Hi Chicago-I have 3 kids, all small with very delayed bone age (2-3 years each) as shown by hand x-ray, otherwise healthy except that my middle may have Crohn's. Middle is under the care of a peds GI, all 3 go to a peds Endocrinologist.
My oldest (14 year old girl) went on growth hormones as she proved out to be HGH deficient. It was a great decision as she grew 2 inches in 5 months and has had no side effects. Bone age is very useful as you want to address the growth before growth plates fuse. If your 11 yo daughter is still growing at a good pace (2-3 inches/year) and has delayed bone age, her height should catch up to normal, probably without intervention. If her growth slows or stops (as all my kids have), then she may need HGH drugs.
My peds endocrinologist has been tracking them for years, they are 14, 13 and 12 respectively. I expect that my other 2 will need HGH, they are getting tested in a few weeks.
You still have time especially as your daughter's bone age is delayed. But if her growth has stopped you may want to discuss testing for HGH deficiency with a peds endocrinologist. Please let me know if you have questions on that.