Upper Endoscopy to check for Crohn's Disease ulceration

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Nov 12, 2010
Went to my GI today and based on my upper GI symptoms he wants to go in and "take a look to make sure crohn's hasn't moved" or an ulcer or some such nonsense. I am so not amused!! So for new years I get a camera shoved down my throat!

Now off to the Rhuemy to see how he wants to torture me!
Hi Nica,
Not the best New Year's present eh? Good luck though and hope the Crohn's hasn't moved.I had an upper scope 3 weeks ago - found ulcers in my duodenum, and biopsy confirmed gastritis. Don't you just love this damn disease?

Good luck with the Rhumey,
Best Wishes,
When I had my upper endoscopy, I was in kind of a foul mood and in some pain. The nurse looked at me and saw that I wasn't doing so well, and she said, "Don't worry, this is the worst part of your day, we're going to give you some great drugs so it'll get much better from here!" And she was right. So, yeah, you have to have a camera shoved down your throat, but you probably won't feel or it remember it. Plus, if I'm remembering correctly, you don't have to do any prep except for no food or drink for a few hours beforehand. Definitely one of the easier tests to get through in my experience.
So basically you get to nap. I see it as a gift. No prep minus no food or drinks after midnight and then you get to take a nap and then nap a little more later. :p I hope it goes well.
LOL I was nervous when he said ENDOSCOPY with all the colonoscopy preps he has had me do over the years I was thinking here goes a bottle of miralax! So no prep is good,
Rhuemy torture was minor, I get to get humira every week now.. whoohoo. LOL
Aww damn thats too bad kind of a crappy present... I sure hope it hasnt moved on you at all and hopefully humira helps out everything else now at once a week. I had a colonscopy booked for dec 23 last year to which I said not a chance, it was moved to mid Jan.