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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. N

    Are we at risk of nutritional deficiencies while in remission?

    Oh my gosh, I thought we were supposed to take D at night with dinner!
  2. N

    Reading The Paleo Approach

    There's so much talk on here about break the vicious cycles. So many people have had success with SCD. I've also read The Perfect Health Diet which sounds like it would be the most reasonable for me long-term. But I am going to keep reading Paleo Approach and cooking AIP for myself most of the...
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    Making money while sick? I could use some ideas / help.

    I spent a ton of time on Elance and decided to research general transcription. It's pretty easy to get into. I went ahead and bought a little course and ordered the foot pedal. I'm excited to hopefully drum up some cash in these winter months while I build things for the photography business.
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    Humira Club Support Group

    I find that I have plenty of energy on injection days, even when I did the loading doses. I wonder if it's adrenaline? We all probably have somewhat screwed up adrenal systems thanks to auto immune disease and steroids so maybe it affects us all differently?
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    Low Fiber/Residue Diet Support Group

    UnXmas do you mean you're bogged down by heavy calorie sources? Are you using things like coconut oil, avocado, etc?
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    Low Fiber/Residue Diet Support Group

    Remember that smoothies from a blender or bullet still have a lot of fiber. A juicer is the only way to remove the fiber.
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    Making money while sick? I could use some ideas / help.

    Do you have an etsy shop @caeriB?
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    Crohn's but never had diarrhea - any others out there?

    Since I feel like my guts and Crohn's are on my mind every day, I'm going to start using that term "dry Crohn's" from now on!
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    Humira Weekly?

    I'm not wild about taking that much but am glad I didn't have to combine Imuran with Humira. Yes, two injections every other week. I'm bionic.
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    Making money while sick? I could use some ideas / help.

    Same boat! I am a photographer & have decided that's probably the best thing for me to stick to for now. I'm happy to answer any questions!
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    Humira Weekly?

    I'm on 80mg Humira bi-weekly and it's working well.
  12. N

    Crohn's but never had diarrhea - any others out there?

    Terminal ileum Crohn's with constipation here too. I've learned that a long morning coffee of sitting and relaxing helps my bowels move daily. My "morning constitutional", I call it. It helps reduce stress which is a huge trigger for me too! I'm on double-dose Humira too though!
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    SCD/Paleo/GAPS Support Group

    Glad to hear it!
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    SCD/Paleo/GAPS Support Group

    So sorry you stumbled today. If you feel bad tomorrow, it will serve as a reminder to get back on that wagon!
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    Low Fiber/Residue Diet Support Group

    I have no idea about the whey powder. What about powdered peanut butter?
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    Overweight with Crohn's Support Group

    I think that sounds like good news, Ann! I've been testing the waters of the AIP diet this week and doing okay with the fruits & veggies (so far). It's so hard to lose weight when you can't eat healthy foods. So hard.
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    Reading The Paleo Approach

    I'm still in the sciencey part. Who else had read it. Thoughts?
  18. N

    MRI Drink Causes D?

    Yes, it was awful. And the rebound from the glucagon was miserable.
  19. N

    Effects of alcohol on your IBD

    I'm good with beer and white wine. Red wine is iffy.
  20. N

    Trying to ease in but having symptoms.

    I've only been diagnosed since Feb. I'm trying to ease back into exercise but am having some pain after three measly piyo workouts. I'm feeling so discouraged. And confused. I'm on 80mg Humira. My doc is aiming for symptom-free so I'm trying to be careful with any symptoms. Nothing has changed...