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  1. B

    Illeitis crohn's

    Yep, thats what they said I had too...before the formal CD diagnosis. When Im flaring I have severe pain in my right lower quadrant (RLQ) along with other symptoms which is around the area where your illium is internally. Dont freak out and just take the news with a breath of fresh
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    An update

    Awwww I hope you feel better, I hate that test. Keep us posted~
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    How strict does "Induction period" need to be?

    While I was getting my first induction doses....I missed my second one because I was sick with a cold. So...they got it in me as soon as they could. I definatley know that its working....however, Ive had some symptoms creep back up, and drs speculate that my body built up immunity to it since I...
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    Probiotics and constipation

    Hey friends, was wondering if anyone has experienced constipation while taking probiotics? I just started taking them a week ago...and though Im enjoying less bathroom trips, I seem to be backed up. Its causing some problems with the lil fissures Ive been trying to get rid of....not sure if its...
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    Why is everybody scared of Prednisone

    Pred has saved my life....I was in the worst flare for the last year. Im still on it, but the euphoria has worn off....I dont have that great energy and happy feeling I had a month ago. Everytime I tapper down I get sick. It seems like I get flu like symptoms, my body hurts s bad...nobody can...
  6. B

    Side cramps?

    Yes, when Im flaring really bad, they become unbearable. When Im well.....I get them throughout the day and they vary in pain and intensity. Sometimes its like a knife right in my side and takes my breath away for a few minutes~
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    B-12 shots

    I get it every other week, sometimes it will burn....especially if Im having a more painful day. I feel the effects of them the next day and I feel really good. I love my B12 shots.....hope you feel better
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    Flares different each time?

    Yes, Ian.....I seem to have flared differently over the years and just finally got a diagnosis.
  9. B

    School and crohn's

    I know what school is like, ive bee going for several years and just decided to get another more school for me~This past year was the worst year with CD for me, so Im nervous about going back to school.....especially wth two little children. I pray Im not taking on too much, and...
  10. B

    Is entocort any good?

    Entocort worked briefly for me....but took a few weeks to start working. It never stopped my symptoms entirely, but did give me some relief.
  11. B

    So tell me, does *your* arse leak?

    Yea, me too....seems that things are always kinda moist down there....and with a new development of fissures, Ive been more leaky than normal!! Good luck to ya....and watch that fever, if it goes over 100.9, you better be seen sooner than later!!
  12. B

    Omg what is that on my bub???

    The verdict is.....Fissures!! YAY, not fistula thank goodness....I have some creams that I apply and things are definately feeling better today. Thanks guys~
  13. B

    Tapering off pred.. having some issues! HELP!

    Yea, I have felt like crap everytime I tapper. My bones hurt really badly, my fatigue is through the roof, and I feel a mess...usually after a few days I feel better again. Ive been at 20 for three weeks and debating on going back up 5 to relieve some of the tapper side effects. Feel better soon~
  14. B

    What's Worse?

    I think it was worse before my dx, everyone always thought it was all in my head, or I was making out to be worse than it really was.....I should be able to take some immodium or previcid....atleast now I know whats wrong and I can work on treating the actual symptoms, and not just bein made to...
  15. B

    Omg what is that on my bub???

    Omg what is that on my bum??? Ok, WOW!! Im shocked at what I just discovered....please excuse me for my graphic detail, but I need some help here people!! I have been suffing with several bathroom trips daily and ofcourse my bum has become sore and well I have a few hemmies that bother me. So...
  16. B

    Need a laugh

    HAHAHAAH..thanks Awbrey, I needed a good laugh...and yet so very true. The first colonoscopy I had at 18 years old I had to drink MoviPrep....and yea!! That stuff is terrible and sooooo soooo much of it, like I wasnt empty the first 15 gallons, and 20 puking it up. No fun.....not at all...and...
  17. B

    Chest pain during my sleep

    Thanks friends, my EKG showed normal, and I had a chest x ray done. I will have EEG done soon, but doc thinks its a spasm of my esophagus...which is controlled by antispasmatic meds and pain meds....just what I dont need. Hopefully everything is ok, and it doesnt happen again. None the less if...
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    Prednisone spacing

    I did half in am and half at pm
  19. B

    Chest pain during my sleep

    So Im fairly young and not in terrible shape. Im generally healthy with the exception of my CD, which is newly diagnosed. Currently I am tappering off Prednisone, which Ive been stable at 3 weeks at 20mgs.....and just gona wait to see if symptoms of CD calm down more. I am getting Remicade and...
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    Why does it go right through me

    Yea its crazy and driving me nuts.....