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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. crazycanuck

    Whats the Crohn's Disease symbol?

    In Canada the Crohns and Colitis Foundation of Canada.... that's one hell of a name.... has the symbol in my signature. Never seen anything similar for the US though... the CCFA site only has a square with CCFA written in it and well.....that just doesn't make for a great tattoo now does it.
  2. crazycanuck

    Do you take naps? Please answer!

    I do now and then. Never used to but after 4 years with my girlfriend who loves a good nap I am now starting to become a napper. I used to hate it because I would wake up feeling worse than I started with however I've started feeling a lot better after mine now.
  3. crazycanuck

    Perhaps? Maybe So??

    I don't ever give out diagnoses through the forums as well I'm not a doctor and secondly this is probably one of the hardest things to diagnose because it can appear (at first glance anyway) to doctors as many different things. Of course it could be Crohn's but it could be any number of other...
  4. crazycanuck, please.

    Hey there welcome to the forums. As hard as it may be at any time do try to eat when you can. Try to stay with eating some bland foods and slowly introduce new things as usually bland stuff is easier on the stomach and atleast you'll be able to get something in you. Make sure you ask your...
  5. crazycanuck

    Newly Diagnosed with Crohn's

    Hi there, sorry for your upgrade in status however as you said atleast its a relief to know what's gonig on and now get some relief here. This is a great forum and resource as I guess you know and welcome to them!
  6. crazycanuck

    Waiting list to see a specialist

    Live in Vancouver and wow half a year! I have to call my doctor tomorrow and I'll be in next week. When I have troubles I can call her at anytime and she will see me anyday on a moments notice if needed. I like my doctor :)
  7. crazycanuck

    Leaking - tmi

    I'm not flaring and feel close to remission but I still leak occasionally. I have heavy Crohn's in the rectal area (TMI!) so I chalk it up to being that as the cause.
  8. crazycanuck

    Just found out im pregnant!!!

  9. crazycanuck

    New to the forum

    Hey there welcome to the forums. Mis-diagnoses are extremely common with Crohn's. I'd like to see a stat on how many doctors get that right on the first guess. Best of luck with it and this is an awesome resource to have especially in the begining.
  10. crazycanuck


    Hey there welcome to the forums. Symptoms can be a tricky one as they are always different from each person on here. There are many people with Crohn's without diarhhea. Best of luck finding some answers for you and grats on weining off that Pred. I hear it can be some nasty stuff.
  11. crazycanuck

    Kanielas Crohn's story-----

    Haha we have lots of $h!# to go around here... sorry. Welcome to the forums and its nice to see somebody staying so active with this. Love Hawaii too god I wish I could find some money to go back there, gorgeous place.
  12. crazycanuck

    Joint pain

    Hi there. I've read on here before that somebody found an article showing there is a link between arthritis and Crohn's because both are due (in some part) to inflammation. I was having a ton of pain all over and when I started remicade things started to clear up so hopefully this goes away for...
  13. crazycanuck

    Crohns, dairy as a trigger?

    Hey there, first off welcome to the forums and secondly when I was diagnosed I was told due to Crohn's I might be slightly lactose-intolerant as well. I have noticed though that heavy dairy is a trigger for me. I don't usually do too well with ice-cream.
  14. crazycanuck

    Diagnosis for 16 yr old

    Hi there welcome to the forums. I too was diagnosed at 16. Symptoms are a difficult one to say what is really typcial although there are some much more common symptoms among us. I too was on a liquid diet but that was because they thought I had a parasite or worm of some sort and wanted to try...
  15. crazycanuck

    Hi everyone

    Hey there welcome to the forums. Great that your here for your sister and I wish you guys all the best.
  16. crazycanuck

    How can I run long distance again

    Well I haven't ever run for time or competitions other than when I was in school but I used to run quite a bit to get in shape for hockey. The only time I can remember from school was a 2.4 km fitness test we used to have in high school that I could do in 9 minutes. As for where to run, we have...
  17. crazycanuck

    New from Nebraska

    Well hello and welcome to the forum. I had blood in the toliet and on the TP for a while before diagnosis too but whenever I told somebody it was passed off as having something "sharp" in my stool and pushing too hard. Sorry for your troubles but hopefully after your last tests you'll get some...
  18. crazycanuck

    Over-medicated and exploring other options

    Hey there welcome to the forums. I don't have too much experience in the alternative treatments area but I can tell you there are some great people on these forums to give you some advice on that. Relaxation though... I love to lay down and watch TV as crabby said but I've also found being...
  19. crazycanuck

    What's the Weirdest Place You've "Gone"

    So I was discussing this new planking thing with my girlfriend the other day and we were laughing at all the weird places some of our friends had planked and posted on Facebook. This then led into a discussion about all the weird places I'd gone to the bathroom. To start things off I've had the...
  20. crazycanuck

    Oh how embarrassing :/

    Yep my girlfriend too, really is nice. We had another couple overhear some of our conversation one time and the disgusted look we got.... haha. I really don't know if there is anything left that would be uncomfortable to say.