New to the forum

    Hi Lilmamma, I hope it goes well at the GI doc today. It can be overwhelming in the beginning, so much to take in. Take a notebook and start to list your questions as they come to you so you don't forget to ask them...also take notes on medicines, foods, follow up appointments etc.
  10. willsmom

    I feel gutted!

    Mom2oneboy, I hope things turn around for you very soon but if you do end up having to go on to Remicade, I thought I should a good news story... My son started Remicade in February and is now starting to get back to normal after a yearlong struggle with severe symptoms and a recent 5 month...
  11. willsmom

    New here 8 year with Crohn's

    Hi MLP and welcome. I have lived your fatigue, frustration and pain, in trying to get some sustained relief for my son's symptoms. My son had constant stomach pain and nausea any time he was not on prednisone. He started remicade & methotrexate in February and he has finally started to...
  12. willsmom

    PRED is Our Frienemy

    imaboveitall, my thoughts exactly, he's feeling better, pressure off - thanks to Claritin. ...about docs who refuse to test - ya. Its been my experience more with the specialists - they don't seem as open to look for issues or oddities beyond their specific focus - GI doc sees BMs are normal...
  13. willsmom

    PRED is Our Frienemy

    imaboveitall, Simple, they dismiss it because they are the wrong specialists. The Rheumy would have none of it, says Will's got "pain syndrome" and referred us to physio - maybe he has that too, I am happy that he finally has physiotherapy now. Bottom line, after 3 weeks of Claritin he is...
  14. willsmom

    PRED is Our Frienemy

    imaboveitall, Shock, surprise, don't want to talk Masto with me... meantime, the Claritin experiment is working - took him off it for a week prior to seeing the Rheumy (who prescribed physio) - son begged to be put back on because it made his legs feel better (he...
  15. willsmom

    PRED is Our Frienemy

    Hey there imaboveitall, Sorry to hear V’s still struggling on Humira. Although my son Will had a classic response to predisone, he struggled on Humira. He went to weekly shots and then back on prednisone while still taking the Humira shots for about 8 weeks. Once off pred, his levels...
  16. willsmom

    What is your IBDer allowed to do

    Great thread izzi'smom, Guilty of all of the, tv, gifts, xbox live...haven't bought a dog yet but have given it real consideration in moments of desperation. A few weeks ago I took my son for a massage, just so he could feel better for an hour. He is a great kid and has suffered...
  17. willsmom

    IBD rash looks like pox?

    Will's rash showed up a few weeks prior to diagnosis, just prior to his mouth and throat being assaulted with canker sores. He wasn't on any medication at the time, but has had some strange and mysterious rashes and skin flushing since diagnosis and treatment has begun that has yet to be...
  18. willsmom

    IBD rash looks like pox?

    My son Will had a blistery pox type rash (also unresponsive to creams) on both his arms just prior to diagnosis. The GI doctors did not think it was related to Crohn's but oddly it disappeared once he was started on prednisone.
  19. willsmom

    Did you have to stop Humira due to side effects?

    Hi suschex, I took my son off Humira after 5 months for psychological reasons which eventually manifested into physical in that he would feel ill for days before the injection and then sweat, get nauseous and hyperventilate before the actual shot. He has a kingsize fear of needles now that...
  20. willsmom

    Who wins the Oddest Crohn's Presentation Award?

    Got confirmation yesterday that Will can see the Rheumy next week - Hooray! We'll see what he has to say. imaboveitall, hang in there - Humira can take some to kick in - it took about 3 months to take effect for my son - he also went to weekly shots.