On the off chance... my daughter (doesn't have crohns) had a rash a while back and, after months of testing, was 'so-so' diagnosed as nickel allergy (I say 'so-so' because tests showed only a mild sensitivity???). She'd been wearing a belt with a tarnished buckle, it had cut into her belly but she kept wearing it - dermatologist thought it may have gotten into her blood.
Other than the scrape/rash around the buckle area, the rash really started with small pox-like area around her ears and upper arm/elbow, spread to her chest and back. But, when it spread, it changed and became more like (kind of hard to explain???) small areas of skin (2-20 mm) where it looked like the top layer of skin disappeared or 'melted' (these areas didn't start with a normal rash, would just start with the 'melted' skin). Sort of just raw skin but not sore nor bleeding, only itchy and then would dry up. Strange... By the time we got the diagnosis, it was already clearing up. Nothing really worked well to get rid of the rash, just time. (Dermatologist recommended Mela-D by La Roche-Posay to lighten scars.)
As an infant/toddler, definitely had a nickel sensitivity but now only periodically gets an itchy spot around a bra snap, etc. but never before a rash. If the belt hadn't 'cut' into her skin, we probably would never have made the connection to the nickel.
Is it possible that Devynn has some sort of allergy like that? Earrings, etc. In my daughter, the rash really began to come out at her ears, not her belly (so not necessarily the same area that came in to contact with the nickel).