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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. dreamintwilight


    Glad the soup turned out great!! Yay! Sheesh....they've got a whole gamut of tests lined up for you. Though, as you said, nothing really new! You've asked for many of these tests and suspected many things they're testing for. I can only say, I hope having concrete results MIGHT get it through...
  2. dreamintwilight

    If you have crohns in terminal ileum, can you get left side pain?

    My Crohn's is in the terminal iluem, but when I was admitted for an abscess in my lower right quadrant I was adamant that my pain was coming from the left side. This was before I knew I had Crohn's and the abscess. I definitely think it has to do with referred pain.
  3. dreamintwilight

    Sunburns and Crohn's

    I have always tanned very easily, even before Crohn's. I have a heat sensitivity now that I am on Imuran. I always make sure I have sunblock on if I know I'm going to be outside in the sun for a long time.
  4. dreamintwilight


    Yeah, unfortunately, I don't think these problems are going to go away anytime soon. They've been around all of my life, but something life altering is brewing... I really do appreciate the kind words and support though. I'm glad you're feeling better today, Cat. :)
  5. dreamintwilight


    This is more than just a mini vent, but I don't really want to go into detail about it. I'm going through some upsetting family problems and am really sad about it.
  6. dreamintwilight

    I am in the hospital

    Glad to hear it's just your IBS :) Hope you start feeling better soon!
  7. dreamintwilight

    I have Crohn's

    Hi Lise! Have you posted your story in the Your Story Forum? You may get a lot more responses (and welcomes!) once you post your personal story in there. How long has your son been on Imuran? It can take a couple months for it to fully work sometimes. Also, there are some people who just don't...
  8. dreamintwilight

    Astra's daughter in the hospital..

    Wow, hope it is just appendix stuff and no IBD! Hope she has a good recovery. You're such a good mama! :)
  9. dreamintwilight

    Astra's daughter in the hospital..

    Thanks for letting us know, Pen! I'll be keeping you both in my thoughts and prayers! We're here for you, Joanie. :)
  10. dreamintwilight


    Hi tcam! I was going to make the same suggestion as Jill and refer you to the Surgery sub-forum (which is located within the Treatment forum, if you are trying to find it later). There are tons of people going through surgeries or had surgeries that had the same questions you do. Don't feel bad...
  11. dreamintwilight

    Hi All...

    Hi Beeracuda! Your diagnosis story sounds almost identical to mine, except I was lucky I didn't have to go through any surgery. I would suggest having a look through the Surgery sub-forum located within the Treatment forum. There are a lot of stories on there from people who have gone through...
  12. dreamintwilight

    I am in the hospital

    So sorry to hear you're in the hospital. I was worried that it sounded an awful lot like what I went through with my obstruction. I'm glad to hear though that they're getting some necessary tests done tomorrow. Whether it's a blockage or not, sounds like there's some active inflammation going on...
  13. dreamintwilight

    This year!

    Hi Grace :) Glad to hear they were able to diagnose you right away. For some people that seems to be almost as difficult as trying to cope with the actual disease. Hopefully the 6mp will help you to feel better real soon. Hopefully your brothers will have some helpful insight and support to get...
  14. dreamintwilight

    I have Crohn's

    Hi Patty! Agreed with what Jill said. Many of the medications prescribed for Crohn's were originally designed for people with RA. The easiest way to understand WHY this is the case is because RA and Crohn's have to do with an overactive immune system. While the immune system attacks the joints...
  15. dreamintwilight

    Hi there

    Welcome to the forum, Jules! :) Sorry to hear you're back on the Pred. Hopefully the Imuran (azathioprine) works for you. Were you only on Pred before? If so, your recent flare-ups and hospitalizations may not necessarily have been due to the fact that you weren't taking your health more...
  16. dreamintwilight

    Front Door Delivery

    They might just want to make sure that you actually see your package since it is packed with temperature controls. Though they are assuming all people are more likely to use their front door than their side door. If you typically use your side door more than your front, you could probably...
  17. dreamintwilight


    I stayed away from anything that wasn't baked or steamed when I was first diagnosed. If I wanted to bread meat, I would put it on a baking rack so the fats run off and the breading gets crispy. Now that my disease is more controlled I can eat stuff that is pan-fried, but I make sure it's cooked...
  18. dreamintwilight

    MRI results....

    You do have to be careful with Sudafed. Ironically enough, it can actually dry out the sinuses too much! Glad to hear the cysts/polyps aren't anything serious. Hopefully the medications you've been prescribed will help!
  19. dreamintwilight

    Welsh-bird is having surgery again!

    I feel really bad for not knowing any of this was going on :( I'll be keeping Andrea in my prayers. Hopefully this will be the last of the surgery and setbacks and real recovery is underway! Keep fighting, Andrea! :)
  20. dreamintwilight


    Sheesh....more complications! :( I'm just catching up on this now too. Sorry to hear there is something else. I'm hoping it's not a UTI or anything else too serious. It could be as Dusty said, where there could be inflammation that is pushing things around and making things more uncomfortable...