I do, at times, particularly when other people are involved. If a group from work wants to go out to eat, they have to ask me first where I can go and what I can eat. My boss, the other day, said she was going out for food and asked me if I wanted anything. I politely said no, thank you. There was a pause and then my boss said, "Oh, right, it would be tough to find something you could eat." I felt bad for even making her consider me and my special dietary needs. I feel like a pain in the butt to normal people who just want to go out and eat without having to put lots of thought and effort into it, and I don't want them to feel sorry for me. I feel bad for my mother-in-law who loves to cook but can never remember what I can and can't eat. I just want to be normal and fit in, you know? It's not so much that I feel depressed that I can't eat certain things, but I feel bad that it sometimes becomes other people's problem besides my own, if that makes sense. My issues become everybody's issues and I feel like it's not fair to them. They don't make me feel bad, everyone for the most part has been super accommodating, but the situation makes me feel bad that they should have to go through the trouble of accommodating me.