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  1. M

    Ulcerative colitis as a polymicrobial infection characterized by sustained broken mucus barrier

    They may have missed more than a few things but they generally have it right. The could have talked about FT,or protease inhibitors,or building the mucus more. But I give them an B+ for effort, trying to get at the real cause. Perhaps might wake up some of the gi docs,but I doubt it. What...
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    Specific Mucosa-Associated Microbiota in Crohn's Disease at the Time of Resection are Associated with Early Disease Recurrence: A Pilot Stud

    Interesting,especially about the proteolytic bacteria. Old Mike
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    Microbiome Research Transforming the Field of IBD -- CCFA

    No question they should be doing it,may also lead to a better understanding of the correct donor to supply a FT. Also suggest they start from the top down,oral bacteria and its dysbiosis. Especially our entero salivary nitrate nitrite NO pathway,for a possible lowered amount of nitrate reducing...
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    MAP Vaccine Ready for Human Trials - Could be Used for Crohn's

    Just thought I would add this info from Korea. Johne's first discovered in herds 1967. Look at the low but rising IBD incidence rates from 1986 on, cant find older data. MAP can have long incubation period, but you don't need an actual infection, the MAP antigen is everywhere. Faroe Islands have...
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    Is Mycobacterium Avium Sub-species Paratuberculosis the cause of Crohn's disease?

    Changed by post to say populations of bacteria. But still might suspect rapid absorption by the intestine may alter what is left for bacteria to feed on. OM EEN as you can see here something is going...
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    Is Mycobacterium Avium Sub-species Paratuberculosis the cause of Crohn's disease?

    Just too add a little something,on the elemental diet putting people into remission,then once they start eating the disease may return. Does not need to be live MAP, the MAP antigen is also in milk, and perhaps other foods. That being said in early onset crohn's they are finding bacterial...
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    "I've cured myself of Crohn's Disease – thanks to John Wayne"

    If the story is true,then what might lead to remission. Stale dry bread will not necessarily get mold. So what else might be going on. Stale dry bread is retrograded/resistant starch. Resistant starch makes butyric acid from fermentation in the colon,can also act as food for these bugs. RS is a...
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    Mechanisms of innate immune subversion by Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis

    FYI. Old Mike Figured I post this since we are not going to get too much from human studies. clustering you have seen this before but worth another read. I find it interesting that I started to travel to Spokane in 1977, UC 1980, I also moved...
  9. M

    New Info Pediatric Crohn disease patients exhibit specific ileal transcriptome and microbiome signature

    Tuff read,enjoy. Old Mike
  10. M

    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Xiaofa: Thank you again. This might be another interesting aspect of the western diet which has been overlooked, over eating. Throughout history humans did not always eat 3 meals a day, really started in England with industrialization. As you know from the history of IBD,the increase in...
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    Etiology of inflammatory bowel disease: A unified hypothesis

    Xiaofa: This just came out,about an hour ago. Popular artificial sweetener not so sweet. As you may have guessed before reading the article, sucralose. Hopefully this is new work and not the older paper. Old Mike
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    Does cross-reactivity between mycobacterium avium paratuberculosis and human intestinal antigens characterize Crohn's disease?

    This is old but perhaps not posted,can't be a good thing. Old Mike
  13. M

    Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system

    WB here is a thread on Ramadan fasting and colitis. Old Mike
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    Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system

    Seems like it is not dangerous if you have IBD,might even help. I had the exact same thoughts on hunter gatherers, intermittent fasting perhaps normal for humans,perhaps even necessary. Guess I need to look at this in depth if possible. Old Mike
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    Fasting triggers stem cell regeneration of damaged, old immune system

    Perhaps of interest. Old Mike complete article I also seem to remember something about defective autophagy concerning crohn's.
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    "Should adults drink breast milk?"

    I have been thinking about this for quite some time. It might be able to repopulate the gut bacteria from scratch,provided the bacteria in the milk can survive the acid in an adult stomach. They have just found in the not to distant past like a few months ago that the milk contains the mothers...
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    Salt and autoimmune

    Don't much matter, its all the sodium. Another thing that goes on from oxidation is hypochlorous acid if a self protein becomes chlorinated then the immune system thinks it is foreign. Old Mike
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    Salt and autoimmune

    So the question is if salt is really a problem how much is too much. Old Mike more on high salt diet and mice,finally found something...
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    Gut Bacteria May Play Role in Crohn’s Disease

    Here is the whole paper,dam good. I still think there is a mucosal breach, the immune system kills off everything it can,then the rest become more pathogenic. Old Mike
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    Evolution in the gut

    FYI Old Mike Might tie in with UC. Mucus is somehow breached by bacteria. This sort of fits with the early onset UC where there is no dysbiosis found. Yet with time,we all have dysbiosis, might be this mechanism, the immune sys goes nuts, the ones that survive mutate and are harder to kill...