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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. W

    Newly Diagnosed, Very Confused!

    I am sorry that you are feeling bad, but glad that you found this site. I think that you have to do what feels right for you and if going to see a dietician would help then you should push for it. I don't know about many of the others on here, but I myself seem to live on carbs. If I could eat...
  2. W

    Frustrated that I keep S%$#ing my self

    This is why I love this site, you guys are all understanding and even tho the details are gross you all get it. Thanks for the advice, I think I will call my GI tomorrow as this is new to me. I currently take Pentasa the max does daily, supositories, and Humaira every 14 days. I have been on...
  3. W

    What do you miss

    I miss many things, but last night my sis in law had a salad. It looked sooo good, all those veg, I can almost taste it! I miss chocolate milk shakes I miss just going and doing what I want and not having to map out all the bathrooms along the way. I miss the money that would be in my wallet if...
  4. W

    People asking about "health"

    I get a little of this when I go home to see my parents. I have found one of 2 anwsers helps me. 1) when they ask me, I reply.. Why? This stumps them.. coz you turn the question back on them without an anwser. Some people will then say to you 'Well we just worry about you and want to know how...
  5. W

    Frustrated that I keep S%$#ing my self

    I am just frustrated, so you don't have to read this... I'm just venting.... I am 34yrs old F, and over the past few weeks I have lost controll of my bowels a few times. I have no warning, no pain, no grumbling belly. It just happens! I am sooo tired of this, I try to do all the right things, I...
  6. W

    Humira goof and it was my fault!

    Awsome GI nurse! They had an extra pen at their office. I get my dose with them tomorrow and then the Pharm company will send me the dose Thrusday and my hubby will put in the firdge. Love my GI nurse! Thanks for the support. Woops!
  7. W

    Humira goof and it was my fault!

    Ok so first let me say that this is all my fault! I am just needing to complain about it coz I am so frustrated at myself. Been on H for a year now and RX ran out. My GI nurse (who is great by the way) faxed in a new one. The company called me and wanted to give me a 3 month supply. I asked for...
  8. W

    How long does your shot Humira last?

    I have notied I get about 10 - 12ish days. I am thankfull that it does help me, but it often make me wonder.... what would happen if I ever missed or was late taking a dose? I am currently having some issues with getting my shipment to me for next week. So trying not to panic.. trying. Woops!
  9. W

    Are you getting your necessary vitamins and minerals? No.

    Can anyone driect me to a thread with good juicing recipies please? Thanks..
  10. W

    How our you???

    Mabey they should change it to.... Hey, you found any good Toilet paper on sale? Or Hey, read any good magazines on the pot lately? Hey, so...whats the longest time you have been on the potty these past few days?.... 10 min.... 1hr.... Mabey that would give them a good idea how you are...
  11. W

    Humerous, Bad, Thoughtless ,or Unbelievable Comments

    Co worker = OMG you have lost a ton of weight. How did you do it? Me = I didn't do it, I had a realy bad Crohns flair. Co worker = ohhhh how do I get one of those? Me = I will happily give you mine! I just laughed. I don't think she knew what Crohns was. But I will still give it away... any...
  12. W

    Almond flour which is best?

    Can any of you recomend a good Almond flour? The kind in my local store resembles cooked gritts, and dosen't cook very good. I don't mind ordering of the net either. Thanks, Woops!
  13. W

    SCD kinda... sorta....questions?

    Ok so I can't eat sugar... I have gotten some good recepies form alot of you on snacks. I have been looking at alot of sites and there seems to be alot of fruit in the sweet/snack recepies. Q When I juice apples or oranges I get upset tummy, I think because the sugar is condensed. Does anyone...
  14. W

    Honney recipies anyone? I can't eat sugar anymore!

    Grumbletum, thanks. Just getting desperate for something sweet, and don't want to go back to eathing choclate. Coz one I do, there is no stopping me. Thanks again. Woops!
  15. W

    Anyone get depressed by the foods you can no longer eat?

    I miss choclate.... makes me sad. Gonna have a hard time this Christmas. Going home to Ireland... they have better choclate there.... just don't know if I am gonna be able to stay away...
  16. W

    Um, I'm new here...

    Hi Katie, glad you joined. Lots of people on here who are helpfull and great at listening. Hope all goes well with sigmoidoscopy. Sorry you are not feeling well. Hopefully you will get some anwsers soon. Woops!
  17. W

    Honney recipies anyone? I can't eat sugar anymore!

    Ok so I was a BIG time choclate eater... I'm talking 4-5 times a day. After this last flair, I had to give up on choclate. Sugar free stuff too. It seems any kind of sugar/candy bothers me badly. I can eat honney, and I love organic almond butter. I am looking for any kind or honney/candy/easy...
  18. W

    How do you stay motivated?

    I have major issues with chocolate... I love it... it hates me..... I buy it and put it in a plastic bag along with the reciept from the pharmacy for my meds. Before insurance my pills are $780..... So when I reach for that peice of chocolate I think..... If you eat to much of this your belly...
  19. W

    I hate Crohn's

    What does he feel he can do? I am sorry your son has this. I hate that he is hurting. Does he want to go home? or is he the type of person who will stay and suffer though it so he won't ruin his sisters day? Wish I could be more helpful. I can't imagine being that young and having to deal with this.
  20. W

    Peeing at night

    Yes... I do this toooo. Very very frustrating. I take pentassa also.... hummmmmm. When you have to get for work at 5.15am you realy want every min of sleep you can get