This is why people don't understand

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oh jeez... I can't believe my eyes... So many times I've had people tell me "just eat well, you'll be fine " or "stop stressing about things, that's why you're sick " and this kind of thing is exactly why. As a sufferer of coeliac as well as crohns, this kind of stuff gets on my nerves no end. We just have to hope that the people who love us will see past these trivialisations and realise that it's not that simple in the real world. *Hugs* . Even if no one else gets it, we do and we're all here for you.
Just another piece of nonsense. It makes me so angry I have no words to describe. These people have no idea and they should say so too. Its a discrace how they mess us around without any honesty or common decency. Dismissive arogant B---------. I know if i asked my doctor about this he wouldnt or couldn't even reply. I hate this stuff.
Enough said.
These things really are ridiculous. People are so ignorant - they think they can toss these medical conditions into an article to make it seem more serious, when obviously, they don't have the slightest idea what they're talking about. I hope the author gets constipated today.
"In your effort to regain proper gut flora balance, consider antibacterial foods and herbs like garlic, onions, oregano, cloves, and black walnut. At the same time consider probiotic rich foods like green leafy vegetables and fermented foods such as sauerkraut, tempeh, and kefir."

Sweet Jesus, that sounds like a hospital visit for obstruction to me.
I was looking on Facebook and found this......
I almost wanted to cry reading it

Please don't take my attitude as condescending, but the website you pasted is junk science. Don't believe everything you read online. The website reminds me of the Kevin Trudeau infomercials professing that pharmaceutical companies held the cure for diseases, but were too busy making money to disclose the "secrets".

Therefore, his book held the long sought after answers. Moral here: People can make any claim. Doesn't mean the claim holds one ounce of merit or truth.
It is just a junk article. But there are ignorant people that thrive on things like this. Makes them an expert. Its frustrating. We need to raise awareness of what this disease really is and what it really isn't, but articles like this just harm our cause. And you know the people that you decide to tell about your illness go home and google it. Then they come across articles like this and think that its a simple fix.
what is the reason to get so upset about? why would this article be a "junk" article? it's just promoting healthy eating for people with digestive issues, since the majority of people eat way too much processed foods. medication and processed foods will keep IBD thriving for ever! every healthy diet can be tweaked to fit each individual since depending on our particular digestive illness we may have to make modifications, but I think the point is quite common sense and naturally makes sense that whole foods are what we were designed to eat for optimal health. what would you disagree about the article? eating loads of sugar and beer and exposing yourself to all sorts of toxins is good for you? and yes don't believe everything you read, especially if it comes from T.V, or a main stream doctor that wants us heavily medicated.
Eating healthy is always beneficial. But the things that this article suggests aren't safe or reasonable to someone with IBD. This article discredits the pain and suffering that someone with Crohn's has to face everyday. Crohn's can't be cured. You can't just simply balance your flora and eat leafy vegetables and be OK. It's much more complicated than that. This article does not have any science behind it and was written with ignorance. The person that wrote it clearly has no understanding of what Crohn's really is.
what is the reason to get so upset about? why would this article be a "junk" article? it's just promoting healthy eating for people with digestive issues, since the majority of people eat way too much processed foods. medication and processed foods will keep IBD thriving for ever! every healthy diet can be tweaked to fit each individual since depending on our particular digestive illness we may have to make modifications, but I think the point is quite common sense and naturally makes sense that whole foods are what we were designed to eat for optimal health. what would you disagree about the article? eating loads of sugar and beer and exposing yourself to all sorts of toxins is good for you? and yes don't believe everything you read, especially if it comes from T.V, or a main stream doctor that wants us heavily medicated.

Well for one the article lumped IBD with IBS and other digestive issues. It's not all the same and it's not all treated the same either.

Healthy eating is awesome and everyone should eat as healthy as possible. There are a lot additives in foods that don't do anyone any favors. There's no argument there. Yet this forum is for people who suffer from IBD and if you stick around long enough you'll find that a majority cannot eat raw leafy greens etc because their symptoms right after could very well send them to the hospital. Everyone tolerates food differently and that article lumped us all together and basically said that we simply don't eat right and if we just follow X, Y and Z then we'll be completely fine. It's a load of ******** and I don't appreciate it.

Probiotics have not been proven to retain remission in people with Crohn's disease.

Magnesium deficiency happens in people with Crohn's disease because Crohn's causes poor absorption not the other way around.

It's important to try and get the disease under control no matter what so if you feel that eating certain foods helps you then go for it yet often times for IBD medications are needed so please don't knock or dismiss medication and doctors entirely.
I think is was wrong for them to lump IBS, Crohns and other digestive disorders together all in one. They are all Different and their treatments differ greatly.

That being said, I do honestly believe that a lot of diseases probably are caused by the foods we eat(or should I say, the toxins that are put in our foods), medications, and just the environment we live in. Or at least I think it adds to it. Lets face it, these diseases were not as wide spread as they are now. More and more people are coming down with these debilitating diseases. There has to be a reason for it. The one big thing that has been on the rise is the making of more and more medications, adding Toxins to foods that we eat, and just living in a more toxic environment. Not to say these things alone cause crohns or UC etc.. just that I think it can bring it out of the box in someone who is vulnerable. I know I have been having issues for over two years. One thing that I have done is take lots of antibiotics for another debilitating health issue I have. I believe that antibiotics can play a HUGE role in setting one up for IBD and other gut issues.

In any event, this article should NEVER Have linked IBS and IBD and other gut issues in one big lump. They are totally different diseases. And actually, IBS in my opinion is Not really a disease. It just a way for the doctor to say " hey, your gut is a wreck, but we have no clue what is wrong with you". Either they do tests and cannot find anything( or they did not evaluate you efficiently), and you are sent home with no diagnosis.
One of the more annoying things about theses shysters is that people get desperate and are prone to believe and get stung for cash! Come the revolution they should be among the first to go to the wall!,
I love the part about heavy metals (which there is no concise definition).
Is magnesium one?
Maybe Iron, cobalt, copper, manganese, molybdenum, and zinc? which are all needed for the human body.

It really does remind me of bullsh*t bingo, where they have some generic words that are popular at the moment and add some very general sentences to it to give you the "scientific truth" which, if has been tested, is for something completely different to IBD