Oh how embarrassing :/

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Jun 6, 2011
Aright it always helped me feel better when I read others stories about something embarrassing that happened to them when I had an extreamly embarrassing accident or something, so perhaps sharing our stories will help others who just had an embarrassing accident.

Here I go...I have 2
1) I was on break at work, it was the first sunny and warm day so I decided to walk to meijer and grab lunch. In the middle of the parking lot(which happened to be VERY busy) I started getting an ache in the pit of my stomache. I figured hey it's ok it's just a cramp fro walking, as it steadily got worse I thought it's just gas a little fart it's fine, but I still tried to hold it in...then it just happened right there in the busiest parking lot....diarreah a lot of diarreah. I ran into the meijer bathroom as fast I could hoping no one saw me and tried to clean up...mind you my pants were covered in dairreah. I called my parents to pick me up and told my manager I had gotten sick and had to leave.

2) Again I was at work. I guess the manager decided to take out trash with the stock boys so I was left to watch the entire store. I started getting an ache in my stomache and then I got a phone call which I answered. The customer took forever explaining they needed directions to the store, after they were finished I explained I was bad with directions and would get someone who knew directions better for them and put them on hold then called someone to watch the front...well the ache started getting worse and worse and no one was coming so finally I just ran to the bathroom...and of coarse I didn't make it. I walked out of the bathroom blood drenched pants and just said I'm leaving and clocked out. Customers and coworkers all saw my mess
Oh man, it's surely a 'laugh about it now' situation but must have been horrifying at the time!! I dont have an embarressing story yet, couple of close calls though! I know that ache in your tummy feeling well, thankfully so far have been able to make a quick exit everytime....got a folder with all sorts of info in it today from the GI and it had an 'I cant wait' card in it!
I have another haha.
I had been admitted to the hospital due to severe anemia and was on a gravity drip for my blood transfusion they just had taken me up to th room I was staying in and the nirse came to look at my blood bag...and he dropped it. It looked like a murder sceane since half a pint of blood was EVERYWHERE! All over the bed, my purse, the floor it was a huge pain to clean up...lol that was funny

BUT heres the embarrassing story. I was in the hospital for anemia and they were getting me ready for a colonoscopy so doing to prep(yay :p) anyway I had chugged about a third of it when I started feeling slightly icky so I asked if I could get something for pain. My brother came to see me right after they gave me pain medicine and I started feeling pretty loopy and dizzy. He stayed and chatted fr about half an hour and then left and I knew I needed to get back to the prep so I took anouther good gulp of it and was leaving it settle when my tummy felt well not to good so I walked into the bathroom and was adjusting to sit on the potty when out of nowhere I throw up. I was like what the heck? Still feeling not so hot I lean over the toliet face first just to at that moment crap myself so bad. That was embarrassing cause I didn't know it was gong to happen and I had to ask a nurse to clean it up while I tried washing myself in the sink :/ oh dear oh dear
I think we can all imagine how most of these stories are going to go. :p

It was before my surgery. I was prepping in the hospital and couldn't drink the stuff so they had a tube put down my nose (not an easy thing to get in there but once its in you're golden!). I was on the phone long distance with my boyfriend at the time and I didn't want to get off the phone so I held the urge to use the bathroom (I was 17). I had already been mostly cleaned out. At first all I had to do was pee so I stayed on the phone but then had to go #2 and started to try and end the conversation. Then out of nowhere came the urge to vomit. Didn't know the IV drip into my stomach was going that fast. I hung up the phone and started dragging my IV to the bathroom but didn't make it and reached for the tall trashcan in front of me about 5 feet from the bathroom door and exploded. I threw up the tube into the trash can and crapped and peed myself on the spot. Luckily it was all clear but I pressed the "call nurse" button and as soon as she walked in with tears streaming from my eyes, a tube through my nose and out my mouth making my speech sound extremely mentally challenged standing in a puddle I say, "I just crapped myself."
OMG Crabby...what a sight you must have been!

Yes, I've been there, made a mess everywhere.....there have been times in the past when I was out with friends and had an accident, used to keep a towel in my car (and plastic bags!) to sit on and protect my leather seats.....thrown out a pair or two (or more!) of underwear while out and about.....

I always try to keep extra clothes with me - AND I've leared NOT to ignore that crampy feeling - it starts, I head for the nearest bathroom!!!!!
Touch wood so far i have not actually pooped my pants but I am sure evenutally i will. Just wanted to thank you for all these stories, they mad me laugh - something i havent done in a while!

Where can i get a "i Cant wait" card? they sound useful!!!!
Crohn's is so much better when you can laugh at yourself isn't it? I think you have to be able to although no matter what that still must be horrifying when its going on.

I was drinking a bunch of laxative for a CT scan at the hospital once. Well I chugged the whole 4 litre jug in a span of 30 minutes as I was instructed by the nurse. I knew I was pretty full when I took the last glass but I forced it down anyway. In a matter of 30 seconds of getting that down I puked.... Clear across the hospital hallway nearly hitting a man looking at flyers and the two guys beside me slowly got up and walked away. They'd given me blankets to keep me warm as apparently that laxative makes you cold so I had to try and 'mop' it up with that.

My most embarassing though was taking my girlfriend out for a big date and at that time we were fairly new together (about 3 months). On our way back on about an hour drive I got half way and had the panic set in. I pulled off the nearest exit and thought I knew where a McDonalds was. Well I didn't and ended up pulling into a parking lot with a darkish area to one side and sprinted out of the car with a few napkins in hand. Well in my panic I had happened to run into a poor company's smoke/break area and left quite a mess all over the place in there. I would have paid money to see their reaction the next morning with my napkins nicely placed on top. My girlfriend was so proud she is still with me 4 years later :biggrin:
Oh my! If you can't laugh about it, you'll be crying all of the time. I have so many of these stories....

The week I was diagnosed, I was hospitalized for a week while the docs ran every single test known to man on me. I was so sick, they kept trying to get me to drink barium for an abdominal x-ray. I kept telling them I couldn't do it, I just couldn't drink it. I was crying, only 19 years old. It was the first time I had ever been in the hospital. I think the nurses thought I was being a baby about it or something, I got no sympathy. They decided to put an NG tube in and run the barium straight down into my stomach. When they started to put the tube in I thought I was going to die (funny now I know, but then it was such an indignity!), then they put me on my back and started to roll me around, pressing on my abdomen and taking pictures. I kept telling everyone I didn't feel well, my stomach hurt and I was still crying. I guess they thought I was still bitching about the NG tube because they kept telling me I was fine, they'd be done in just a minute. I have very curly hair and it was long at the time. When I went to the hospital my little sis put it in small braids all over so I wouldn't get a giant tangle from lying in a hospital bed. Not one minute later, still lying on my back, I barfed barium all over my face, then turned to my side and threw up all into my braided hair. I couldn't go anywhere, I still had an IV and an NG tube in. Nasty, but still not the worst hospital experience ever.

At least I can laugh about it now!
It is most definetly better to laugh about it :D

I've had more accidents then I can count. lol Most of which I was by myself or with my children around but they were too busy to even notice.

The one that embarrassed me the most I think would have to be in the hospital. Isn't it funny how we all have a hospital pooping experience?? Anyway I was scheduled for a colonoscopy and they decided to give me fleets enema. I was in super pain so the nurses decided they were going to give it to me. I wasn't too happy about them squirting something up my butt while I'm wide awake lol. When they finish I go lay back in my bed and all the sudden it hits me. I jump out of the bed trying to drag everything with me and I just did get thru the bathroom door and out it came and wouldn't stop!! The nurses came in and told me they would be back to help get me cleaned up. Needless to say they never returned!! I'm in the bathroom balling my eyes out and a tech comes in hollaring for me saying she's there to take me for my colonoscopy. I couldn't say anything so she walked in the bathroom and seen the big ole mess!!! But she was so sweet about it and appoligized for them leaving me in there like that even tho it wasn't her fault at all.

On another note, I was in St. Louis last August for a conference with thousands of poeple. I know from experience to always locate the bathrooms "just incase". This time I wasn't the one with the problem. I heard a few guys talking about this little old man sitting in the corner in the mens bathroom with poop everywhere and how bad it stunk in there. I had a fit!!! I got so upset bc all these guys were laughing. It wasn't funny!! I felt so bad for him. I had my husband go in there and ask if he needed some help. My husband has a very weak stomach so he was going to clear all the men out and I was going to help get him cleaned up and get him. The man asked if he could use his phone, he would feel better if his daughter came and helped him but thanked us time and time again for being the only people to try to help and not laugh.
My girlfriend was so proud she is still with me 4 years later :biggrin:

Oh man, my fiance (boyfriend at the time) was with me when symptoms began presenting. I would get so embarrassed by some of the things that happened. I would randomly come out of the bathroom and say I'm using your shower and would run upstairs and shower. After I was freshly cleaned he'd pressure me to admit what just happened. He got so concerned about my pain or accidents or whatnot that he wanted me to share whatever was going on. He's become my biggest support system going to every GI appt and taking me to the hospital whenever I needed. He keeps me sane I don't know if I could have made it through without him
It's so wonderful to have people that love us and support us in everyway!! I'm so scarred up from all the surgeries I've had. And not to mention stretch marks out the wazoo from swelling up like the michelin man. After all that, my husband still loved me enough to marry me. He's always so great about lifting my spirits about those things.
I had a hideous hospital experience that still makes me cringe. I was in on the emergency ward as had bled a lot and needed a transfusion and my crohn's was very 'active'. Because my hb was so low and I was attached to a bag of blood which was attached to the bed frame - they insisted I use a bed pan! omg what a nightmare...i called the nurses who took forever as it was very busy , when they arrived it was virtually too late and then trying to get on the stupid little carboard bedpan...needless to say the bed also became a pan. This was in a 4 bed bay, I was mortified. And the nurse didn't come back to clean the sheets as very busy so I had to strip my bed whilst not getting off it as I was attached to said bed by my blood bag/iv. And then when they took the sheets and pillow case away about 2 hours later I didn't get any new ones til the next day. Luckily I had missed the blanket so used that to cover me up.
I shall refuse from now on to EVER use a bedpan - stupid idea for someone with IBD !!
OMG Littlemissh that is TERRIBLE!!! I thought being left with a huge puddle of vomit by my bed (my own) overnight (until beyond lunchtime the next day) was bad.... but that is so much WORSE!

I had a similar bedpan experience after my heart op but thankfully it was just a wee that overflowed the pan and my boyfriend was with me and trying to help and thankfully a nurse (honestly, cardiac nurses are the BEST ever, NEVER had an issue with them) heard a commotion from behind the curtain ("Andy help I'm overflowing!" "Well what do you want me to do Lu?" "I dont know, do SOMETHING!! Oh god I'm wet, I'm wet with wee, this is so gross!" LOL) and came and helped out.

My most embarrassing IBD moment has to be before I was diagnosed, so I had no idea what these flares were and was quite terrified (and my poor man thought I was having major angina issues cos everything hurt and I'd vomit and poop and he is a worrier). We had been out for a meal and some drinks and decided to walk home (about a 20 min walk) about 5 mins into the walk the pain started, severe, quickly escalating to the typical 10/10 pain I've come to accept signals the start of a flare. Then I realised I needed to expel out of both ends.... the only place nearby was a casino which obv is open to members only. We went into the foyer, him supporting me, me looking very pale and sweaty and dealthly. We petitioned to use their loo and call a taxi. They were offering to call an ambulance I looked so sick (which I refused largely out of fear and not wanting to know if this was indeed cardiac related - this was very early on in my symptoms, I think I'd only ever had 1 previous episode prior to this). I used their loo with an attendant waiting outside anxiously persistently asking if I was ok and still conscious (oh god that was embarrassing, the noise as I expelled both ends with her listening *cringe*). Then I finally managed to finish, got offered an ambulance again whilst I sheepishly groaned that my man is a Dr and therefore I'll be well looked after, the taxi arrived and I stumbled into it and went home (where I promptly kicked my man out and back to his house cos we didnt live together back then, we'd only been together a month of so) and continued with my very scary very painful flare...... I'm an idiot for turning down that ambulance and my poor poor man was v reluctant to leave me like that but i was so EMBARRASSED to be that poorly in front of him.

I can laugh about it now, at the time it was scary and embarrassing....
I'm glad its not just been me left in a mess...puddles of vomit overnight !!

I find it quite shocking that basic needs like these aren't seen to and how the nurses cannot see how embarrassing it is and sort it out and try to offer some reassurance...no matter how busy they may be.

I remember I just felt like lying there and crying - i felt so ill and then to feel like I was being a pain in the neck and too much bother...not probably what they thought but how I was thinking at the time. I now avoid seeking help until absolutely necessary to try and avoid this ever happening again.
When I threw up and pooed myself at pretty much the same time I was going to clean it up myself (after I washed up in the sink...which was a tough effort) when the nurse walked in and I sheepishly said the bathroom needs to be cleaned up. At first she dismissed it then I started turning red and said I uhm...threw up. she was like Oh you threw up and ran out of the room and told someone then came back and (even more embarrassing) used alcohol wipes and cleaned it up herself. I think it helped that I look really young(I tend to look between the ages of 16-19) and because of that I think they were a little more willing to help me out. It also helped that the blood bag exploded everywhere when I was first admitted lol. I attempted to keep a huge smile my entire stay as well and after I started medicine I no longer was trying to drag the IV machine(which had to be plugged in every so often) into this tiny area which was the bathroom. Ah the life with crohns disease
When i was in hospital , i managed to mess the bed twice (after bad reaction to picolax prep) it was awful as was on a ward with 3 other people. Was so embarressed and ashamed and because i was quite weak (lost a lot of blood) the nurses had to clean me. Awful ! Then there was the accident in marks and spencer (thank god my boyfriend works just round the corner and came and picked me up.
I'm glad its not just been me left in a mess...puddles of vomit overnight !!

I find it quite shocking that basic needs like these aren't seen to and how the nurses cannot see how embarrassing it is and sort it out and try to offer some reassurance...no matter how busy they may be.

I remember I just felt like lying there and crying - i felt so ill and then to feel like I was being a pain in the neck and too much bother...not probably what they thought but how I was thinking at the time. I now avoid seeking help until absolutely necessary to try and avoid this ever happening again.

Yes I vomited as I arrived on the ward for my last admission, i did ask for a vomit bowl "stat" lol, but it wasn't stat enough...... so the only place was the floor. She put a towel over it and left it. Not as bad as the mess being in the bed tho!!

I think you're spot on with feeling a bother, I've often got sighs and eye rolling off nurses when asking for things as basic as paracetamol (once waited 6 hours). It's easy when you're vulnerable to feel like a burden on people but it shouldnt be that way. A "care" assistant once threw (literally) a menu at my table (btw I was nil by mouth allegedly) and snapped "I need you to fill this in", no pen left, no nice smile or indication as to what the item she'd thrown in my general direction was..... I always thought care assistants were supposed to, well, care. I did cry on that admission and insisted on discharge as soon as I was rehydrated!

I was really violently ill, projectile vomiting everything and losing a lot of weight. My GI ordered a colonoscopy, then later that day admitted me to the hospital. While in hospital, the nurses brought my colonoscopy prep. I was crying, I was so sick and so weak. I tried to tell them I hadn't eaten in three days and everything that was coming up was bile, I didn't need to do the prep. I couldn't have been more cleaned out. Absolutely empty. I got no sympathy, and to top it off, I had a roommate and she had the bed closest to the bathroom. I don't remember what she was in for, but she had like 3 people in the room with her and they were all eating fried chicken from styrofoam containers. I kept having to pass them all, back and forth to the bathroom, trying to negotiate my IV pole around all their chairs and food bags, while I went to the bathroom to ****, vomit and cry. Then my roommate calls the nurse to complain about my noise, mess, and smell. I hate the hospital.
Where can i get a "i Cant wait" card? they sound useful!

From 'NACC'. If you Google you'll get their website. £12 a year membership and they send the card, loads of info and a radar key which gives you access to disabled toilets in shopping centres etc.
Well worth it :)
I don't remember what she was in for, but she had like 3 people in the room with her and they were all eating fried chicken from styrofoam containers.

Ugh! I hate that! People bringing in outside food and it always smells so vile and disgusting. I can't tell you how many times I've been NPO and some *******' family brings in McDonalds, and the smell just makes my stomach churn!!!
One lady who was in the same bay as me once kept calling the nurses saying she was really nauseated and needed more iv anti nausea meds which they gave. When the nurses weren't around her husband kept bringing her burger kings/ chips and chocolates and she just ate all the time. There was another lady with crohns in the bay and the 2 of us just couldn't believe what we saw...and had to put up with the smell ...and her constant complaining of nausea...she was never sick- amazingly!
Blah! I'm glad I never really had to deal with having any roommates. Had my own room when I was hospitalized for a month as a kid and had my own room when I was recovering from my surgery (and during my prep before surgery thankfully :p). Gotta love children's hospitals!
sorry about your experiences. however, i also have accidents. it was embarassing before now i just laugh it off. i mean seriously, im 20 years old and im shitting myself haha i can only imagine how i will be when i get old!
Blah! I'm glad I never really had to deal with having any roommates. Had my own room when I was hospitalized for a month as a kid and had my own room when I was recovering from my surgery (and during my prep before surgery thankfully :p). Gotta love children's hospitals!

I did too. Thankfully since I made a HUGE mess out of that room lol...first the blood bag broke, then I crapped EVERYWHERe since I couldn't manuver the IV thing fast enough and then I threw up and pooped everywhere in the bathroom...I wouldn't even know what to do if I had a roomie
Thanks for sharing these. Boy! Crohn's has a sick way of making us see the humor in things.
As a nurse I'm horrified at some of these stories! I would never, ever leave someone in a bed of poo or vomit, appalling. I've prepped many people for bowel investigations or surgeries and it's almost a give in that there will be some kind of 'incident', especially if they're elderly or really sick, all in a days work and a clean up is par for the course....nothing like getting a patient showered and cleaned up and back into a nice fresh bed after a blow out, satisfying for all involved!! Or maybe I'm just a bit OCD and like neat patients??!!
When my boyfriend and I were dating I went over to his house for dinner and had to use the restroom. Well their toilet sucks! You have to flush it over and over to get it all down. Well lets say it clogged and spilled all over the floor!! I had to call his mom in and help me, she was so supportive! She helped me clean it up. It's a joke now a days haa 11 yrs later. haa
Ive had a fair few accidents but the most memerable are taking a girl I liked for a drive in the car, middle of the country and after ignoring the stomach pains for quite sometime I realised I had to go to the toilet right there and then. Stopped doing 60mph in the shortest time possible, legged it out of the car, over a fence and behind a tree. Came out like a treat (realised just then as a few cars went past that it wasnt a good a hiding place as Id originally thought)
Then after I finished I found out i didnt have any tissue in my pockets.. had to used the dry leaves on the floor instead. Took a bit of explaining to the poor lass as well lol.

Also had to go in my pants when in the plane skydiving. The 20 min plane ride was too long and felt the warm wet feeling in my pants, 5 mins later this changed to a cold wet feeling as I jumped out lol
Oh man, my fiance (boyfriend at the time) was with me when symptoms began presenting. I would get so embarrassed by some of the things that happened. I would randomly come out of the bathroom and say I'm using your shower and would run upstairs and shower. After I was freshly cleaned he'd pressure me to admit what just happened. He got so concerned about my pain or accidents or whatnot that he wanted me to share whatever was going on. He's become my biggest support system going to every GI appt and taking me to the hospital whenever I needed. He keeps me sane I don't know if I could have made it through without him

Yep my girlfriend too, really is nice. We had another couple overhear some of our conversation one time and the disgusted look we got.... haha. I really don't know if there is anything left that would be uncomfortable to say.