Worried about possible flare up

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Dec 30, 2008
hi guys, just looking for some advice really. been feeling pretty crappy today, was alright this morning and managed to have a bit of breakfast but the tiredness soon set in, so ive been lied in bed all afternoon watching football feeling really rough, not eating much, and my ileostomy is going crazy, literally getting full every hour and it is very very watery, i've never known so much watery output to come out in one day, sometimes it starts like that in the morning but it soon settles down but not today. my knees are starting to feel a bit achey and ive just tried to have a drink (ok it was fizzy pop which may not have been clever)... and ended up being sick. I dont feel feverish or anything like that though so im not really sure what to do. I had a chinese yesterday for my tea and i also had a big english breakfast, and whilst these contain things that could potentially cause problems ive had them lots in the past and not had any issues, is it possible i may just have a partial blockage? or could something else be going on? I've been under a lot of stress lately and im not taking any crohns medications so im scared that it could be making a return :(
Just wondering if you could have some sort of stomach bug? Since it seems to have come on so suddenly and you are having problems with both ends.
im not sure whats goin on :( from looking online at various places they suggest i could have a partial blockage, just tried having a milkshake and ended up spewing that up :( sigh
Martin, just try water, powerade, or gatorade for now. Nothing rich. Dont get dehydrated! Hopefully it was what you ate. But with the stress you've been under, and no meds...I suggest you ring the IBD nurse first thing tomorrow.
phoned the stoma nurse this morning n she said it sounded very much like ive got a blockage, n told me to go to a and e... so i did, saw the triage nurse who just decided that i have a bug...... I've no temperature at all and all the symptoms lead to a blockage so i dont know how theyve come to that conclusion
They've come to that conclusion because they are twits. Do you have an IBD nurse??? Or can your stoma nurse get you into see the GI for an emergency appt??
Im gonna give my ibd nurse a ring now, although it usually takes a day before she can get back to me, ive also booked an appt to see the stoma nurses on weds mornin
Good...tell the IBD nurse you suspect a blockage and why, and I will bet she'll get back to you sooner.
Sorry to hear your troubles. Im new hear, sorry for going off topic but what is a stoma that u all referrer to?
I would have thought (though obviously I'm no expert!) that you would have less stoma output and lots of pain if you had a blockage?

from what i can gather on the internet one of the symptoms of a partial blockage is a very high watery output, im not sure why, but i'd assume its the bodys way of trying to flush it through and that only the water can get through. then if theres nothing come out its a sign of a full obstruction.
Ahh that makes sense. Let's hope your nurse gets back to you first thing and you get sorted soon!

Phear- A stoma is where a surgeon creates an opening in your abdomen and connects your intestines to it. Instead of pooing out of your bottom, stool comes out of the stoma and is collected in a bag. The surgery is performed either temporarily to allow the rest of the bowel to heal, or permanently if the rest of the bowel is too damaged.
Ahh makes sense thanks also I've heard a few people talk about bowel resting with things like ensure, does it actually help? Should I still take my meds and do u still use your bowels at all or only urine? Thanks Jamie.
Ensure isn't ideal for bowel rest but it can help because at least it's liquid. However there is a product designed specifically for IbD sufferers called Modulen. As well as nutrients it contains anti inflammatories. There are also elemental diets where all the nutrients are pre digested so no work for the bowel to do. Modulen and elemental diets are usually prescription only, hence why some people make do with ensure.

Please continue to take your meds as prescribed by your doctor.

Some people may still pass mucous as this is created by the intestines. However they shouldn't pass stool as all.
Well ive started feeling a bit better and managed to have a bit to eat and drink so whatever it was I guess the worst is over. and my output seems to have calmed down too.

That doesnt mean however you should stay without maintenance drugs. I wonder they've left it so long?
I dont know either, All my care has changed to a different hospital, and i was reffered to the gi by my surgeon because he wanted to see if the gi thought i should be on anything, but the gi thought not... despite my crp and things still being highish, I last saw my gi in nov and was told id be seen again in 2 months but still no sign of an appointment either.
Martin, you will really have to chase them on this. Did you leave a message with the IBD nurse? Can she set up an appt for you, or order bloodwork at the very least?
I was feeling better... but its soon descending into darkness, and ive just been spewing again :(

I spoke to an ibd nurse that i used to be under but she cant do to much really. because im now treated under a diff hospital she cant get any of my records or recent investigations so she advised me to try and get in touch with the ibd nurse at salford... (i've seen the gastro docs there a few times now and never once been given any details of an ibd nurse....) she said it could be a bug... or it could be a blockage, or possibly adhesions or something... but aslong as my stoma is functioning, even if it is erratically not to get overly concerned. i just wanna know what the hell is going on with me :(
Well, you most certainly need to be seen. And you need to be on maintenance meds as well. So I would chase the new hospital down for help.

Liquids only for a good three days wouldnt hurt. Soup as well.

Well, you most certainly need to be seen. And you need to be on maintenance meds as well. So I would chase the new hospital down for help.

Liquids only for a good three days wouldnt hurt. Soup as well.


I cant even seem to keep fluids down :?
Sorry you are feeling so rough.
Have you tried dioralyte or similar? Its absorbed from the gut really quickly so more likely to do you some good. Small sips often. But if you continue vomiting fluids as well you should get yourself seen by a doc.

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