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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. AZMOM

    Sores on bottom?

    Dusty - Never as bad as the official boil when she was little. There is a little pus drained from the one on her hip today and now it looks darker red like healing. Some of them though, leave a little discoloration and they've been known to reappear almost exactly where they started. The...
  2. AZMOM

    Stem cell trial

    Mehita - I'm with Clash. Never say never............ J.
  3. AZMOM

    Sores on bottom?

    :ylol2: DJW my best friend since childhood bought me that for my birthday a couple of years ago and her timing, as always, was PERFECT. J.
  4. AZMOM

    Sores on bottom?

    Thanks DJW. Of all the crazy things we've talked about with him, I don't think this one has come up since we've been with this doc. I think it is worth talking about even though she will be furious. :ymad: J.
  5. AZMOM

    Stem cell trial

    Exciting!!! Thanks for sharing. :-)
  6. AZMOM

    Sores on bottom?

    At diagnosis, Claire had quite a few sores on her little hiney. They weren't full blown boils, she's only had one of those ever and it was when she was 3. But they were more significant and more painful than a simple pimple or something. We treated them with antibiotic ointment in the...
  7. AZMOM

    Methotrexate question

    No MTX diarrhea here either. I hope it's just a coincidence. Are you tracking the stools for next doc visit? Is that soon? I hope he feels better already. J.
  8. AZMOM

    Testing for Lupus while in the hospital for Crohn's

    We went through this a few years ago on the Rheumatology front. Claire's ANA was high titer and she has some of the antibodies you typically see with lupus patients. I was crazed to think about another diagnosis. Her Rheumy told me that unless we see symptoms, that is not her diagnosis and...
  9. AZMOM

    How did your doc/you decide on the current form of treatment for your child?

    We did "step up" but ONLY because we couldn't go "top down" because of the TNF issue. It's so frustrating. It doesn't help to know we aren't alone but we have friends in this town with a 17 year old daughter that's had JRA since she was 5. They are in the same boat. It's a med until it...
  10. AZMOM

    Shortage of pediatric Rheumo

    kimmidwife - UGH!!!!!!! And fozheart - I agree. If I heard once when Claire was 3, I heard a thousand times "this is a diagnosis of exclusion". It seems like they have to rule out damn near every crazy thing before anyone will even think arthritis! They DO have a tough job. Especially...
  11. AZMOM

    My daughter is 11 just diagnosed with crohns

    hi Hollym - sorry you had to find us but glad you are here! :-) My daughter had symptoms for a few months at age 5 and was diagnosed just after her 6th birthday. There is no "silver bullet" that works on very kid....wouldn't it be nice if there was??? I'd suggest you do a lot of reading...
  12. AZMOM

    Fecal Caloprotectin results

    MLP - I'm behind......just catching up. Sorry the water is still "muddy" :ymad: For the record, Claire's gut and joints don't always correlate. Now most recently yes, but not always!! The FC has been a pretty reliable indicator of the gut though. Big hug, J.
  13. AZMOM

    Appointment Update

    DustyKat said it best once.......our kids just can't be "sick". We are always watching out of the corner of our eyes, right? And we have GOOD REASON! Hope she feels better tonight :) J.
  14. AZMOM

    Shortage of pediatric Rheumo

    araceli - do you know if they've tried to recruit? Just curious.......
  15. AZMOM

    Efficacy of Methotrexate?

    Okay now I'm in hysterics
  16. AZMOM

    CRP vs ESR

    I'm a fan of FC for being most specific (although the results have pissed me off lately :rof:). In all our mild and major incidents, Claire's CRP has never skyrocketed. Not even when we were inpatient getting blood transfusion. Craziness. Her ESR was very high though. Her ESR, although no...
  17. AZMOM

    Efficacy of Methotrexate?

    Dusty - Pour me one. MTX is our route for now. It doesn't always work great for Claire BUT it did work well for quite some time. I think while it may not be the "first choice" - it can definitely work for some. Dusty - I'm still waiting. :) J.
  18. AZMOM

    Shortage of pediatric Rheumo

    We've seen 3 ped rheumos and 2 GIs along the way. Here's some food for thought though...... GI diagnoses as a group (all GI not just Crohn's) have to more prevalent per capita in kids than rheumatological disease. Docs-to-be aren't likely to choose a specialty for which they know hospitals...
  19. AZMOM

    Third opinion = New Doctor

    You HAVE to have a team that you believe in and trust. It sounds like you have found a great one!!!! That's awesome. J.
  20. AZMOM

    Long time no see

    :poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop::poop: These dancing friends signal that tonight was the last of the 21 day, 2 a day, enemapalooza. She did it without a fit or fussing so it is time for me to hand over the cashola. I'm glad to pay! Bless her heart. She's dying...