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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Nica

    I'm new and i'm an old timer

    Hi Welcome to the forums!
  2. Nica

    Not eating, but not functioning either

    Hi Happy, I hope they can get your symptoms under control fairly soon. 6 months to see a GI?? Thats not good. Have you thought about going to the ER so you can get started on some meds? I hope you start to feel better soon.
  3. Nica

    I seem to LOVE this thread!

    We are supposed to be cleaning and wrapping this weekend so HOPEFULLY my house is not a disaster when my mother gets here. Nothing worse than MOM coming and house is trashed. I just about have christmas shopping done, need to get packages in the mail ok needed to do that almost all week but...
  4. Nica

    No period?

    Normally I am pretty regular, but with this latest steroid overload I am all messed up to, spotting and going early, so I assume it could make you miss one.
  5. Nica

    Newly diagnosis 24 year old

    Gallbladder is crohn's related, got mine out in 09! OH yeah that hurts. I went for emergency surgery on Halloween, well I was in for Halloween night and went for surgery on Sunday morning. Potassium is Crohn's. Crohn's SUCKS! Keep us posted, oh take it easy on norcos, it can cause...
  6. Nica

    A student to the forum, a master of finding toilets

    Hi! Welcome to the forums! I have found helping people here when I can has helped me. Please let me know if I can help you in any way.
  7. Nica

    Surgery to remove part of colon due to a small blockage

    I agree with just about everything everyone else has said. If you feel you can wait till you get in to a new GI doctor without causing serious damage to yourself then get a second opinion. I would also say, it seems to me you dont really trust your doc, maybe you would do well to look for a...
  8. Nica

    Newly diagnosis 24 year old

    Hi Again I have been out running around all day so I didnt get back to answer, but Crabby always has good answers, better than mine I think! I LOVE the mucus description, along with "Peeing out of my bum" yep thats about it! With the diet thing what Crabby said is right. Food does not...
  9. Nica

    Upper Endoscopy to check for Crohn's Disease ulceration

    LOL I was nervous when he said ENDOSCOPY with all the colonoscopy preps he has had me do over the years I was thinking here goes a bottle of miralax! So no prep is good, Rhuemy torture was minor, I get to get humira every week now.. whoohoo. LOL
  10. Nica

    Specialist Information

    Mayo in Jacksonville Fl has a good GI program. I am curious have you gone to a local GI doc? Look on The ccfa website and see if there is one, I have found that having a good doc patient relationship with my GI is really important, I personally have to go back every 3 months, regardless what is...
  11. Nica

    Upper Endoscopy to check for Crohn's Disease ulceration

    Went to my GI today and based on my upper GI symptoms he wants to go in and "take a look to make sure crohn's hasn't moved" or an ulcer or some such nonsense. I am so not amused!! So for new years I get a camera shoved down my throat! Now off to the Rhuemy to see how he wants to torture me!
  12. Nica

    I seem to LOVE this thread!

    HAHA I need a book, how to train your husband or a cesar milan of men!
  13. Nica

    2 days from injection

    Wow I messed up this week, I planned all sorts of stuff for today and I am two days from humira so I am in slow motion it seems. I wonder at what point I became a humira junkie!?
  14. Nica

    I seem to LOVE this thread!

    You my friend are the ODDITY your mom did SOMETHING right. I swear I had to retrain my husband and I have FAILED. My husband just does not see the things I see. If I give him something to do he will do it, and better than I do, but he never sees what needs to be done ahead of time. I swear he...
  15. Nica

    Humira Club Support Group

    Thats true, we have hit a little capilary and it was agony!
  16. Nica


    Thanks guys. I really hope its a bug and he is over stating his symptoms. Aaron is 13. Going on 40. He seems OK today, just tired but he is a teenager. Oh and yes I meant genetically. I have so much fear of it since my mother in law was diagnosed with RA. He is getting a bad immune system from...
  17. Nica

    Dental Problems

    I have the teeth griding going on from pain from Crohn's.
  18. Nica

    Newly diagnosis 24 year old

    Yep exactly C.C. everyone is a bit different with this. If you look on the food forum you will see how different everyone is. A lot of it is just figuring out what you can and can't have. It also depends on where your disease is at, for instance mine is Crohn's Colitis, it only is in the colon...
  19. Nica

    Humira Club Support Group

    I am not sure why your doc didnt want you to come in for your first injections.. what if you have a reaction to the medicine? You may be able to do the shots yourself but that does not help if you have issues once its in there. Make sure you are not alone for the shots. I have never had that...
  20. Nica

    Newly diagnosis 24 year old

    Hi Namv, So sorry you got this diagnosis. Its a hard one. Your questions are kinda hard considering we are all a bit different. But I will go with my experience. 1. Flare up, I have LOTS of D. That just won't stop I get low crampy pains, that will literally stop me in my tracks, the need to...