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  1. Jenn

    Humira, Mtx and Asthma

    We have not discontinued any Crohn's meds for my son's asthma flares, but I have notified the GI when we added the inhaled steroid, just to let them know. Hope she settles quickly!
  2. Jenn

    Son recently diagnosed

    What we all HATE about this disease is how deceptive it is. There can be a lot of damage going on inside without obvious symptoms. How often is his bloodwork checked? Hope it's really nothing, but it's important to be cautious and in contact with the GI, they need to know.
  3. Jenn

    Son recently diagnosed

    Pentasa doesn't work well for Crohn's and the Methotrexate is a better option. I'd agree with the groin pain being a fistula, which is what my son was diagnosed after having. Be sure to discuss it with the GI. Mild doesn't always mean mild approach, you need to get the disease under control...
  4. Jenn

    Fingers crossed and prayers😄

    It is so, so scary and difficult. Hope he starts getting better quickly.
  5. Jenn

    And the Dentist says .....

    Funny, I was JUST wondering about this, about to make an orthodontist appointment to assess when to start braces. :)
  6. Jenn

    Height Growth

    My son hasn't had any catch-up spurts (in 3 years), but his growth restarted just a few months after effective treatment. It's still charting and we plot it each checkup (every 4 months). We check in with the endocrinologist once/year along with a bone age hand xray to keep tabs on it (2 years...
  7. Jenn

    Loss of Response to Biologics versus Increased Risk of Lymphoma in Children With IBD

    The combo therapy of Humira and 6mp worked to kick my son into remission. We discontinued the additional 6mp after about a year. Your GI would have the best opinion for your situation.
  8. Jenn

    High absolute eosinophils

    My son's eosinophils were high the last few blood draws. We are assuming allergies at this point and not taking any action yet.
  9. Jenn

    Bone Age Study and growth catch-up

    late to the party, but ditto. My son has had a hand x-ray to determine bone age, he too is about 2 years behind. We recheck each year with the endocrinologist. He is on the low-end of normal for growth hormone, so based on his bone-age, we won't do meds til later. He has not had any catch-up...
  10. Jenn

    Medication tracking -Suggestions?

    When we were in the thick of antibiotics and supplements, I created my own little excel table with what meds and times and with open boxes for check marks when given. Printed several days' worth to keep in the kitchen where I walked by frequently to remind me, but it can be really hard to keep...
  11. Jenn

    Endocrinologist - Delayed Puberty an Update

    Is he on the chart for his bone age? That's my son, also low growth hormone, but Endo is wait and see, but he's still only 12 (10 bone age). Sounds like a lot to go through, hope it goes well and keep us posted
  12. Jenn

    Parents of Pre-Teens and Teens with IBD

    Welcome. We haven't tried any special diet for my son, now 12, I think maybe you meant the admin Jennifer . My son is doing well on Humira. The top down approach going for Remicade first usually gets quicker and longer remission. My son is hooked on Minecraft too. He plays it while listening to...
  13. Jenn

    Hair Issues

    my son had some thinning hair with 6mp and psoriasis and scalp issues with Remicade. I like Neutrogena T-Sal, helps clear it up. He still has some dandruff on Humira, but it's not too bad. We also use a mild steroid oil for the skin issues
  14. Jenn

    Humira update

    Humira is still working for my son, 2 years 2 months now.
  15. Jenn

    Joints and stiffness

    Even though Humira is used for arthritis, it can cause joint pain. Wouldn't hurt to follow up with the GI as well as the Rheumo.
  16. Jenn

    Help with blood test results

    We had a problem with stubbornly low protein on Humira only and added 6mp which corrected it. Only did 6mp for a year, then went to the adult dose of Humira and doing ok so far on that alone. Hope it's not that way for you, just throwing it out there.
  17. Jenn

    Not sure

    She may feel better reaching out to other teens like her. There's a teen site here:
  18. Jenn

    Things not going in the right direction here

    So sorry to hear this. Hope he gets going in the right direction again soon!
  19. Jenn

    Help with blood test results

    Great that the iron is going up! My son's eosinophils have been high too the last few months with allergies and asthma.
  20. Jenn

    Camp Oasis

    My son went in 2012 and will again this summer to the one near Los Angeles (2013 was canceled for fire). It's a fantastic program!