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  1. N

    Hair Loss

    Redken has a product called "ceraphil" with a whole line of related products to help restore hair loss like this. I used a Bosley product that was very similar when I was recovering from my first flare. I felt like it was mostly due to adrenal fatigue after steroids. But I'm also on Humira now...
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    Diet/food diary question

    It's terrible for sure but also the quickest way to get inflammation down and prevent further damage.
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    Overweight with Crohn's Support Group

    SamanthaLynn, Visalus shakes are so yummy but not very nutritional. I used them as an add-in for smoothies. Shakeology is sold by Beachbody. They claim islets very nutritious. When DJBHeat posted on another thread about the adaptogens in ShakeO, I checked it out. I've ordered a months supply...
  4. N

    Diet/food diary question

    I don't think you should worry. You're not facing something unknown. My hope for you is that you get the pill cam done asap & maybe an increase in meds. Also a round of pred to get that inflammation kicked. It's progress!
  5. N

    My BM's haven't looked this good since I can remember...

    That's all great news! And my happiest takeaway is that your bloodwork looks that good after being in Remicade that long!!
  6. N

    Does this sound like Crohn's to you?

    Definitely get into a GI and get some tests done. And maybe start a journal. If not a daily food journal, then just journal what she ate 24 hrs prior to each episode. I don't have many food triggers but have noticed that if something triggers me, it's something I've eaten alone & not in...
  7. N

    Bone broth

    You're right! It was just a discouraging moment :)
  8. N

    Fruits and veggies - how do you wash them?

    What else can you plant in topsy turvy planters? I can't eat many tomatoes and definitely can't eat strawberries. I want to do some containers this summer. We have lots of bunnies around.
  9. N

    Elevated temperature

    Glad you're being vigilant and had those labs done. Sounds like you've got some simmering inflammation sending you signals. Hopefully you can fend off a flare!
  10. N

    Remicade/humira question

    Definitely watch your test results after a blood draw. My folic acid is ok after 8 months on double-dose Humira.
  11. N

    My Small business////trainer with Crohn's

    Awesome! I'm on my phone so I can't see signatures. I just ordered p90 last night. I think I'm finally ready to get back into shape after this last year of illness and recuperation. I'd love to hear your thoughts on adrenal fatigue as it specifically relates to Crohn's and autoimmunity.
  12. N

    On humira still having diarrhea

    @pottytime! Have you recently been on steroids? I went through a lot of aches and weakness as I was getting off Pred and onto Humira. That was May of 2014. Just this weekend, my husband and I were moving wooden pallets (loaded with Girl Scout cookies) in the garage and I realized how strong I...
  13. N

    Bone broth

    Ugh, I hate to hear that about the lead!! The study was done on organic chickens. Shoot!
  14. N

    Diet/food diary question

    You'll probably be able to go back to the leafy greens once you get through this flare. When you're tracking what you eat, pay attention to how much fiber you're getting. Usually fiber is good because it cleans you out and makes you poop. But when your guts are inflamed and irritated, fiber is...
  15. N

    My gut is alive

    Wow. I'll have what he's having!
  16. N

    Think I scared another one away...

    Definitely sounds like he was pushing it off on you bc he was afraid to say he could t handle the health part. Bygones!!
  17. N

    My experience with Shakeology

    I just ordered a choc/greenberry pack with P90. I started taking magnesium and it's done so much for my adrenal system. Hoping the adaptogens in shakeO just keep on helping. And hopefully I'll be able to do the workouts now!
  18. N

    What are your trigger foods?

    It took me a while too. I think I was on steroids and abx for so long after diagnosis that there was no way to tell. Now that things have settled, I have sudden D after fruits and veggies sometimes. Usually apples. Sometimes strawberries. And it can be like 2-3 slices of Apple or one berry. I'm...
  19. N

    Essential Oils

    Okay thank you!
  20. N

    Essential Oils

    Marlena, can you tell m more about why you'd prefer DoTerra?