Does this sound like Crohn's to you?

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Feb 17, 2010
So, my 13-year-old daughter has had 4 weird episodes in the last year where she wakes up with diarrhea and vomiting (usually 3 to 4 bouts of each) for a couple of hours, no fever, and then bounces right back and is fine. She says she doesn't have diarrhea or stomach pain in between. Of course my first thought is Crohn's. Those of you with kids with Crohn's, what are your thoughts? I'm really hoping you all tell me this sounds nothing like Crohn's in teens . . .
Well im thirteen and was diagnosed last year july. I think it does sound like crohns if your daughter has lack of energy and loss weight and passes puss has few joint pain then theres a very high chance she has crohns.
Has she seen a pediatric Gi ?
The thing is without imaging bloodwork or scopes you have know way of knowing....
A lot of Gi disorders overlap and test results help guide what it really is .

That said some kids check all of the typical crohns boxes prior to dx
While others like my kiddo didn't get the full memo and do their own thing.
Ds was dx at age 7.
But doesn't have bloody D only severe constipation.
He did vomit frequently and was fine afterwards
The vomtiing was random and episodes came closer together after he was dx until the right med was given .
Also could be EGids ( EoE , EGE , EC )
Or bechets
Or infectious etc...
Hence the need to see a pediatric Gi asap .

Good luck
Could be Crohn's or like MLP said it could be a host of other GI disorders. My younger one was just diagnosed but before Crohns there was a high Celiac suspicion. She also had some miscellaneous vomiting bouts. No diarrhea though. But diarrhea is present in many Celiacs. My niece was just dx'd with Cyclic Vomiting Disorder. I haven't obsessively googled it yet so don't ask me.

All this to say, it does sound like something that needs to be checked out.
Mehita, each time it happened she did eat a lot of junk food late at night the night before. She usually eats a very clean, healthy, whole foods diet, so I thought of that as well. Last night she had a Starbucks and Coldstone . . . the time before this she had pizza and french fries . . . the two times last year she had pizza the night before. But she has eaten all those things in between episodes with no symptoms whatsoever, so I don't know.
As the other's said it is very hard to say. It could be a number of things. Does she complain of joint pain?
I would take her to see a GI doctor and see what they say.
Hey stella_luna. :ghug:

My daughter’s Crohn’s symptoms were very cyclic at the outset, about every 2 months. Would last a few hours and then well in-between episodes. After about a year the episodes became ever increasingly frequent until they were constant. She was 12/13 when they started.
In hindsight there were other signs though…sore knees, headaches that accompanied the vomiting episodes and sore eyes at times. Some time after her diagnosis I was going through school photos and it was then that I realised how much weight she had lost from one year to the next.

With your history it is understandable that you are concerned and given I was in your situation and if your spidery senses are going off then I would likely pursue some non invasive tests as a staring point to rule not only IBD in or out but a raft of other things as already suggested.

Good luck hun and I hope with all my heart that your lass’s episodes are nothing but a tad of indulgence in take away food. :heart:

Dusty. xxx
Definitely get into a GI and get some tests done. And maybe start a journal. If not a daily food journal, then just journal what she ate 24 hrs prior to each episode. I don't have many food triggers but have noticed that if something triggers me, it's something I've eaten alone & not in conjunction with other safer foods.
Hopefully it's not but my son had bouts of pain, doubled over and the odd throwing up. It would last a week to two weeks and then just disappear for anything up to a couple months. It would be good if you could get a faecal Calprotectin done. It is the only test that shows anything with my son and is a good starting point to check for inflammation
Unfortunately, there is no perfect Crohn's picture. I, for one, sure hope not! I hope it is just an odd food reaction... I hope you can figure it out quick.
I was diagnosed with Crohn's at the age of 11. I had similar symptoms to what your daughter experienced. sleepless nights, vomiting, and passing bowel movements but there would be lots of pain in between between 1-3 hours at a time.

Its hard to say if she has it without testing. Take her to a Gi and run some tests to make sure.

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