I'm Proud Of My Child Because......

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May 8, 2010
Okay...............I stole this idea from Kello. :biggrin:

This a place where you can safely say how proud you are of something your child has achieved or just plain brag!!!

Again it doesn't have to be your IBD kids and nothing is considered too small or insignificant. It can be about school, home, sport, toilet training, anything!

I will start off.............

I was so proud of Matt yesterday because he is not letting all the setbacks get him down. He is intent on signing up for soccer again this year and he went out yesterday and bought himself a soccer ball and soccer shorts, YAY!

Dusty. :)
My lad Jordan hasn't got IBD but he's got an A in his AS Maths exam! He's now hoping for an A* at A level
Sooooooooo proud of him
well done Matt & Jordan! :D

i'm proud of my kids because they are wonderful... i'm lucky to have such good ones, and they've been through so much crap in their lives, but remain steady, good natured, and positive. i've been really poorly the past few weeks, and they have put up with having to do more chores than usual, weird evening meals consisting of whatever falls out of the fridge/cupboard first, even missing out on their social lives, with no complaints.
I'm proud of my two sons for being unselfish and never complaining that my attention always seems to be directed towards their sister lately ! I know it's so hard on them and I appreciate their support... I have some amazing children ! :)
Oh Tracey, that is so sweet! Yay for your boys! :applause::applause::applause:
Isn't it amazing how these children can go though such hell and still be concentrating and working towards their goals for the future ?!

Gooooo Matt !! Keep up the positive attitude !! :)
I'm very proud of my kids for many reasons but I'll give a particular example for each.

Carly, my 13 yr old, for continuing to develop her violin skills. She has received many compliments from collegiate level music profs!! Maybe it's just me, but people who choose musical careers never seem to regret it, even those who aren't well off.

Elise (Ellie), 15, keeping straight A's in high school while taking two AP (college level) classes in English and US History. She also is participating in a pre-vet program through our local 4H chapter to which she belongs. She is determined to follow in her mother's shoes and be a veterinarian....despite my best warnings:)!!

And of course, EJ, mostly I'm proud of him for just getting to be a normal 11 yr old boy!! He is a straight A student too!! And a talented guitarist to boot!!

Good idea Dusty!!:)
I'm enjoying this thread. What talented children you all have. I'm still waiting for mine to come to: talking, one is walking, eating with utensils. LOL!
Awww, Dex you have great and talented kids! Must take after their Mum! :ylol:. Seriously though, you have a lot to be proud of. :)

I have seen the pics of your two little 'uns Andi and they are gorgeous! Plenty to brag about there. :)

Dusty. :)
I'm proud of Claire because no matter what happens, she keeps on going. No matter how bad she feels, she can make all those around her smile. I love that she does her homework for Monday on Friday afternoon when she gets home because she "just needs to get this done". I'm proud of her for being fearless. I'm proud that she is the one who helps the autistic student in her class get his books, his lunch tray, etc. I'm also proud that she has just joined a swim team and although she is the weakest swimmer, I am 110% sure she has the biggest heart.

I'm proud of Hunter for loving his sister. I'm proud of him for asking questions about what goes on with her and giving a rat's you-know-what when she doesn't feel good. I'm proud of him for making straight As in school. I'm proud that he made state finals as a cross country runner and that he is such a good swimmer, it inspires his sister to try it as well.

I know that without them, my life would be shallow. I LOVE my kids!!!!!

Oh Julie, Claire is one amazing young lady! And Hunter, well he is certainly an awesome young man! No wonder you are so proud of them! :):):)

Dusty. :hug:
Congrats to all, I think most Crohnies have good children and try a bit harder because there is a serious illness in the home.

We just got news that my daughter was nominated by the professors that my daughter has been chosen an Honour award for the "Health and education " she is chosen for the highest marks from her University and community work. She was just saying all her hard work is finally paying off. She also got accepted from a new hospital and clinic in a remote area for 8 months co-op job working in diagnosics. The professors have moved her up to 3rd year even though she is only in second. The professors also know "networks" of other doctors that are trying to ensure she is chosen for medical school. She got all 90's again in her exams. Also she is paying for her own University costs. After all the crap we have endured since she was little and a rotten sperm donor, I owe all to my now husband and has made her thrive. I am so proud of her... makes me cry!
WOW, WOW, WOW Pen!!! How fabulously wonderful! I bet through all the hard times and crap you endure with this bloody disease the thought of your beautiful daughter lifts you high and gets you through.........


Go Pen's daughter, :biggrin:
:mademyday:Thank you Azmom, Dusty and Crohns mom.:redface: You all have no idea what it means to me to hear all the great wishes. I cant even tell you all that has happened to her because it is so private to her that I wouldnt put it on a public forum. She has also been my rock at times and she doesnt do drugs, drink (maybe one but rare) or party, just studies and I worried when she was burning out. I honestly don't know how she has done so well, but I knew since she was little she was going to be something or find something big. She is also reading cutting edge materials for 2 professors, and finding mistakes. If you all knew what we had been through, you would say ...omg a miracle! Thanks to all of you, you made me have tears in my eyes, without all of you I dont know how I would of made these past 3 years. 3 Years this month! Hugs to all of you from me and my daughter! :wub:
Some of you may know that Roo is running as a candidate in our up coming State election. Well she drove up from Sydney yesterday to attend a candidates forum last night organised by the Farmers Association.

Hahahaha, a bit of background info. Roo is Labor and in the left faction so quite socialist. Naturally the Town Hall was full of the National party faithful so very conservative. Each candidate had a to give a six minute speech and then it was open to the floor for about an hour long question and answer session. Roo fielded questions as wide ranging as climate change to fox baits!
Plus some heckling from the young Liberals. :lol:

She did really well and held her own against the other candidates, they were all middle aged and up, and she loved the experience! :ylol: Go Roo!

Dusty. :)
Hurrah for Roo!!! I know you must be proud.......and for GOOD reason!


Way to go Roo- it all counts as experience for the next time round!

You all have amazing children, certainly puts my life into context!
Wishing them all a happy and healthy future x
WOW! Is it just me, or does everyone here have unusually PHENOMENAL children!?!? :) Dusty, what a great idea for a thread!

Hmmm ... how do I contain this in one post? :-D

I am proud of Anthony for enduring what he has went through the last six months in respect to his Crohn's disease and not just pulling through, but still excelling at all that he does! Despite missing over a month or school, he is all caught up and still has mostly A's. He is 14 and qualifies for AP Bio and AP Euro history next year. AND, he will be walking in the Westchester Take Steps walk to raise money for Crohn's and Colitis research this May, with his team. Go Ant!

I am proud of my two little ones for being so kind, caring and understanding when it comes to all they had to give up during the months we have been going through this. Lots of hospital time, doctors appointments, even Christmas Eve in the hospital ... and never did they feel sorry for themselves, they have only shown concern and love for their brother. They are just awesome too.

Thanks guys, and she doesn't get it from me Dex!!! :tongue:

Hmmm ... how do I contain this in one post? :-D

Ya don't! Just keep on braggin'. :ylol2:

Way to go Ant! What a wonderful, caring and intelligent young man Kelly! I am so proud of Ant too! :medal1:

Awww and your little un's.........:hug: That is so sweet and how fab are they!

You have a lot to be proud about Kelly, good for you!

Dusty. :)
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What wonderful amazing kids we have, so proud of them all!

I love you Sarah! Anyone who's a mini Arthur Scargill is right up there in my estimation!
Knock em dead love!
I am proud of my daughter for being so understanding and loving when she gets sloppy seconds of me(I didn't even get to stay for her whole high school graduation)! And I am proud of Tanner because he stays so upbeat and has such faith in God! I am blessed with two of the most amazing children!
What wonderful amazing kids we have, so proud of them all!

I love you Sarah! Anyone who's a mini Arthur Scargill is right up there in my estimation!
Knock em dead love!

They are all fab aren't they!!!

Hahaha, Sarah is home again and has spent the last couple of days shaking hands and kissing babies in the lead up to the election on Saturday! I'll tell her of her admirer from afar! :ylol:

@tannersmom, Kudos to your kids Mom! They are amazing!

Dusty. :)
Alright, here I go. I am proud of my oldest. He is a college grad and has been excelling in his field (red seal chef) and just got a promotion at work..assistant kitchen manager. I am proud of Luc...well you all know that. I am proud of my 3rd son because he has come soo far. We have had lots of issues with him, but he has matured and grown so much in such a short time. I am proud of my daughter. She is strong and stubborn. I remember when she was 4 and broke her femur. We did 18 days wih her hanging in traction at Christmas. She would not allow ANY medical staff into her room. The nurses handed me her meds at the door and I gave them to her. The doctors asked questions from the door but she refused to answer them. She would tell me and think they couldn't hear her. Lord love her! All of my kids are amazing for different reasons but most amazing is their love for each other. They fight and argue, but when the chips are down, man, are they close, and quite the team, if I do say so myself.
I should have told you not to get me started...lol
Oh Rachel, what fab kids you have! Your daughter sounds an absolute hoot! :lol:. No wonder you are so proud of your brood! :):):).

Dusty. :hug:
Do I get to post more than once? I'm proud today of a little girl who is TOUGH AS NAILS!

We don't know what's going on with my son as yet, but I just wanted to post and share my pride in him, I hope that's ok?
He is 2 and has survived whooping cough at 6 weeks, and 5 surgeries in the last six months, with the last one being over the weekend, and just takes it all in his stride. He is such a happy boy, but must be in so so much pain, yet when I cut my finger he came up and said "mummy sore" and cuddled me!!!
Awww that is so sweet jm!!!! :wub:

Of course you can post here, you are most welcome!

Wow, your little guy has been through so much in such a short time, what a little trooper. I sure hope you get some answers soon! Good luck!

Take care, :hug:
Hi! I have two young children and am just very proud of both!

My little girl is 5 and had a rough time of it lately but despite everything she rarely complains about all the pain. She does find going into hospital very distressing due to the change of routine and all the different nurses and doctors! She is also dealing with Autism which is not easy for her sometimes as her understanding and language is below her peers but finds talking through her IPad easier to communicate with us. She is my perfect little girl.

My little boy is just Brilliant too and takes each day as I comes, he is very understanding regarding her needs and tries to help out some days!!! He is the first to point out to others what food she is allowed to eat due to her Crohn's!!
Oh Runninglady your little girl sounds so wonderful, no wonder you are so proud!!! And your son is such a sweetheart! How old is he?

Dusty. :hug::hug:
I just want to say how proud I am of my middle son !
He competed in the district division singles tournament for Tennis with his high school team yesterday and today.....and....


I'm so happy for him ! It's pretty special to us because Gab didn't get to play this season for the girls team due to her illness. He told us weeks a go that he was going to win this for his sister and me !!

Man I love my kids !! :Karl::Karl:
Oh Tracey, that is just great. You must be busting with pride right now. Congratulations. How is Gab doing? How are you holding up?
YEEHAW!!! Go number 2 son who is now number 1 son! :ylol:. BRAVO!!! What a sweetheart to dedicate it to his sister!......


Dusty. :):):)
:congratualtions: MOM!!!!

I don't know what you Mom's & Dad's have in your water but I could use it at times for the only Son that doesn't have CD! You all should be proud!!!!! Please bottle it & send a little my way....but not through the SKY please! :lol2:

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Not to miss the pride wagon, we're tickled with our three tots. You hear about Isaac the most, who teaches us continuously about living in the moment. He is learning dinosaur names left and right.

But also there is big brother Orry, who enjoys his activities, and is reading like a champ.

Little sister Annie is always just a step behind either brother, doing her best to do what they're doing. Sure, she throws a fit or four per hour, but her "all done!" and "thank you!" are really really cute. Yesterday she told her first joke. She does this by a moment of babble, and then cutting to a sort of forced laughter. She gets it from Isaac, who does more or less the same thing, although his babble usually means something, we think. Isaac, in turn, gets it from Orry, who will ask you why the cow had crossed the road a gazillion times if you let him.
Awww Troy, they sound absolutely adorable! No wonder you are so tickled!!!

Dusty. :)
I'm proud of my kid today...it was one of those days where she kind of kicked the crohns back in the butt and owned who she is. It was a big testing day at school and she said she nailed it...no "extra" complaints of tummy aches. She's a great student, but tends to stress out needlessly sometimes, especially around testing times. We filled out the application for a local summer camp that specializes in kids with IBD. So excited for that & keeping my fingers crossed that she gets accepted. It will be really good for her as she starts middle school next year...yikes! And, she registered a team for the local CCFA walk in a couple of weeks...go Team Sarah!!!

I've been away from my computer for a couple of days, catching up on work. Here's hoping that everyone has been having good days....

I am proud of my Daniel tonight we found our basement flooded! He jumped right in started helping to clean WITHOUT us asking! He has always been a big help!

Good job to all our other proud parents!
@Carol, Good on Sarah!!! I hope she has a fab time at camp......:):):)

@Julz, Way to go Daniel! What a sweetheart......:sun:

@Dex, Yeah right mate, whateva! :ylol:

Dusty. :ybiggrin:
We went to the end of year Tennis Awards Banquet last night.
My oldest son won the Varsity Rookie of the Year Award! Whoot Whoot!
Gab didn't get to play this year; very sad because this was her senior year :(
They made a big poster with a picture of her in her tennis outfit and racket in the middle and had everyone write a sentiment on it! And, they spoke about how much they missed her this year and lots of well wishes!
Brought a (happy) tear to my eye!
How special!!!

I am so proud of my kiddos ! :)
Mark....the 14 year old son fell off the HELP BOAT....although I think a lot of it has to do with the rivalry between Daniel & him. He will help when Daniel is not around but only with a LOT of prodding! Daniel has just always been that way....but then he does like the center stage of being the do gooder! ; )

Oh MOM how wonderful & bittersweet at the same time! What a wonderful team of players to do something so special for Gab!

Dusty he is a sweetheart.....but the little devil horns do lurk around his angel wings! LOL! ( PS....The first day of camp he put his face in the bowl of whip cream! Enough Said! )
@T, Wow, mega congrats to your son......:medal1:

Awww :hug:'s to Gabs, but what an amazing young lady she is T, she obviously has a very positive effect on her friends and peers. :rosette1:


Dusty he is a sweetheart.....but the little devil horns do lurk around his angel wings! LOL! ( PS....The first day of camp he put his face in the bowl of whip cream! Enough Said! )

That is just the best! :ylol:

Dusty. :):):)
5 years ago, in July, Sarah was literally on the stairway to heaven. I truly do believe where she is today is directly a result of her CD. Her belief in her convictions and her desire to make a difference is so strong that she has become deeply involved in politics. She recently ran as a candidate in the State election, she is the Welfare Officer at the university she attends and she is achieving very good grades. I am so proud of what she has achieved and overcome in the last 5 years.

Has it been easy? Hell no but she made it none the less and I very much doubt that if Crohns didn't put her on this path she wouldn't be as passionate as she now is. When things come easy I think most of us take it for granted but our kids don't have that luxury so they make the most of everything they have. They are strong, determined, compassionate and have incredible drive. They never cease to amaze us with their strength, ability to overcome adversity, their humour, capacity to love life and to cope with all the crap that is thrown at them. Is it any wonder we are proud of them! :):):)

There are many of you here that have young children and by reading this gives I hope it gives you hope for the future of your own children, that anything and everything is possible. They will achieve and they will endure. Onwards and Upwards!!!

Kudos to our kiddos...

Dusty. xxx
I'm busting with pride today about Jordan (16)
He's received a letter from the Principal.
I wanted to share it with you

Dear Jordan

I have been told by your tutors that your progress to date has been outstanding and that you are currently achieving above your Minimum Expected Grade (MEG) in
AS Art-Graphics
AS Maths
This is a real testimony to your hard work and commitment and I would like to congratulate you.
If you continue to make such good progress then I am confident that you will fulfil your potential in the summer exams.
Well done and best wishes for the future
Yours sincerely
RA Peacock

This is particularly important for me, considering all that my kids have been through over the years, losing both Grandparents, their Dad's head injury, our break up and divorce and moving house.
Also, Jordan was a late starter and didn't speak til he was 4, and had to have speech therapy.
I remember one horrible neighbour telling me that Jordan would always be educationally subnormal!

Proud is the understatement of the year!
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Wowza Joan!!! MEGA congrats to Jordan!!! How wonderful for you both...


How was your month with Jess?

Dusty. :Flower:
Cheers Dusty!
It was great at first with Jess, then she done me head in!
When she asked me would it take half an hour to fry an egg, I said pack ya stuff babe, you're going back!
All I can say is, thank God for Pot Noodles! Or she'd starve to death!

Much love to you and yours Dusty mate
Ahahahahaha...I know exactly what you mean! :eek2:

Loads of love buddy, :wub:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
I'm so proud of all 3 of my kids today!
Today is the day we walk for Take Steps, Be Heard ..

My boys jumped on board our team and went around the neighborhoods collecting donations.
Gabrielle jumped on board and she's going with us to walk !!!


I'm so proud of my little man, he's had a rough trot with Azathropine this week and they've stopped it for the time being, we'll find out what our next course of action is tomorrow. But he still carries on going to school (his marks are still excellent even tho he's missed loads) and he still plays loads of football! I struggle to keep up with him!!

love you little man, you're a star!

All of our kids are brilliant!
@T, that is fab T! How did the day go and how did Gab go? I'm so proud of you all!

@Oli's Mum, Awww, he is a star Mum! I'm proud of him too! It never ceases to amaze me what our kids are capable of. Kudos to your little guy...

Dusty. :Flower:
The entire day was absolutely amazing !
Gab was worried that she wouldn't make it for the full walk because of her back and tingling/weak legs, so I talked to the person who was running it and she gave me her personal cell phone # in case. She said they would have someone come pick her up if she couldn't finish. However, we didn't need the escort and she made it the full way !:ylol2::ylol2: I was a bit teary eyed all day...the emotions of being there were a bit much for me...I'm a sap! LOL We had so much fun though!

@ Mum...Congrats to your son for continuing to go at it strong !! I bet you are so proud !:ghug: theses kids never cease to amaze me !
Oh my goodness Gab is such a star!

Hugs to you too crohns mom, what a day!

Now off to get a tissue, I'm an emotional wreck after reading that!

WOWZA, go Gabs!!! What an amazing young lady, she will go far hun!

And Mega congrats to the family too!...:applause::applause::applause::applause:


Dusty. xxx
Tracy - I'm THRILLED even though I don't have dusty's cool emoticons. :ysmile:

I couldn't be happier for y'all!



Ps. Pass the Kleenex!
I have to say,, I am so very proud of all three of my grand children, Bryce, Madasin and Adian, they are adjusting so well to the move from NY to NH, They have been playing together WITHOUT fighting. Bryce is the oldest (6 yrs old) and he has been helping us out unpacking and putting things away including hanging up his clothes, picking up his toys and spending time playing with his little sister and brother. Miss Maddie at 3yrs old has been picking up her own toys and loves to help mommy with the dishes. Adian well he is only 16 months old so he likes to be mean to his brother and sister. lol But he is getting much better.
EJ's ball team is really coming together now. He had to miss last night's game for an STLP(formerly known as the politically incorrect gifted and talented program) field trip. I don't know how they did last night but they were at 3-3.

Ellie, my oldest, turned 16 yesterday and made 100% on her driver's test. So, eeeeeeeekkk, I now have a student driver. We took her out to eat last night and she drove home. Julie will appreciate this....she drove home from Outback on Scottsville Rd. during early evening traffic!!! I damn near stuck my brake foot through the floor a few times but we made it home unscathed:) Whew!!!!!
@Rosemary, Awww what fab kids hun, I bet you are the proudest Grandma and for good reason!!! :):):)

@Dex, that's so fab to hear about EJ's team, YAY! How wonderful for EJ and his mates, good on them! :thumright:

Bravo to Ellie! May she give you many hours of pure, unadulterated fear! ahahahaha. I am qualified to say that because it is still very fresh in my memory with my two. Hey how many driving hours do they have to do. Here they get their learners permit at 16 and have to hold it for 12 months. They are required to do 120 hours of driving, 20 of which are night hours! I don't know how I survived!

Dusty. :wub:
Wow, great reading from all you great moms (and dads) out there! I'm so very proud of my son Peyton for being such a trooper with all he has been thru with crohns. He never complains about taking his meds, he is doing really well in school (5th grade) even though he's missed around 40+ days since september. he's not afraid of needles, getting IV's or having blood drawn.... it amazes me how strong he is for such a little guy. He questions why he has crohns sometimes, why he's so small compared to the rest of his friends, but he accepts it. He really inspires me.
Awww, what an absolute sweetheart Peyton is, I could just give him the biggest squishiest hug ever! He inspires me too Mum!......:medal1:

Love, :wub:
Dusty. xxxx
Bravo to Ellie! May she give you many hours of pure, unadulterated fear! ahahahaha. I am qualified to say that because it is still very fresh in my memory with my two. Hey how many driving hours do they have to do. Here they get their learners permit at 16 and have to hold it for 12 months. They are required to do 120 hours of driving, 20 of which are night hours! I don't know how I survived!Dusty. :wub:

It's very similar here. I think the first six months, they are restricted to driving only when a parent is with them. During that time they have to log 50 total hours with 10 at night. Then they get a restricted license for the next six months that only allows X number of passengers outside her immediate family and they must be off the road before midnight or something like that. When I got my license, I only had to keep my learner's permit 30 days and was allowed to drive with any licensed driver...including my older idiot friends who were too drunk to drive:)
I'm proud of Brandon today, because he had to come with me to a 1 and a half hour meeting yesterday on the way to his Remicade appointment, which he was really nervous about, he was so well behaved and didn't complain the whole day. I don't know where our children get their strength!

I'm proud of his brother Toby because he really misses his brother when they are apart (the even share a room although we have a spare one for Toby because they want to sleep together), and yesterday he went to school without a tantrum even knowling his brother wasn't going to be back until late.

Way to go Brandon! What a trooper and what staying power! :applause::applause::applause:

Awwwww, Toby is such a sweetheart, what a wonderful bond your boys have, that is just so fab to read. :hug:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
OK, I gotta brag a little!! I know some of you Moms, especially those across the pond, may not know what I'm talking about but EJ got a triple tonight with the bases loaded and they won the game by 3!!!! Woohoo!!!! Go D-Rays!!
Woohoo go EJ!!!! What a star!!!! :banana::banana::banana:

Just 'cause you have crap sports over there Dex doesn't mean I can't celebrate EJ's success. :ylol2:

Dusty. :Karl:
EJ went 2-2 tonight and the D-Rays won again 3-2!! After losing their first two, they are now at 5-3!! Woohoo!!
Well that made no sense but I will celebrate just the same!

Way to go EJ!!! May it last a lifetime for you little guy!!!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty xxxxxxxx
I must admit, after reading back over it, it does sound a little like something from Chevy Chase on SNL doesn't it?
Well I don't know Dex 'cause we all don't live in the US and watch SNL! :ylol:

Dusty. :)
I am sooooo proud of my little guy. Oli played in his first footie tournament of the season yesterday, his team played 4 matches and won them all, got through to the semi's and won then lost the final 2-0. He played fantastically well in all 6 matches and he's so proud of his runner up trophy!

He's tapering down well on the pred and finishes it on Wednesday and we find out tomorrow what our next step is with regards to a maintenance drug coz he seems intolerant to azathriopine. I just pray we can keep on the straight and narrow coz we are really enjoying having our fit and energetic boy back!

Sorry if I ran on, buts it's been a long time since we've seen him like that.

Hugs to everyone

Treena (extremely happy mummy) :ylol:
WOW!!! way to go Oli!!! And how fab for you Mum...:):):)

Awww hun, you didn't run at all. I know how you feel about seeing your little guy like that, I'm just now getting my fella back too...:hug::hug::hug:

Good luck for tomorrow, I will be thinking about you and cheering for ya!

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx
MumofOli.....It is wonderful what our kids can do! But it is truly amazing that they can do it going through all they have! Great Job Oli & Mom!

Well as some of you know I went through the double scope a few days ago. When I was in the middle of my prep & not doing too good with it. My Daniel came up to me & gave me a Hug & said "Mom I know what your going through, Blah huh!". In fact the whole evening he kept coming back to my bedroom to check on me, he wanted to make sure I was doing OK. I love it that he is compassionate. I just wish he didn't have the experience!
Thank you momofIBD's, it truly is amazing what they can do and Daniel sounds like a fantastic caring young man, you must be very proud!

Take care, hope all goes ok with you.

Treena xxx
I'm so proud of my quiet, and shy daughter today!!

She and her bestest friend from grade school till now had applied to be room mates in the College dorm. Well, the room assignments came out online this morning and they we're in separate rooms, that weren't even close together.
Sooo....Gabrielle called the college herself and made a request to put them together! It worked ! They are room mates now! YEAH !!

Normally, I would have had to take care of situations like this for her, but...she did it on her own !!
I'm so proud of her !
EJ got the highest average award for every class except citizenship and was nominated by the fifth grade to speak at their 5th grade graduation! He wrote his own speech and would not let us nor his teachers see it before hand. I was somewhat amazed for an 11 yr old kid! In our school system 6th grade begins middle school. I'm trying to post his speech on facebook!

My middle girl, Carly got the math award for 8th grade and finished the year with all A's except one B in social studies.

My oldest Ellie finished 10th grade with all A's except one B in English! She got 97% on her AP US History final which is a college level course!

Very proud of all of them!!
WOW T! That is fab! Way to go Gabs! I have a feeling in my water T that Gabs is going to be just fine when she heads off to college...Watch out world! :thumleft::thumleft::thumleft:

Much love, :Karl:
Dusty. xxxxxxxx

Wowza Dex! Congratulations all round to your kiddo's. What a successful year for them, YAY! I tell ya, you would be hard pushed to be more proud of them than I am!!!

Well done kids, :thumleft:


Dusty. xxx
What an honor to speak at 5th grade graduation Dex !! That's so awesome !!

And for everyone's terrific grades !!

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