C-section or vaginal delivery?

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Aug 15, 2013
I am 25 weeks pregnant and recently started having a little bit of rectal bleeding as well as increased number of loose and watery BMs/day. My pregnancy has gone smoothly otherwise. I had a sub-total colectomy in 2008 and ever since, the disease has been in my rectum as well as anal irritation. I started to feel like a vaginal birth might not be a good idea because of the location of my disease and the recent bleeding tells me it's acting up. I'm seeing my maternal fetal medicine specialist, my colo-rectal surgeon and my Crohn's doctor all in the next 3-4 weeks but I'm nervous that they won't support my decision to have a c-section. I really want to follow my instincts and from day one, something about a vaginal birth has been setting off a red flag for me. If my doctors won't support my decision, I want documentation for proof in case something goes wrong with a vaginal birth. Any input and advice would be so very much appreciated. I'm having some anxiety about what is going to happen with my doctors and I just want to get everything nailed down.
Speaking as someone who has given birth both ways, I very much prefered the c-sections, with the exception of the recovery, which was much longer. (But worth it for me). If you are determined to have a c-section and don't take no for an answer, you should be able to find a dr who's willing to do it.
I'm sure your doctor will be fine with you having a c-section if he/she knows anything about crohn's disease and birth. I have Crohn's and I had a c-section with my first and a vaginal with my second. I ended up having a third degree tear and the stitches ripped back open as my skin degraded. Well they couldn't do anything for me so for 3 months i had to go back and forth to the doctor while it healed on its on. The doctor told me it most likely had to do with the fact that i have crohns disease (the degrading). Honestly I don't want to say oh have a c-section but I was very against having another one when i went in for my vbac and Now i wish i had just had a c-section. It was fulfilling to know that i could have a vaginal though but im not sure that was worth the permanent devastation my whowho went through lol. I still have sharp nerve pains every once and awhile were my muscle tore down there. Not trying to freak you out. I'm 5'4 and petite and my son was 8lbs 9 oz. I have a little bit of disease in my rectum and i've had a history of anal fissures (they were healed at the time and still are).
If you explain things to your colorectal surgeon, he should understand. I know that if I ever got pregnant, I would have to have a C-section. I have had really bad anal and rectal problems, and my colorectal surgeon would think I was crazy if I ever suggested a vaginal birth. Just make sure that your doctors know exactly what's going on, and why you are hesitant. If they are good doctors, they will have an open mind. And remember, this is your body you are talking about, not theirs. They cannot make you do anything you are uncomfortable with. I hope everything goes well. Hugs, and congratulations :)
I don't have Crohn's (my son does), but my first delivery was an emergency c-section and the second one was a VBAC. For me the VBAC was great and the recovery quick, but there was an awful lot of pushing, tearing and one doozy of a hemorrhoid. If you're already having some issues down there, I would think a vaginal birth is only going to make things worse. Plus, while recovering, you're not going to know if the bleeding is from delivery or Crohn's. I think your intuition is spot on.

Like Amy2 said, if your OB won't do it, find someone who will and maybe have them chat with your GI as well so they fully understand what's going on.

Best of luck to you!
Speaking as someone who has given birth both ways, I very much prefered the c-sections, with the exception of the recovery, which was much longer. (But worth it for me). If you are determined to have a c-section and don't take no for an answer, you should be able to find a dr who's willing to do it.
I had 2 sections and no vaginal. I was 34 & 36 and overweight by 20-50lbs at the time. My first section . . . It took 4 months to recover. I had a searing pain in my abdomen and then got boils in the incision line.

I'm guessing the boils are from being overweight. . . even after the shrinking of the uterus, my belly still hung over. 10lbs away from my goal weight and the belly still hangs over a bit. The pain and hard to heal internal issues stem from having crohn's where I am a slow healer. Possibly age too.

Can I ask if you were younger/thinner when you had your section? The women i've talked to that had both both agree with me that vaginal would be better, but they are also my age and overweight so. . .