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Crohn's Disease Forum

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    We've been doing SCD since early May, I think. Son is feeling well and started gaining weight again with the introduction of peanut butter. In mid march, he weighed 79 lbs, he now weighs 110. But, would he be doing just as well eating a normal diet? Who knows?!
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    Enteral Nutrition/EEN Club

    [B]Why was your child commenced on EN/EEN? We were given 2 choices: Steroids or EN. We chose EN until I found this board and my son began EEN against doctor's advice. 2. Did the GI initiate the treatment or did you have to ask? Doc wanted my son to eat food, too. Up to 20% of his...
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    Is IBD worse than cancer?

    When one is suffering enough, and it doesn't matter from what, life isn't worth living and I think each person should get to decide where that line is, for themselves. I don't think they should feel obligated to be a hero to others, who are NOT suffering. What bullsh*t. Cancer is so varied...
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    Is diet support needed?

    Congrats on remission!!! :) We had a dr.'s apt. a few days ago and I'm not sure if the other person who stepped into the room was a dietition or a nutritionist, but her concern was iron and the fact that my son is a vegetarian. I brought up lentils and she said their iron was much less...
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    Pentasa - Can you open the capsules?

    My son takes Pentasa and he generally cannot handle big pills, but he can take the Pentasa fine because the capsules are so soft and smooth, they slide right down (unlike some of the giant, rock hard vitamin tablets).
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    I can't function and feel helpless!

    I'm so sorry, nogutsnoglory. :( Please try to stay as optimistic as you can, because research shows it will be beneficial to you. I hope that you get help SOON!
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    Izzi update...and hello!

    Wonderful news! :)
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    We are tapering! Hooray!

    Long time hemorrhoid sufferer...had a fissure and didn't even know it, until my dr. told me, but it healed on it's own, thankfully. I have a prescription for steroid suppositories, which are good for putting right where the pain is located.
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    Another form of iron to consider

    I've been vegan since 1999. I've never taken a supplement and I've never been anemic and I eat lentils 2 or 3 times a week. My favs are lentil soup and hummus made with lentils...serve with vitamin C rich food for maximum absorbency.
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    Son FINALLY putting on weight!!!

    He had been eating some almond butter, but he grew up on peanut butter, so that's what tastes good to him and that's what he's going crazy for! :lol:
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    Son FINALLY putting on weight!!!

    Thankfully for him, there's no ban on peanut butter at school. And thankfully for me, I recently found some great, organic peanut butter coupons. ;) He's on the SCD, so Cliff bars are out, but he can have several of the Larabars. :)
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    Broken sleep driving me bonkers!!

    Can she crawl into bed with you without waking you? Can you set her up with a way for her to distract herself, until she can go back to sleep? When my son was feeling his worst, his Nexus Tablet helped distract him from his worry and discomfort, until he could fall back to sleep.
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    Son FINALLY putting on weight!!!

    My 5' 9" son has hovered around 100 lbs for the past 2 months or so...gets up to 105 then falls back to 95. BUT, he just hit 110 this morning, so I think we've turned a corner! :smile: And I credit the introduction of peanut butter into his diet! I think he's been eating about half a cup a...
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    Tooth decay, use of fluoride and whitening strips

    My son was in braces when he was diagnosed and still is, which concerned me, but so far he hasn't had any problems with his teeth. Only had one cavity in a baby tooth several years ago, which didn't even need to be filled...
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    C-section or vaginal delivery?

    Speaking as someone who has given birth both ways, I very much prefered the c-sections, with the exception of the recovery, which was much longer. (But worth it for me). If you are determined to have a c-section and don't take no for an answer, you should be able to find a dr who's willing to...
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    Do many people work with crohns?

    My daughter works full time as an RN - 12 hour days, usually 4 nights a week, sometimes 5 because she can't resist the insane amound of money she can make on that 5th night. She is 32 and has been symptom and drug free since she was 24. One of my son's also has Crohn's and even though he is in...
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    For those with a loved one suffering with Crohn's

    Have you noticed that it has strenghthened YOU? I am much stronger. I was a very shy person, and still am somewhat shy, but much less so. I've become very goal oriented, now. More organized. When my son was diagnosed, I was in agony and it seems to have toughened me up. I'm doing things...
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    My current thoughts on SCD

    Our insurance said they wouldn't cover it at all, at first, but we kept fighting them (thanks to advice we got here!) and now they are going to cover it 100%. (United Healthcare). I think we were told no 4 times, then yes, then we haven't decided yet, then yes again, then we got a check. Crazy!!!
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    Ocular/Visual Migraines

    My son gets migrains about once a month. He just rests in a dark, quiet place and they go away pretty quickly, but is there anything he can take? With school starting up again, he may not always be able to find a dark, quiet place to rest.
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    My current thoughts on SCD

    It really does seem to be a "magic bullet" for my daughter. After 8 years on the diet, she is not strict about everything...she LOVES potatoes and bread and eats them a few times a week, but if she over does it, she becomes symtomatic. On the diet, she has been symptom and drug-free. It's...