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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Twiggy930

    FODMAP Journey

    I am once again desperate to get my son feeling better for longer periods of time. GI is convinced that inflammation is not causing his symptom of chronic and debilitating abdominal pain (labs and FC repeatedly come back normal). Things were good for awhile and now he seems to be having loads...
  2. Twiggy930

    Horrible Gas Pain Questions

    My son often has problems with bad abdominal pain but does not have increased BM frequency or diarrhoea. His lab work always comes back normal as does his fecal calprotectin tests. We have not had much success in the way of solutions to this problem but I can give you the list of things we...
  3. Twiggy930

    Stabbing pain and sudden constipation?

    Oh the relief of a virus. Something only a IBD mom can truly appreciate!
  4. Twiggy930

    Fever ....

    I say "flare" in quotes because GI never believes us... Or at least that is what it feels like. Hope he gets feeling better soon.
  5. Twiggy930

    Fever ....

    My son gets a low grade fever with a "flare".
  6. Twiggy930

    Seeking advice...Daughter recently diagnosed with Crohns...had sizable flare dr's want to try

    My son has been on Imuran (azathioprine) for almost 2 years. He started taking it when he was diagnosed at the age of 10. He has had no issues with it thus far. My big gripe with it was that it takes sooooo long to work initially (about 3 months). The scary list of side effects gets easier...
  7. Twiggy930

    Enteral Feedings...

    My son did EEN for 6 weeks via a NG tube that he inserted himself nightly, he was 10 years old at the time. Much to my surprise my son had no problem at all with the NG tube. He literally learned how to insert the tube himself in a 1 hour teaching session with the GI nurse and within about 5...
  8. Twiggy930

    Terrible chills during flares but no fever?

    My son often gets chills and sweats with no fever when flaring. I think it is part of the inflammatory response.
  9. Twiggy930

    Sore stomach?

    For a long while my son had abdo pain every night and most mornings. I hear you in wishing they could feel good all the time. It is interesting that your daughter commented that her she gets stomach pain from not eating at home. My son seems to have this problem. Doesn't seem to matter...
  10. Twiggy930

    My Story

    :welcome: I am sorry to hear that you have not been feeling well. My son was diagnosed when he was 10 too. He is 12 now and in grade 7. In grade 5, when he was diagnosed, he missed almost half the school year because of his tummy pains. It took a while but now he hardly ever has tummy...
  11. Twiggy930

    Any answers to a hurting belly?

    Hi Jo Ann, I am so sorry to hear about your granddaughter's pain. It is such a hard thing to see a child you love in pain and not be able to take it away. I hope they can get to the bottom of the pain at the hospital. My son had chronic abdominal pain for many months. His too seemed much...
  12. Twiggy930

    Best thing I've heard in a long time.

    This morning I went for a run and when I came back I checked to make sure my son had taken his pills. He had forgotten so I called out to him to come and take his pills. He walked into the kitchen and said, "sorry Mom, I fogot I had Crohn's". :dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance::dance:
  13. Twiggy930

    Scopes and School???

    We would do two days off school for a scope. 1st day being the prep and the second day being the scope. Can't see any way around it.
  14. Twiggy930

    Son in remission. More confused than ever about what to feed him.

    I have struggled with what to feed my son at times too, and sometimes I still struggle with it. Unfortunately for my son the "trigger" foods, or foods that just didn't sit well at all, were never clear. Sometimes something would not sit well at all and give him immense pain and other times he...
  15. Twiggy930

    Update on Badger

    Great news!!!
  16. Twiggy930

    Going for "pioneering" surgery

    Cool! I hope it does the trick.
  17. Twiggy930

    Options? - Remicade, MTX or 6MP

    Fantastic news! So glad to hear it.
  18. Twiggy930

    Oh wow - she's supposedly coming home today

    Really glad to hear that your daughter is getting to go home.
  19. Twiggy930

    Need a Good Homemade Beef Broth Recipe

    I would add 1 Tbsp of apple cider vinegar to the above recipe as it helps to extract some of nutrients from the bones. You could also do the above recipe in a slow cooker for 12 - 24 hours.