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  1. S

    Can it go away?

    My GI said there was an older typology of Crohn's that talked about a "fibrostenotic" type of the disease that was primarily obstructive and for which surgery resulted in very long periods of remission tantamount to a cure.
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    Remicade infusion survival kit?

    I'm starting a couple of weeks and have been making a mental cheat-sheet based on a few threads here and tips from friends who have done chemo. [I've also started adding ideas from this thread.] - antihistamine (loratadine for me) - Tylenol - iPad & charger - book - snacks - baked goods to...
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    Gully, glad to hear that you're feeling well. It might not be a bad idea to get blood markers checked or even some imaging now and again to make sure there's no simmering inflammation.
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    No more hockey

    I picked up hockey as an adult and just love the game. I'm sure it's hard at his age to feel like he's getting derailed from the competitive track. Rec hockey is on the rise and I'll bet there are options in MN for no-check rec leagues. Best of luck!
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    Finished First Infusion

    Super news. Good for you!
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    Dabbling vs. all-in for diets?

    Lady O, I'm definitely down with this level of introspection and perspective and constantly remind myself about how fortunate I am to have so many options in terms of food and health care. The part that gnaws at me is that SCD and similar diets end up feeling "privileged" to me in that they...
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    Dabbling vs. all-in for diets?

    I think I'd do well to get myself to frame it as a "trial" or "cleanse" for a few weeks if I did go all-in. The tricky part for me is that it would be hard for me to gauge improvement. My primary symptoms are sporadic obstructions, with relatively (and thankfully) few day-to-day symptoms...
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    Intestinal Blockage / Obstruction Support Group

    Got my date for the first infusion: 10/17. Still feeling relieved. Thanks for the support everyone.
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    Intestinal Blockage / Obstruction Support Group

    I got my insurance authorization in the mail today, so looks like I am indeed joining "the club." It was a good sign to me that I felt relief at seeing the letter. (I'd previously been pretty apprehensive about starting a med with such potentially serious side-effects.) Once I get a date...
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    Diagnosed today

    Lizzie, especially early on, I also heard that message at times that it was all psychosomatic or in my head and that if I was just able to manage stress better, I'd probably be all better. It felt pretty demeaning to imply that my symptoms were something that I was causing to myself because of...
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    Undiagnosed advice

    I'm not sure, but if there's no inflammation shown in the colonoscopy but he's still having symptoms, that might rule out UC. I do think it's entirely reasonable to ask your GI to explain his/her logic to you about the diagnostics. A good GI should be able to explain why the test is being...
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    Colonoscopy this morning...results.

    Hang in there. You seem in the right track for getting answers. I remember at that stage having such a mix of anxiety combined with anticipated relief at finally getting an answer for my mysterious symptoms that I'd had for 7 years. Best of luck to you and your son.
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    Frozen fruit smooshies

    I'm completely obsessed with putting frozen fruit through our masticating juicer. It kicks out such yummy frozen dessert that my kids actually beg for it as a special treat. It has become our favorite dessert. Our freezer is loaded with bags of precut fruit (cut to the size of the opening of...
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    Dabbling vs. all-in for diets?

    So I've had numerous people telling me to try various diet options including SCD and paleo, but am just not sure I have the dedication to really stick with it. Are there benefits to making some changes along these lines without committing to the whole system? It seems like absolute adherence...
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    College and crohns--success?

    It's great to hear when things are working out well for someone. Best of luck to him.
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    LC - have yet to control

    David, it's remarkable that you consider yourself cured and are still on here making such an active contribution. I'm really impressed and thanks!
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    Diagnosed today

    I can relate both to the grieving and to the need at times to just want to handle it on my own. It seems tough at times for family or friends to know what to say. To some extent I kind of want to protect them from all my teeth-gnashing about coming to terms with the diagnosis. Part of it is to...
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    Does anyone know of specific studies on acupuncture effectiveness? I'd be curious to take a look into this.
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    I've had seasonal allergies since I was a teen that often results in stuffiness and congestion. It's been really awful for 10 days. Usually, loratadine works well, but sometimes I think that once I have the allergies for a few days, they "settle in" as a sinus infection or something. I did...
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    Seasonal allergies worse since starting remicade

    I was kind of hoping that it would help seasonal allergies, which have indeed been worse than usual this year. I hadn't heard about the sinus issues. Ick.