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Sep 26, 2014
My son has been having watery diahera and abdominal pain after antibiotics basically gi done tests and now thinks ibs just a question to you guys I wasn't sure about does a colons copy rule out uc? I have had a few different answers just wondering the gi said it excludes uc. the gi has been explaining ibs is very common after antibiotic also do any of you guys get ibs with your ibd thanks Heather
Just a few thing's Ben has had stool test to rule out thing's also celiac, food intolerance has been excluded
I don't know about the colonoscopy ruling out UC. I've been diagnosed with UC for years and have had around 5 or 6 of these tests. I do know that I was on antibiotics last year though and they messed my stomach up too. But, if your son is having constant diarrhea and abdominal pain I'd make sure to contact the doctor, especially if it's been going on for a few days. Hope you can get some answers soon. Xxxx
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I believe a colonoscopy would detect most cases of UC, if biopsies are taken. It would not necessarily detect Crohn's, as Crohn's can occur in other areas of the digestive system where a colonoscopy doesn't reach.

It is common for antibiotics to upset the digestive system. How long ago did your son finish taking them? Often the diarrhoea and other side effects of antibiotics will go away quite soon after the course is finished.
I'm not sure, but if there's no inflammation shown in the colonoscopy but he's still having symptoms, that might rule out UC.

I do think it's entirely reasonable to ask your GI to explain his/her logic to you about the diagnostics. A good GI should be able to explain why the test is being ordered and what different results might mean for diagnosis or what further testing might be done.

Bets of luck.
Check out saccharomyces boulardii on Wikipedia:
Florastor is available in some drug stores and I use Jarrow brand s. boulardii every day (from Amazon). And it wouldn't be a bad idea to take some of the more typical probiotics (acidophilus, etc). I assume that the Dr ruled out C diff, which would require immediate treatment.

I knew someone who couldn't eat wheat, oats or dairy (and other stuff) for a month or two after a round of antibiotics...I guess you kill off some of the bacteria that you need and you'll end up with IBS symptoms (hopefully temporary).
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How long has the diarrhea been a problem?
Has he had a sed rate or CRP?
Have they checked for anemia? A stool for c-diff, ova & parasites, leukocytes, culture?
A stool for calprotectin could be useful but your insurance might not pay for it.

Unless there was dramatic weight loss or signs of bleeding, I would not jump right to a colonoscopy. If the inflammatory markers are high or calprotectin is high, I would consider scoping sooner rather than later. IF that is done, insist on both upper and lower scopes. That is considered routine for Crohn's work up.

My son's symptoms started after antibiotics. Pediatrician thought it was due to the recent us. My son has Crohn's. It would have been missed without the work up.
Mom of 2 how w as your son diagnosed? Ben had all stool test everything is negative I might ask to have a colons copy redone
Also dihera for 3 months his had all the stool culture all negative and ruled out just abdominal pain and dihera now
If he's had diarrhea for this long he should be pretty low on fluids and more than likely is dehydrated on top of everything else. Are you making sure to replace what he's losing? He may need something with electrolytes in order to help him right now. I'm wondering if maybe some of the abdominal pain could be from the constant diarrhea...
OK thanks cross stitch c dif and all parasites are negative gi has ruled that out I'm going to ask for another colons copy if that's if that's negative than the gi will diagnose ibs and from the colons copy that at least rules out uc
I can totally understand the desire to get your son diagnosed. But, I think it maybe a little more important to get him hydrated at the moment. The preps for those tests really take a lot out of you and even more so if you're that sick. I've done it before myself.

However, I know you know your little guy better than I do. Good luck with that colonoscopy and please know that we're all here for you. :hug:
First time I took my daughter to her pediatrician with symptoms, she was tested for parasites. Came back negative, put on antibiotics. She was 9 yrs old. Her symptons of D and pain came and went but she kept it quiet. At 11 she had a very odd thing happen to her when she was bowling, had loss of peripheal vision and mild disorientation. Rushed to hospital. I thought she had stroke but after numerous tests, ruled out. Bloodwork showed high ANA levels. Sent to Rheum who tested her for Lupus. Tests inconclusive. He wanted to put her on meds any way. Her dad and I said No. She continued thru her senior yr with bouts of D and pain but again, dealt with it. No doctor even thought of GI tract. Senior yr she ended up with horrible anemia and blood transfusion. Hemotologist suggested she see a GI. Took her to three diff ones. None wanted to do coloniscopy bc they said it was too invasive

She was tested for Celiac...negative. She was given Nexium...didnt work. I finally started my own research and went back to hematologist and seeing her anemia continued, he referred me to a top pediatric GI.

It took her five minutes to diagnose her with Crohns. Besides symptoms, she had an anal tag which she said was a def indication of Crohns. Scheduled colonoscopy at 18 and diadnosis confirmed.

Funny thing is that when I took her to pediatrian at 8 yrs old with the D and pain, I told him about the anal tag which she had discovered and mentioned to me. At that time, he looked at it and said not to worry. That a lot of women have that! Duh...I asked myself.

Anyway, some drs dont want to jump into colonoscopy bf they exhaust all other possibilities. After ten years of bouncing around doctors, my daughter was ready for whatever it took to find out what was making her so miserable. She found out at 18 and has been in pretty much the same adventure as most here....few good days and lots of yucky days. But at least she knew she wasnt crazy or had acid reflux like one GI tried to convince her she had!