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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. SarahBear

    Is this likely Crohn's?

    With endometriosis, the severity of your symptoms does not necessarily correlate with the severity of the condition itself. A lot varies on the location. How did your doctor look at your bowel? Did she do a colonoscopy? Actually, another surgery might be require to find out if endometriosis...
  2. SarahBear

    Brain fog tips?

    Brain fog is the worst. I have it very often. :( Making tons of notes is useful. Notes, to-do lists, alarms - whatever you need to make sure things get done. Keeping a notebook with your lists and reminders would be helpful… if you remember to check it. ;) When I'm in the process of doing...
  3. SarahBear

    Is this likely Crohn's?

    Hi, Anna! Welcome to the forum! When you had your hysterectomy, were your ovaries removed as well? Was the endometriosis confirmed? Do you ever notice blood in your bowel movements (if you don't check, please start doing so)? These symptoms could be Crohn's, yes. However, there are other...
  4. SarahBear

    'Indeterminate' inflammatory bowel disease!

    It means you have inflammatory bowel disease for sure, but they're not able to determine if it's Crohn's or ulcerative colitis. Have you had a lot of testing done recently? While it is important to determine which form of IBD you have, they may have a reason for not wanting to test anymore...
  5. SarahBear

    Trouble going and pain

    Have you contacted your GI yet? Unfortunately, all we can do is offer suggestions. You really need your doctor to find out the cause of your problems in order for things to improve.
  6. SarahBear

    Dealing With Stubborn Family Members....

    What a frustrating situation. :( All I can say is, do what you think is best. Clinical trials can be great, but it has to be something you're completely comfortable getting involved with. If you feel more comfortable with the surgery, then that just sounds like a better option for you. It's...
  7. SarahBear

    Pain is Unbearable

    I'm sorry to hear what you're going through. :( When was the last time you had a colonoscopy? It sounds like you are about due for one, anyway. Has your doctor discussed adding another medication, or switching entirely? Hopefully they're able to find you some relief soon! :hug:
  8. SarahBear

    Trouble going and pain

    Yes, but that doesn't mean you can't have problems caused by scar tissue, or even that there wasn't a mistake with that test. Blood tests aren't always reliable in determining whether or not inflammation is present.
  9. SarahBear

    Trouble going and pain

    It's like an obstruction, but your intestines aren't completely blocked off, only partially. Obstructions are caused by inflammation or scar tissue.
  10. SarahBear

    Trouble going and pain

    Definitely call your GI. You're not bothering them - it's their job. Something serious could be going on and it needs to be found out. Like I said, your symptoms could indicate a partial obstruction, so it should be ruled out. Blood tests can be wrong.
  11. SarahBear

    Trouble going and pain

    Did they do any tests other than the blood tests? A CT scan or MRI? It sounds like it may be a partial obstruction. Have you called your GI's office?
  12. SarahBear

    This is why people don't understand

    These things really are ridiculous. People are so ignorant - they think they can toss these medical conditions into an article to make it seem more serious, when obviously, they don't have the slightest idea what they're talking about. I hope the author gets constipated today.
  13. SarahBear

    My story :)

    Welcome to the forum! Wow! Your story is very atypical in that you were diagnosed so quickly. Your doctors both sound fantastic. Any chronic illness is very life-changing for the majority of people who have it - but not necessarily everyone. You may go into remission quickly and stay there...
  14. SarahBear

    Do I go to the ER for pain caused by inflammation

    Hi, Cheri! First off, don't hesitate to go to the ER any time things get to be more than you handle. It doesn't matter if you already know the cause of your pain. First, the ER would most likely check to make sure your obstruction hasn't returned. That's the number one reason the ER is a...
  15. SarahBear

    Hello my real name is Cheri and this is my story

    Could you bring this up with your primary care doctor and see if they can refer you to a doctor who will accept you as a patient? There may be more options.
  16. SarahBear

    Hello everyone

    Welcome to the forum, Smitdee! No matter the severity of your symptoms, you're still in a difficult situation and deserve help and support. You've come to the right place for that! :) When did you start the Apriso? Have you noticed any change in your symptoms since taking it? Please keep us...
  17. SarahBear

    Hello my real name is Cheri and this is my story

    Welcome to the forum, Cheri! Sounds like you've had quite a journey. Could you ask your primary care doc for a referral to a new GI, if you're uncomfortable with the one you have? A primary care doctor just doesn't have the knowledge, training, and experience a GI has, so your care may be...
  18. SarahBear

    Introducing myself...

    Welcome to the forum, Jeffrey! I like the bullet list idea - it does make it easier to read. It looks like you've had quite a journey. I'm going to go ahead and tag afidz, one of our forum moderators, as she has some experience with AS as well. How are you feeling now? Has the Humira...
  19. SarahBear

    Starting another flare up?

    Hi, Everly! The important question is, are these normal flare symptoms for you? They could definitely be symptoms of a flare, especially the nighttime symptoms and mucus. How do these symptoms compare to the symptoms you've felt from gastroparesis and the bacteria overgrowth? Have you...
  20. SarahBear

    Really rough day.

    What an awful situation. :( So, you have another job possibility lined up and are working towards sorting that out? It sounds like that might be the best option, if it's an option you do have. I don't think this lady wants to understand, so reasoning with her is pointless and just adds fuel...