School and crohn's

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Feb 26, 2010
Sick of crohn's. That's all I have to say--sick of it. lol. Well, maybe things will come easier for me once I graduate. I just have the hardest time staying positive while finishing up my degree. The moment I try and forget about crohn's, it creeps back up on me. I just look at everyone else around me and can't figure out why I have to be constantly hungry and in pain (myalgia) all the time.

Is anyone else in school battling crohn's at the same time? I usually do o.k. for weeks but then get flares if I become stressed :( This is my last semester and if I can just hang in there, I know everything will be o.k.

Sorry to hear it Mary. I'm 25 and still haven't finished my degree yet.. I had to drop out 4 separate times since i was 19. I have built up a tolerance to stress over the years, just not the tolerance for crohn's... Hang in there b/c who wants to grow up anyway!?!lol
Yeah. I've dropped out a couple of times for other reasons that might have been crohn's related. I was just diagnosed in January '09. I'm 27 and have been a senior for what seems like forever. lol. You're right about one thing--who wants to grow up anyways. lol. Thanks for the support.
Sorry to hear it Mary. I'm 25 and still haven't finished my degree yet.. I had to drop out 4 separate times since i was 19. I have built up a tolerance to stress over the years, just not the tolerance for crohn's... Hang in there b/c who wants to grow up anyway!?!lol

Wow. I just noticed that you have had 3 resections. Have you had any problems since the surgery? Like problems with electrolytes and maintaining weight. I haven't gained any weight for several months now (still at 101) despite my outrageous appetite. I had surgery back in January of '09. And, my doctor says my case is really mild right now--currently no inflammation.
I know what school is like, ive bee going for several years and just decided to get another more school for me~This past year was the worst year with CD for me, so Im nervous about going back to school.....especially wth two little children. I pray Im not taking on too much, and that this nasty disease doesnt rear its head too much!! I wish you luck and hope you feel better soon~
Crohn's has been a pretty big obstacle for school for me recently. I had to withdraw from the Spring '10 semester and was only able to manage one online class for the following fall semester. Things are going a bit better, so far, this semester. Between changing my mind about what I want to do and all the withdrawals, I'm technically somewhere in my sophomore year. If I didn't have issues I probably would have graduated Spring 2012, but I won't manage that now. It'll all get done eventually, though.

Best of luck in getting through school to all of you. It would have been too easy to deal with without all of these complications, right? :)
Make sure that you register with your school's department for students with disabilities. This will guarantee that you don't get penalized if you have a flare and are a day late with an assignment or something. My daughter also has arthritis and sometimes it's uncomfortable to sit for a 2 1/2 hour class. By registering, she is assured that accommodations will be made as needed. It takes a little bit of the stress off.
Make sure that you register with your school's department for students with disabilities. This will guarantee that you don't get penalized if you have a flare and are a day late with an assignment or something. My daughter also has arthritis and sometimes it's uncomfortable to sit for a 2 1/2 hour class. By registering, she is assured that accommodations will be made as needed. It takes a little bit of the stress off.

tmgread. Thanks. I can't sit in class for very long either because I have back problems. I am registered with the disabilites resource center which does help. The problems I face is missing labs--my lab partners never seem to be very sympathetic and it literally drives me nuts. I'm taking microbial genetics and its already very complicated. The labs are 3 hours long two times a week. I'm also taking a couple other courses. I might just have to drop the lab and wait another semester for graduation. I'll give it another week and see if I can manage to catch up.

Gees. I can only imagine how far along I would be without having to deal with this disease. Thanks for the support :)
I understand what you're going through.. to a degree. I was diagnosed near the end of my first year of college. Made it really tough for exams and yr end projects as I was constantly sick and to the dr not knowing what was going on, no energy, started to skip class (I had a very painful perianal absess which turned into a fistula and I was taking Graphic Design. One of my classes was life drawing which meant sitting on a saw horse like wooden seat for an hour drawing ppl... needless to say some days a pillow wouldnt cover it and my grades suffered from missing that class too much)
Fortunately the worst part of my flare and hospital stay all happened through the summer between first and second year so my secong year wasnt as bad with meds and very understanding teachers. By third year I was on remicade and in remission so I managed to actually graduate on time and did rather well. It was extremely hard though and I definitely wouldnt have been able to do it without the support of my teachers.
Thanks everyone. The last couple of days have been o.k. Finally, some relief from the stress. lol. I'm just trying to catch up. I'm not sure how I managed last semester--I barely studied. The fulltime schedule is really making it hard for me. I'm not sure its the work load but maybe the people I have to work with. :yfaint:

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My parents want me to drop out. That's so messed up.

Gosh, is it just me or does it seem nobody really gives any support? I mean family members, etc. People in general. :(
I know exactly how you feel. It feels like college is almost impossible a lot of the time. I am a freshman this year and have had the worst time with my GPA. Back home I had my family and a schedule routine to help but here it's difficult to go places and get exams/work done. I signed up with the disability center, but there's not much they can do except help you talk to your teachers. I just hope I don't get too discouraged; my mom wasn't going to let me go to college at first, so I don't want to give up and admit defeat. I told her "I will not let Crohn's rule my life". Let me know if you have any advice on how to handle all the schoolwork on top of Crohn's. :/
I was diagnosed with Crohn’s at the end of my first year, so I know what you’re going through. I was wicked-sick that first year, trying to go to classes, keep up with the homework, going to the hospital for tests, and working part time (4 hours at night). The only thing I had going for me, I think, was my youth.

About the only thing I can say is that this will pass. I was diagnosed 29 years ago and it does get better. I did manage to get my degree… then my Masters… and in a few years I might tackle my PhD. Or not.

I like what nolesgirl14 above me said: “I will not let Crohn’s rule my life.”

I know exactly how you feel. It feels like college is almost impossible a lot of the time. I am a freshman this year and have had the worst time with my GPA. Back home I had my family and a schedule routine to help but here it's difficult to go places and get exams/work done. I signed up with the disability center, but there's not much they can do except help you talk to your teachers. I just hope I don't get too discouraged; my mom wasn't going to let me go to college at first, so I don't want to give up and admit defeat. I told her "I will not let Crohn's rule my life". Let me know if you have any advice on how to handle all the schoolwork on top of Crohn's. :/

So as it turns out, my parents say its "o.k." for me to drop the crazy microbial genetics lab for now. I still have 4 other courses to work on so I will have just that lab to finish up. However, microbial genetics lab is only offered spring semester so that means I'll have to wait a whole two semesters to graduate. Gees. I figure its better than getting really stressed and sick. I've been at this bachelor's now for a total of 7 years. I changed my career choice a couple of times though. And, I was able to get an associates degree back in '06. I think I was fortunate that I didn't have crohn's during most of my college years (or so think, lol)--I had other medical issues. So, to some extent I was already prepared. I'm almost done but these courses are so hard not many people take a full load at one time. Anyhow, all I have to say in terms of dealing with school and crohn's is to pace yourself. Life shouldn't be a race in the first place--I think to some extent, work is more boring than school, lol. If you take a few courses at a time, you will have time to take breaks and relax. Do things you enjoy in the interim to help manage the stress and you'll find you will accomplish things a lot faster this way. :hug:

Its hard not to compare yourself to other students but try not too (I do this a lot, lol). Most of them aren't tackling a beast with many faces on a minute to minute basis along with the stresses of school and work.
I have to say.. taht it is not you and not your Crohns. I think school is stressful fro anyone let alone for a person with a chronic illness. I am an adult and I'd like to go back to school. Unfortauntely I fear the work load. It is suppose to be a good thing that they have crammed a 2 year course into a 1 year course. it is good for the school to make money but not necessarily the students.. or myself with a household and a life. thing is what I want to take has a 'wellness" component. i think it will be good for the overwhelmed healthcare system and so many ill people. I plan to be busier thatn I need to be.. tha's ok.. lots of work !! I think I may even be able to pick and choose a schedule that fits me at some point. Maybe even charge a little more :))) so i can work less.
Hey. I'm in my second year of a geology degree. My main problem is a migratory arthritis. I'd say your best bet is to register with your school's disability center. They've helped me a lot with getting accommodations.

First of all school sucks. Secondly school sucks even more when you feel like garbage. I missed out on two labs today cause my back is super stiff and I can't really walk cause of my knees. So my TA's have emailed me the assignments and data that other people have gotten. So I get to work on it from my bed/couch/floor.

All you can do is muscle your way through it. It sucks that if you drop a course to reduce stress you put your graduation back but if you have to you have to right.

Keep up the good work. You made it through 3 years of school already.
Good luck.

Hey. I'm in my second year of a geology degree. My main problem is a migratory arthritis. I'd say your best bet is to register with your school's disability center. They've helped me a lot with getting accommodations.

First of all school sucks. Secondly school sucks even more when you feel like garbage. I missed out on two labs today cause my back is super stiff and I can't really walk cause of my knees. So my TA's have emailed me the assignments and data that other people have gotten. So I get to work on it from my bed/couch/floor.

All you can do is muscle your way through it. It sucks that if you drop a course to reduce stress you put your graduation back but if you have to you have to right.

Keep up the good work. You made it through 3 years of school already.
Good luck.


Haha! School does suck. lol. Actually, its not so much the crohn's that's the issue. Its the stupid back and hip pain I'm constantly in. Oh, and the added stress of having to eat ever 2 hours. Annoying! So, I've missed a couple of labs and I am registered with the DRC but my TA isn't very nice. I'm just too behind right now anyways.

Thanks for the input :)

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