Efficacy of Methotrexate?

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Apr 26, 2012
So, I'm still in my bubble, but....

The last 3 days C has been having multiple bms, he says they aren't D but really soft. He insists he feels no CD symptoms, there is no mucus or blood with the bms and he has no joint pain. He believes that the reason his bms have been frequent and mushy is due to his new job and the fact that he has been grabbing food there on break. I'm not so sure but willing to wait it out and see a bit longer.

I know he is going to be apprehensive about alerting me to symptoms since I know he feels it could affect his new job. He knows his health comes first but he is also a teen that is ecstatic at the prospect of having his own money for the summer and the independence he feels that will bring.

Usually I have no problems discovering tell-tale signs since his episcleritis always gives him away, but allergy season is in full swing and his eyes are bearing the brunt of that so for now he has convinced me the redness is related to allergies.

The other biggie is no joint pain in the knees and here is where my question lies. He just switched to the MTX injections a little over a month ago for his spondylitis pain. So could MTX injections keep the joint pain that occurs concurrently with flares at bay as well?

He has been doing so well and I'm not ready to pop the bubble but I feel a little on edge since we are now 8 weeks out from last remi which is two weeks past his six week schedule.

So what are the committee's thoughts?

Oh and still gaining weight with EN.
Not sure about if you are in a flare if mtx will keep the joint pain away thereby masking the flare BUT O was dx'd mtx for joint pain and it has taken it all away so it does help alleviate joint pain.

I could totally understand your heightened alert especially given all you guys are going through and the change in treatment etc. I would keep a watchful eye. Even in non IBDers bm's change and go through days of differences. He could be totally right about the different food he is eating. It is good he came to you and told you this much...here's hoping he doesn't hide anything more.
MTX definitely helps M's joint pain -- knees, elbow, shoulders, fingers, hip and possibly lower back (though for AS studies seem to show that it does not help with spinal pain as you know).
Fwiw, M's GI was happy to keep her just on MTX for the Crohn's when she was diagnosed and said that should thought just the methotrexate would be effective for M (she was also on Enbrel for arthritis). That said, M's Crohn's is pretty mild so not sure it would work as well for more severe cases.
CIC, that is what I am hoping for. I'm not seeing any level of fatigue, I mean he is tired but it is a new job and he hasn't been incredibly active(physically) in quite awhile.

I did tell him today that I was willing to give it a few days and see if he is right about the food change but he needed to realize that hiding symptoms could be detrimental to his health long term and that if surgerywas the next step for him he'd rather be facing it on his terms instead of on a flare's terms.
I'll check out that link my little penguin. But honestly, if you all feel that I am being naive speak up all advice and experience is welcome!

Maya142, C has still not complained of back pain so I think the MTX must be working on that pain as well. I'm not sure how helpful the injections will be with the CD as well, I got the feeling the GI wasn't exteremely hopeful that it would suffice.

This disease should come with an automatic medical degree, with specialties in endo, rheumy and gastro! Just like, "Here's your kid's dx and here are your degrees, congrats oh and no salary comes with your degrees!"
When one of DS specialists suggest we needed to see xyz now- I told him I was planning on skipping that rotation. The doc just laughed .
Can we get like those stick on forehead thermometers but instead of temperature it has now worries, have a great day to call the GI now!
No bubble bursting here either, tell him he needs to stay healthy so he can spend all that money he's making this summer :)
Not exactly the same but may be somewhat related... S had lots of back pain bfr dx, GI wasn't sure if S taking advils for the pain triggered his crohns or if pain was associated inflation caused by crohns but, whatever came first, once he started on EEN the back pain went away! For the first year after dx, he had some back pain sporadically but even this has disappeared. Can't explain it and still unsure which came first but there was definitely a connection.

Just a thought on the job and earning spending money (if u do start feeling the job is too much). When my kids were younger, in high school, i gave them the option of either working or taking an extra credit in the summer (didn't want them sitting at home doing nothing!). If they took a summer class, I paid them based on their mark - if they ended with an 80, I gave them $80 per week, 70 was $70, etc. (anything less than 60 got nothing bcz I told them they obviously hadn't worked! :lol:). But it allowed them to 'earn' some spending money (and get an extra credit) and I figured, if they hadn't found a job, I wudve ended up giving them spending money anyway! ;)
That's a great idea Tesscorm. C is taking an SAT prep course this summer. Not entirely sure why as his next test dateb is in June and the class doesn't start til mid June but he says he wants to be prepared in case he is flaring the second time as well(first SAT was week he was released from hospital.)

He can bring a meal for break so he is going to do that to see if it brings bms under control.

I didn't even think about EN maybe helping with that, thanks!

Oh and J his sister wanted the Grands to implement that plan for the whole of college! LOL!
I agree with the Metho having the ability to treat more than one co-morbidity.

Is the food that C is having at work what he is use to eating, I don’t imagine it would be what he is use to everyday, and is it fatty type food?
I only ask as he has ileal disease with ?scarring. That being the case his bowel motions may have changed to that due to fat malabsorption. I don’t imagine EN on top of it would help in regard to stool consistency. Just a thought in view of no other overt symptoms. :)

Dusty. xxx
Dusty, that is what we are hoping that even though it isn't completely out of his norm it is more frequent and maybe that is what has caused the shift. Wow I hadn't even thought of the EN playing a role too! Thanks! Hell, my bubble feels fully in tact I may toast it with wine...hmm maybe a bit early...nah!
Well you know the song…It’s 5 o’clock somewhere…better still it’s 11:40pm here so you are well overdue! :wine:
Dusty - Pour me one.

MTX is our route for now. It doesn't always work great for Claire BUT it did work well for quite some time. I think while it may not be the "first choice" - it can definitely work for some.

Dusty - I'm still waiting. :)

Yeah well don’t hold your breath. The goon sack is on the floor and dry as a bone with the cat laying on it.
Dirty minded girl! :lol:

You know, the bladder out of cask wine…


…so many games and fun uses to be had with them. :ybiggrin:

Mind you they are becoming very upmarket!…

Ahhh okay, so here it would be like a case of wine though I'm not sure how upscale they have become here as I've only noticed them in the grocery store never had one.

But we recently tried these:

Oh well can't figure out how to post it from my mobile but Cops De Vino is the name of the product.
Would one glass be enough though?? :wine:

Isn’t this a case of wine??


Streuth, how did we get to this from Metho??
Its a quick and slippery slope to that first drink! Just ask our mayor!! :D
Haha! Yeah I guess the word I was looking for was box wine! Honestly, though I'm not picky as long as it is great at bubble support!
OMG!!! CIC! THAT is a rotten visual!! Him and a pole! :yfaint:

But, Clash... he did find his bubble!!

Bwahaha...not exactly the bubble I was talking about! I just watched a montage of his interviews from like last August or November forward...hilarious!!
Yeah, he's pretty incredible!! And, he still refuses to resign! ANOTHER video has surfaced of him smoking crack so he now going to take a 30 day leave of absence to 'recover' and then RESUME his campaign for re-election! IDK but his bubble seems pretty sunny to me! :rof:
LMFAO^^^^ That was the video we saw, smoking crack in the basement!

I would offer you our mob but they’re no better!
Did you know the basement was in his sister's house? :lol: It's a family thing, you know, eh?
^^^ I just read that but was she the one secretly taping him or did she have knowledge of or was the dealer just out for a buck?
Yeah but can y'all top Honey Boo Boo, you better redneckonize! Oh my twenty miles down the road from me. Yep, Georgia...Home of Honey Boo Boo.
Seems the dealer was just out for money. From what I read today, he was offering to sell the video but is using a nickname.
LMAO! Yes but the sister's husband confirmed that yes those look like the copper elbows that my wife uses....you can't make this stuff up.

Honey Boo Boo...oh man CLASH! You have a point there and if I recall there is Real Housewives of Atlanta and some prince undercover trying to find love trash show based in Georgia....not that I watch these things mind you! :ylol2:
That's right Tess all the drug dealers or drug seekers are now vacationing in Toronto...lucky you! And all I got to see was a stupid mansion.
Yeah on the housewives of Atl show I think like MLK jr's granddaughter just got in a fight with one of the other chicks. I could be wrong but I think I remember something on the news about it.

I didn't even know there was a prince finding live show but umm I did love "Coming to America" with Eddie Murphy!
Nope not MLK but Hosea Williams. I couldn't remember the details just the news blurb.
Well, I'm off to watch Vikings... I guess Vikings, Housewives... it's all about fighting, blood and gore! :D
Oh man! To think I started this night watching youth ministry videos and look where I ended up:yfrown: Y'all are a bad influence but I love it, I love it, I love it (SNL)
Not to throw CD related stuff into the thread but one firm bm today since stopping the meal at the restaurant. PT wore him out but no naps and an evening shift tonight so my boy may fall out before hits the bed tonight!
Hoping all gets back to normal and it was just a change in food, schedule, etc. :hug:
We shall see, we shall see.

My dish is on the fritz, C is at work and Hubby is about to fall to sleep maybe I'll catch up on some law and order, there's a few I've still only seen about 20 times so maybe I can catch them haha!
Feck me, you have all lost me with this southern talk and TV shows!

BUT we are still getting news on the Mayor! :poop:

Hope things stay settled for your lad Clash. Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Tess-love the crack photo - I am gonna share it with friends! I live about a 15 minute walk from Rob's mom's house. My husband went to school with some of the Ford brood, so he has a personal connection. It took this last time to finally get him to admit Rob needs to leave office, not just get addiction treatment. Really am looking forward to not having Toronto known as the crack smoking mayor city. But then I lived in Washington D.C. during Marion Barry and that still hasn't died down.

I so want that wine purse! Where can you get one? (I saw also not trying to look like an addict! :wine: )

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