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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Britt31109

    Your Crohns/ IBD based "super magic"

    I have the amazing power of winning any farting contest and magically clear a whole bathroom. My digestive system can be so loud it sounds like im farting when magically im not lol. I like the idea of super gas woman lol
  2. Britt31109

    Best April Fools Day Pranks?

    i spent an hour making stick of gum replicas and putting them back in the original packaging. It was so funny when i asked people if they wanted a piece of gum.
  3. Britt31109

    Operation Beautiful

    My friend is going through brain cancer, and he has been going through chemo and radiation for the last 2 years. Today he was on the bus to go to chemo and he found a note that said "Smile, you are sooo beautiful" he said that made his whole week reading that. I found it was from something...
  4. Britt31109

    Kindle Versus iPad

    I think it depends on what you want to use it for, if you want to read a lot I suggest the nook or kindle because the screen is a lot better for outdoor reading, but if you want it for other things I LOVE my ipad! THere is an app for everything
  5. Britt31109


    no more wine i promise lol. Thank you guys, it really means so much to me. I will keep you posted on what University of Ch. says. hopefully good things..
  6. Britt31109


    My GI said that. I go to a Crohn's specialist at university of chicago on the 7th. I pray she can offer more insight
  7. Britt31109


    I threw away the bottle :^), I know its not going to change anything. They tried pred and it make my white blood cell count sky rocket so they immed. took me off of it. and they also tried just high doses of other steriods, but it did they same thing. My dr. told me that this is beyond his scope...
  8. Britt31109


    I am angry! I am sick of being in pain, I am so sick of using all my time to go to doctors to be pricked and scanned and injected with meds that make me feel like a zombie and that could lead to complications that could kill me! I had to give up nursing school and work because I am always...
  9. Britt31109

    Very Scared..

    Thank you for your understanding. With Crohn's I feel as if this is the only place that I can really have people that understand what is going on. Honestly who wants to hear my stomach hurts a million times a week and how many BM's I have. Im lucky I work at a hospital because the fellow nurses...
  10. Britt31109

    Very Scared..

    When i was five I spent more time in the hospital than in school, I had frequent polyps and severe abd. pain. After no answers for a long time the symptoms subsided and everything just stopped. 15 years later I had a baby and everything came back full force. A year a half of testing came back...