My son Lucas, was diagnosed with Crohn`s on Dec.9, 2010 by colonoscopy and gastroscopy and biopsy. We were scheduled for a routine ultrasound and small bowel follow through yesterday and they found an abcess on his proximal colon. A drain was put in place to get the infection and he will be on IV antibiotics for a week and then oral antibiotics. The game plan is to wait for a month or so and then go in and take that portion out. Does any one have any knowledge on what the chances are that he won`t have to have the resectionCookie. My husband has Crohns as well and was resected 5 years ago. He has managed to control it by meds but he was also older when diagnosed. I am afraid because the diagnoses is so new and he is already having surgery. He is 15. I am asea in the world of pediatric Crohn`s, any tips or suggestions appreciated.