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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. AntsMommy

    Anthony's Update

    Thank you Pen!!!! You are absolutely right about corn - but tell that to a kid who loves crunchy tacos and Doritos, LOL! We are still working on substitutes for those - but those problems are nothing compared with the last years! :-)
  2. AntsMommy

    Sarah's joint pains are coming back as her prednisone weans

    Hi Muppet! I just wanted to say that my son had joint pains in every joint, like you describe with Sarah. Every time we weaned him off of Pred (I believe 4 times over the last winter), the joint pains returned. It wasn't until after his bowel resection when the affected part of the terminal...
  3. AntsMommy

    Anthony's Update

    Waving to all my friends! And some new ones I haven't *met* yet! I figured I owe you all a very long overdue update on Anthony. Being that he is turning 15 on Sunday and acting EVERY bit of a teenager :eek: I thought now was a good time. It brings tears to my eyes to think of where we were a...
  4. AntsMommy

    Infinite Rollercoaster

    (((Julie))) (((Claire))) and (((Hunter))) So sorry I haven't been on the board in quite some time ... will write another post for that. My experience with Ant's lower right pain was that it was his Crohn's affecting his terminal ileum where he had a stricture (and as you probably remember all...
  5. AntsMommy

    Happy Mother's Day

    I just wanted to wish all mommies on here a Happy Mother's Day this Sunday! I know how it takes an extraordinary toll on parents dealing with ill children, and all of you deserve a wonderful day to relax. Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Hugs, Kelly
  6. AntsMommy

    Claire Update - Scope Weds

    (((Julie and Claire!))) Awwww I am so sorry to read all of this Julie! I have been MIA for quite some time and just had to catch up. I hope that the entocort is the answer for this recent development! HUGE HUGS, happy mommy's day, and congrats on your promotion! Hug Claire for us! Love Kel
  7. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Thank's Crohn's mom! He has been doing fabulously! I will hope and pray for the same results for Gab (I have a Gabby too!) - for both of them - for many years to come! Anthony is down to 5 mg of pred this week guys - this weekend is IT! He will finally be off of that yucky drug! Woo Hoo!
  8. AntsMommy

    I'm Proud Of My Child Because......

    WOW! Is it just me, or does everyone here have unusually PHENOMENAL children!?!? :) Dusty, what a great idea for a thread! Hmmm ... how do I contain this in one post? :-D I am proud of Anthony for enduring what he has went through the last six months in respect to his Crohn's disease and...
  9. AntsMommy

    No News-Good News? I hope...

    Dusty, Roo is a beauty!!!!!!!!!!!! It is wonderful and inspiring to hear her doing all these things along with college and gives me lots of hope for Anthony! Will check for Matt's full story. Jen, my daughter (8, no crohns) had the stomach bug last week and I was like a crazy person keeping...
  10. AntsMommy

    Madasin's Updates

    I know this has to be so tough on you guys, but I am so glad to read that there is someone doing some testing with some ideas for you!! Hopefully, this will be the beginning of the end of this mystery/nightmare for you guys!!
  11. AntsMommy

    New diagnosis

    Sorry Rachel, just catching up here. First, Happy 16th Birthday to Lucas!!!!!!!! He will have to have a little late celebration when he is feeling better. I am sooooo sorry to hear that Lucas taper is not going well! I have no experience with the fistulas and wouldn't know where to begin...
  12. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Hi Rachel (and group)! Ant is doing terrific! He is plugging away, getting better and better each day. He is almost all caught up at school. Pretty soon (I think he has another week or two off) he will be back at gym, too. He is down to 10 mg. of pred daily, and will start 5 this weekend...
  13. AntsMommy

    No News-Good News? I hope...

    Hi Mark!! *waving* I am here! I think that in this forum, NO news IS good news! (I hope!) I know as Anthony is feeling better, we are busier with other stuff (including working to get caught up with the 5 weeks of school missed!) but the fact that I am not bugging people with questions is...
  14. AntsMommy

    Stomach flu bug in the house!

    Hi Mom, welcome!! So sorry you are having to deal with this on top of everything else! I had the stomach bug while my son was in the hospital a few weeks ago, it was a nightmare! I feel for you. Ditto what Julie and Dusty said - I don't have any other advice, hang in there and sending hugs!
  15. AntsMommy

    My daughter

    Hi Jen, Welcome to the group! I am sorry that we have to 'meet' under these circumstances, but this group is fantastic and so knowledgeable and helpful - you will be so happy you found them! My son is 14 and has so many of the same issues as your daughter, and for a year his ped kept saying...
  16. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Helloooooo everyone! Well, Ant has been doing fantastically! Staples are out, his incision looks great ... no "inner belly" pain, very minor discomfort here and there. We are gradually adding cooked veggies back into his diet - yay! He is down to 20 mg. pred ... we will likely be dropping...
  17. AntsMommy

    New diagnosis

    Rachel!!! Sorry I have been MIA for a few days ... a much-needed nice long weekend! :) Soooo glad to hear Luc's numbers came down with the pred! What is the next step - the Imuran? That must be frustrating to deal with the different teachers EACH semester! It is February and I feel like I...
  18. AntsMommy

    New diagnosis

    Good morning Rachel and Lucas! Just checking in to see how you guys are doing ...
  19. AntsMommy

    CCFA Camp Oasis anyone?

    Thank you all for the replies! He is really excited and I really hope he gets selected. This could make a tremendous difference in dealing with his CD. I think meeting other kids just like him would be wonderful. Online app is submitted, giving GIs there part to fill out today. Fingers crossed!
  20. AntsMommy

    Ant's Update (surgery)

    Also just have to post ... as I sit here typing, I hear the wonderful sounds of Anthony playing some crazy game with his little brother and it makes me so happy I want to cry. I can't tell you how wonderful it is to hear him LIVING again ... just reiterates how necessary this surgery was and...