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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. DougUte

    Moonface caused by corticosteroids: when will it generally go away?

    I've been on Budesonide before and yes it can cause the moonface. When I stop Budesonide the moonface usually goes away in a couple of weeks.
  2. DougUte

    Can Humira provoke Multiple sclerosis (MS)

    In my household I'm the lucky one with Crohn's. I was on Humira for about 5 years, until I built up anti-bodies to it and it stopped working. No MS like symptoms have occurred. My wife was once diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. She went several years taking Avonex and having steroid treatments...
  3. DougUte

    Raw vs. boiled vegetables?

    Softening up the raw veggies makes them more digestible.
  4. DougUte

    Does prednisone cause shaking?

    You might want to check with a neurologist about having Essential Tremor. ET is a movement disorder. I have been diagnosed with it longer than Crohn's. When my gastro puts me on prednisone for the Crohn's, my ET always gets worse. When off the prednisone, the ET gets better. Can't be a coincidence.
  5. DougUte

    Long distance travel and Crohns.

    Thanks for all the help everyone. We are leaving next Wednesday. I will put together an emergency kit and we are already going to bring food for breakfast. That will be better and cheaper than eating out.
  6. DougUte

    Long distance travel and Crohns.

    In 2 weeks my wife and I are going for a two week trip to Indiana. We're going by car because we have stops we want to make along the way. I sometimes have very urgent bowel movements and am a bit worried about if one goes while we are out in the middle of nowhere. Would you suggest I make...
  7. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    I went from Humira to Entyvio about 2 years ago. Humira anti bodies were building up, making the medicine not effective. Entyvio has been much easier for me. Infusions once every 8 weeks. I have had no side effects from Entyvio or Humira. Entyvio has not been quite as effective as Humira was at...
  8. DougUte

    Diagnosed with Crohn's Disease

    With my experience I prefer the Top Down approach to therapy. I was misdiagnosed with IBS for years and when I ws diagnosed with Crohn's disease I was in horrible shape and needed surgery. Even then my insurance company would not approve Humira. They forced my doc to do the bottom up...
  9. DougUte


    It is possible they might perform a CT of the small bowel. My Crohns was confirmed by one.
  10. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    Hi Jane! So sorry about your side effects. That stinks. I wonder why some of us have to suffer those side effects. My only issue with Entyvio is fatigue after the Infusion.
  11. DougUte

    Undiagnosed - Need some advice

    Yes, go see another GI. I don't understand doing a sigmoidoscopy when a colonoscopy covers the entire colon and the terminal ileum. That could give you a more complete picture of what is going on.
  12. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    I have never had a reaction like yours to Entyvio. No problems at all for me. What about trying humors or stelara?
  13. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    I am waiting for a prior authorization from my insurance for Entyvio. I have an infusion scheduled for Thursday which might have to be rescheduled because the prior authorization has not been approved. I hate this part of the health care business.
  14. DougUte

    How many Crohn's related surgeries have you had?

    Hope things go well this week, Jane.
  15. DougUte

    Anyone else with the terminal ileum infected?

    Hi Valerie! The terminal ileum is the most common location for Crohns to appear. I ended up with surgery removing 3 feet of my small intestine and 6 inches of my colon. There was nothing the meds could do with the strictures I had. Reducing the inflammation is a good start though. Hope things...
  16. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

  17. DougUte

    World's oldest person with Crohn's Disease

    I was diagnosed with Crohns in 2010. In 2004 I had 6 ER visits in 3 months due to severe abdominal cramping. At that time I was misdiagnosed with severe IBS. For years before that I had diarrheah (sp?) from some "unknown" cause. 20 years before diagnosis I had boughts with bloody stools. I am...
  18. DougUte

    Entyvio (Vedolizumab) Support Group

    I think Entyvio got me back in remission in short order. About 3 months.
  19. DougUte

    Fatigue/Generally feeling awful

    When flaring I almost always have a deep fatigue. I also get fatigued after taking my biologics (Humira first, now Entyvio). For me it is part of the disease. My vitamin levels seem to be OK, except Vit D, which I just increased to 5000 I.U. daily. Have you checked your Vit D levels? Low Vit...
  20. DougUte

    Prednisone helped pain, but not the rumbles / gurgles / noises

    CallieS, your case seems similar to me. My GI could not get my first colonoscopy past the blocked Terminal ileum. It sounds to me that you have Crohn's. I am not a doctor, so take that statement with a grain of salt. The biologic meds you mentioned, Humira and Remicade, are anti- TNFalpha and...