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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Daydreamer88


    Thank you all so much! Yes we've already talked about the in sickness and in health part and he keeps saying you will get better and thats all we need to think about. We haven't set a date in stone yet but thinking about next summer in july. We both really want a outdoor summer wedding! So...
  2. Daydreamer88


    My boyfriend of 2.5 years asked me to marry him last Friday. He's been with me through everything with my Crohns and never left my side. He's a keeper! I had to tell someone!!!
  3. Daydreamer88

    Remicade Club Support Group

    I've been on Remicade for 1 and a half years now.. I don't really notice any change though. I really dread going to my appointments every 8 weeks. and my nurse is not that great. Shes pretty bad with the IV part of the infusion... Actually this week she got it the first try.... And she also...
  4. Daydreamer88

    Can't Sleep

    I used to ALWAYS take it at night so the dr put me on Ambien. I've been on it for 2 years now and haven't had any negative side effects. I used to do the exact same thing though with the vicodin and tylenol pm. You should STOP doing that though. It has potential liver failure side effects if you...
  5. Daydreamer88

    My tum tum hurts...

    I totally forgot that the cereal I've always REALLY loved has a lot of fiber in it... GREAT. Another thing i can add to my "Cannot Eat List"
  6. Daydreamer88

    You might have Crohns if…

    ...If you can't tell the difference in Menstral cramps and just plain old crohnie cramps.
  7. Daydreamer88

    You might have Crohns if…

    ~When you Pharmacist know you just by looking at your face and Say "is this for you or your mom?" ~ You have a portable DVD player in the bathroom with 30 min shows like Seinfeld or the Simpsons cause you know it's going to be a long stay. ~You investigate where all the bathrooms are where...
  8. Daydreamer88

    Meds I've been on and Natural Supplements that worked for me!

    I took them all in a pill form. All at the same time. The only thing that seemed to really work is the Aloe. I bought mine at Walmart. It came in 25 mg gel pills so i took 4 a day. The others never really worked and i'm not sure how much i was taking. My dads ex was giving me pills by the handful..
  9. Daydreamer88


    How does it work? Like what do you have to do for it and what are your benefits from it?
  10. Daydreamer88


    Is anyone on disability? Like through social security?
  11. Daydreamer88

    I'm not feeling good now..

    For the last couple of days now, I have really not been feeling good. I'm trying to just eat soft things but it's not helping. I was asked on Friday in one of my college classes, "if you had one day were you could do anything you wanted to do, What would you do?" Know what my answer was? I said...
  12. Daydreamer88


    My Doctor is thinking of switching me to humira. I'm terrified of needles and don;t think I can inject myself. What are somethings you all have experienced and is it worth it? I need some advice other then my Doctors.
  13. Daydreamer88

    Dealing with Teachers.

    I think i'm going to have to go to the media. The dean doesn't want to work with me on the matter and said and I quote "It's an Academic Issue" My dad even called to see if he could resolve the issue and she said that same thing. In washington on a local new station we have a guy named Jesse...
  14. Daydreamer88

    What do you do while getting your Remicade infusion?

    In my Remicade room there is a TV and a DVD player. I'm the youngest patient getting Remicade in that office so i always bring Grey's Anatomy and watch that but i usually fall asleep... But my nurse is ok and she like Grey's as well so it works out. I have noticed though that the older people...
  15. Daydreamer88

    Starting Adult Life Sick

    Katiesue: No we weren't expected to sell credit but we did have a certain amount of cold calls we had to do everyday. I'm so glad to be done with that place though.I think by working there i was making myself even more sick..
  16. Daydreamer88

    Dealing with Teachers.

    I'm in college
  17. Daydreamer88

    Starting Adult Life Sick

    Thank you so much to all of you. It's really nice ot hear from people who know whats it's like to be sick with this disease and that understand where your coming from. A new doctor sounds like a good idea but i always worry about the What-if's. But i think I'm definitely going to need to find...
  18. Daydreamer88

    My Update...

    That's Great News! Congrats! Hopefully you'll continue to get better
  19. Daydreamer88

    Dealing with Teachers.

    So being in school while dealing with this disease is really hard Right? I was taking a weight training class this last quarter and i knew right away that i would be missing some days of school due to flare ups and treatments and that my immune system is compromised that i may get sick. I...
  20. Daydreamer88


    Hey Hi I was diagnosed with Crohn's/Ulcerative Colits as a college student. I know how hard it is to have to go to the bathroom and to get up infront of the class to go. Have your daughter request to be sat closest to the door in class and have her talk to her teachers. She doesn't have to...