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  1. K

    Managing through stressful times as a teenager doing exams?

    Hi kb1. When I was younger (late teens, early twenties), I lost a lot of hair when I was flaring. I have UC. That hasn't happened to me in a while, but it used to happen a lot. Have you ever tried Rowasa (mesalamine enemas) for the inflammation and diarrhea? They are the only thing that...
  2. K


    Can you call a local emergency room and ask or does your doctor have an after hours number? Sometimes they will call you back, especially if you just had a procedure done.
  3. K

    On the Road to Healing

    Yeah!!! It's so great when you find something that works for you!
  4. K

    What are your SAFE and UNSAFE foods?

    1. UC 2. Dairy, vinegar (or things containing vinegar), mustard, liquor 3. Any type of cooked vegetables, rice, tofu, quinoa, bananas, applesauce, and fresh veggies (only when I'm not in a flare)
  5. K

    Elemental Diet

    I'm not on an elemental diet, but had seriously considered doing it during my last flare, which has just subsided. I was eating only cooked vegetables and some very moist rice for about 8 weeks, as I couldn't tolerate anything else. I am still off of dairy, and gluten free. I was always a...
  6. K

    Elemental Diet

    Hi! It is good to do your research and know what your options are. I have UC, not crohns, but have also refused to take steroids. I am really sensitive to most medicines. Just remember that you have to do what you feel is right for you (physically and emotionally). You also need to find a...
  7. K

    Not what I was hoping to hear....

    Hi, Bev. I am sorry that you have such bad endometriosis. A few of my friends have had the surgery, and even without complications, it wasn't "easy." Do you have children yet? It's a hard decision to make whether or not to get a hysterectomy, but it sounds like you would be saving your other...
  8. K

    About to begin an herbal treatment

    Good luck, Justin. I drink aloe vera juice (George's) 3 times a day, about 3 oz. each time. It really works for my heartburn. It is supposed to be better than some other brands because all of the irritants have been taken out. Be careful with the DGL. I was "prescribed" some by a...
  9. K

    Gut Bacteria Divide People Into 3 Types

    Thanks for the link. It's a really informative article.
  10. K

    New stomach pain - help!

    It sounds like your doctors are moving quickly (thank goodness). I hope that you get a quick answer so that they can get you moving in the right direction.
  11. K

    Gut Bacteria Divide People Into 3 Types

    That's really interesting.
  12. K

    Need advice on laxatives

    I drink prune juice - natural, and doesn't cause cramping (for me). I have also used a stool softener, not laxatives, because they are too strong for my system.
  13. K

    Other non-IBD related illnesses

    But also because I was on Nuvaring at the same time. That was the lowest period of my life (I was newly married and my partner was out of work). Although they are 10,000 times better off of the birth control. I used to get wicked migraines when I used birth control pills. I get an occasional...
  14. K

    What are you eating right now?

    Chinese food - vegetables with tofu - no dairy, no wheat, and someone else made it!
  15. K

    Bloat and gas

    You might want to look up food combining. I try to use the rules, and have had much less gas/bloating when I do. One main rule is not to eat fruit with anything else. If you Google food combining, you'll get lots of information.
  16. K

    Tenderness and know

    Hi! 1) I am definitely sensitive during a flare. I actually block my stomach from my kids and my dogs who love to jump on me. It it crampy any sometimes I get shooting pains. 2) I usually have bad D with blood (I have UC) when I'm flaring. The only time it's solid is if I'm on meds.
  17. K

    Were you delivered vaginally, or by Cesarean?

    I was born via a vaginal delivery.
  18. K

    How long is your typical flare?

    I have UC, so it may be a little different than Chrons. My flares usually last between 6-10 weeks. I agree that you should get treatment within a week or two. I waited 3-4 weeks this time, and it was worse thatn usual because it went untreated.
  19. K

    Acid Reflux

    Soda is the worst for your stomach!!! It may feel like it settles it for a while, but it is one of the most acidic things around. You can even pour soda down a clogged drain and it helps clear it because of all of the acid it contains.
  20. K

    Well everything went downhill again

    Hi Swirl. I have the same type of UC that you do. I've had it for about 20 yrs. (I'm 39 now). Did you ever try Rowasa (mesalamine) enemas? They don't have steroids in them, and can work wonders to stop bleeding and diarrhea. I am really sensitive to other medicines, but these are a...