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  1. robbo87


    do all bags with filters need stickers? I use dansac bags which have some sort of charcoal filter and I've never been given or used any stickers when getting it wet.
  2. robbo87

    Healthy Eating?

    Before getting ill i'd say i ate a very balanced diet. i ate a lot of crap and fast food but i also ate veg and fruit aswell. Now i cant go near veg or "healthy" stuff. My body just cant handle it at all. so for me eating stuff like pizzas, pasta, potatoes,white bread and rice, oh and chicken...
  3. robbo87

    Smell?? changing the bag.

    It stinks when i empty my bag, but my step dad stinks the house out even more when he goes to the toilet too so I dont worry about it. I only start to worry if I can smell something when im not emptying/changing the bag. you can get drops to put into your bag but im not sure how good they are...
  4. robbo87


    hi picci and welcome to the forum, sorry to hear things are a bit crap at the moment. Being scared of having a bag is perfectly natural, and whilst I'm not wishing it upon you, having a bag changes a lot of peoples lives in a very positive way. I actually dont know much about the whole stem cell...
  5. robbo87

    Confused about C-Diff and Crohn's

    I contracted C-Diff whilst in hospital and it was horrible. I spent a week constantly puking my guts up and going to the toilet. and this was just after having an emergency bowel resection so it wasn't the best time to contract it. I'd spent a lot of time in hospital on many different anti...
  6. robbo87

    Too much to handle right now...

    Vickie, sorry to hear you are going through a rough spell, I can imagine that going through all your exams and stuff will be very stressful so it's no surprise that you are starting to have problems health wise, and no doubt the build up of stress is what will make you snappy aswell. My only...
  7. robbo87

    Sticky Medical Marijuana for Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis

    This is something I've been thinking about a lot lately. I live in the UK so Cannabis is very much so Illegal, and I have no intentions of breaking the law. I have on about 3 occasions smoked a small amount whilst on a break in Amsterdam, and I have to say my symptoms did improve. For me stress...
  8. robbo87

    Low lymphocytes, should I worry?

    I had to stop azathioprine because of low lymphocytes. I cant remember the exact levels, but i was taking 150mg which was needed to keep things at bay.. but that was to high for my lymphocyte count to stay high enough. my lymphocyte count improved as i lowered to 50mg but that wasn't enough to...
  9. robbo87

    Letter of complaint to the hospital

    I wouldn't expect them to reimburse you for anything but they should at the very least apologise for the inconvenience they have caused you and accept that sending a letter a week before cancelling an appointment is not the best way to do things. Letters can very easily get lost in the post...
  10. robbo87

    Is IBD hereditary?

    In my family as far as i know I only have a cousin who has UC. but they are looking into the possibilities of it being hereditary. I signed up to some testing at the hospital where i get my treatment for research and stuff. I can see why your GP might be cautious in diagnosis but has he not...
  11. robbo87

    Worried about possible flare up

    I cant even seem to keep fluids down :?
  12. robbo87

    Worried about possible flare up

    I was feeling better... but its soon descending into darkness, and ive just been spewing again :( I spoke to an ibd nurse that i used to be under but she cant do to much really. because im now treated under a diff hospital she cant get any of my records or recent investigations so she advised...
  13. robbo87

    Worried about possible flare up

    I dont know either, All my care has changed to a different hospital, and i was reffered to the gi by my surgeon because he wanted to see if the gi thought i should be on anything, but the gi thought not... despite my crp and things still being highish, I last saw my gi in nov and was told id be...
  14. robbo87

    Worried about possible flare up

    Well ive started feeling a bit better and managed to have a bit to eat and drink so whatever it was I guess the worst is over. and my output seems to have calmed down too.
  15. robbo87

    Tip of the cap to the NHS

    The NHS is great and I am certainly very greatfull, especially when taking into considering other countries where people have to struggle paying bills etc. However the NHS isn't perfect. The quality of care you will recieve is very hit and miss and all depends on whether you live near to a good...
  16. robbo87

    Worried about possible flare up

    from what i can gather on the internet one of the symptoms of a partial blockage is a very high watery output, im not sure why, but i'd assume its the bodys way of trying to flush it through and that only the water can get through. then if theres nothing come out its a sign of a full obstruction.
  17. robbo87

    Worried about possible flare up

    Im gonna give my ibd nurse a ring now, although it usually takes a day before she can get back to me, ive also booked an appt to see the stoma nurses on weds mornin
  18. robbo87

    Worried about possible flare up

    phoned the stoma nurse this morning n she said it sounded very much like ive got a blockage, n told me to go to a and e... so i did, saw the triage nurse who just decided that i have a bug...... I've no temperature at all and all the symptoms lead to a blockage so i dont know how theyve come to...
  19. robbo87

    Worried about possible flare up

    im not sure whats goin on :( from looking online at various places they suggest i could have a partial blockage, just tried having a milkshake and ended up spewing that up :( sigh
  20. robbo87

    Worried about possible flare up

    hi guys, just looking for some advice really. been feeling pretty crappy today, was alright this morning and managed to have a bit of breakfast but the tiredness soon set in, so ive been lied in bed all afternoon watching football feeling really rough, not eating much, and my ileostomy is going...