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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Cross-stitch gal

    Biomarkers that indicate active inflammation

    I think for me I would include: Diarrhea, bloody stool/diarrhea, constipation, accidents, frequent bathroom runs & stomach pain.
  2. Cross-stitch gal

    About remission

    Right, I forgot to say that this last year I had a colonoscopy and my GI found no inflammation at all. Which is why I put that in my signature...
  3. Cross-stitch gal

    About remission

    I believe so, at least for me it is. I do have times still where I don't feel good, but I'm not receiving blood in my bowls. So, I do know that I'm not in a flare. Did they say that you're in remission?
  4. Cross-stitch gal

    Career and relationship with Crohn's

    If it tells you anything, a few years back I was in a BAD flare and sent home from work because I was in so much pain by my person in charge. Now that person is one of my managers and I'm the person in charge! Kind of strange how the tables turn. One thing I've learned is to be thankful for...
  5. Cross-stitch gal

    Career and relationship with Crohn's

    Oh yes, I work in retail and even read last night somewhere that my company is #1 in the places not to work. Which is really sad, because when I first started working here it wasn't so bad. It's extremely hard for me because I'm between a rock and a hard place. I'm having a horrible time...
  6. Cross-stitch gal

    Career and relationship with Crohn's

    I've been working part time (sometimes almost full time) at my job now for over 17 years. Everyone there knows about my IBD, but in some ways I think it's different because I've been there that long. Every time a new manager comes, I wait to let them know about my IBD until I've gotten to...
  7. Cross-stitch gal

    Having a difficult time

    So, after all that this morning I get a call from work (and woken up). Supposedly my boss has recently been sent quite often to a store that nobody likes to go and was sent there this morning. Because of that, there'd be nobody in charge after 2pm (which was my normal time) and they needed me...
  8. Cross-stitch gal

    Having a difficult time

    Me or them? Unfortunately, this isn't the first time something like this has happened. It's just the first time in a long time that this drastic of a thing has. Which, is why I'm just a little upset. :ybatty:
  9. Cross-stitch gal

    Having a difficult time

    So, here's one for the books. Each week a new schedule is posted. The schedule shows the current week's schedule along with 2 additional weeks ahead. Needless to say, each schedule shows 3 weeks of schedules. The cool thing is that each newest schedule is posted online so we can see it at...
  10. Cross-stitch gal

    Symptoms Better on Vacation?

    Yup, my stomach and all are always better when my husband and I are on vacation. A whole lot less stress and even if we don't do much, no matter what I'm more relaxed. I've joked on occasion that it's too bad we're not old enough to be retired! :rof:
  11. Cross-stitch gal

    Crohn's advice: Do I need to see my doctor?

    Hi and welcome! We have a saying here that if you're asking if you should be seen, it's time to go be seen. Usually that's for the ER, but I believe that's for this too. I totally understand about not wanting medication. At one point I too went medication free, but I'd never do that now...
  12. Cross-stitch gal

    What does this mean?

    Not sure, but it almost looks like your colitis is active and you have polyps. Kinda also looks like they may have taken biopsies of the polyps and your sigmoid colon where they found the polyps. But, your best bet for exact info would be to either wait for your appointment or, you could...
  13. Cross-stitch gal

    Update on my life

    I hope they can get you figured out soon. Sending you lots of hugs girl! :hug:
  14. Cross-stitch gal


    I have not, but sure hope things can get figured out so they can go away Ron! Sorry this is happening to you... :hug:
  15. Cross-stitch gal

    Having a difficult time

    Glad that you're doing well for the most part Cat!!! Chickens are doing well, but Granny is not. This strange winter has been messing up my chickens. So, 3 out of 4 chickens are laying eggs even though by now all 4 should be laying. Needless to say, it's taking them time to catch up to the...
  16. Cross-stitch gal

    Having a difficult time

    How's the job going Cat? A couple weeks ago I got tried at work to be a person in charge in my department. I've done it before on occasion so no big deal for me. However, just before I took some time off for my husband and my anniversary I was told that I'm to be the backup pic permanently...
  17. Cross-stitch gal

    Anal tampon use avisable?

    I too would go with a pad instead. I'd think that using a tampon there would cause problems. But, another option would be to contact your doctor for ideas.
  18. Cross-stitch gal

    That time of year again...annual GI visit and upcoming scope....

    Good luck Lisa! Hope all turns out well for you...:hug:
  19. Cross-stitch gal

    Am I in a good place crohn's wise?

    Looks like you maybe alright with your 63 and if you were 110 or higher I'd be worried. I've been looking around to see what I could find to put your mind at ease and this is the closest I could find without being too wordy. Hope it helps...
  20. Cross-stitch gal


    Sulfalazine was my first medication I was put on when I was first diagnosed. It did well for me for years, until I needed something stronger. But, I'm afraid I don't have ileal crohns...